Sentences with phrase «most awful places»

@Jay Hinrichs there are still TK providers selling in the most awful places of Memphis.
As an Indian having grown up and continuing to live in India, I would love to know your entire story and why you think it is the most wonderful and most awful place.

Not exact matches

(That may be because most offices are awful places to work.)
Jurich's first reason to skip car ownership is perhaps the simplest — commuting by car is objectively awful (really, study after study ranks it as one of life's most misery - inducing activities), so given that she lives in a place that provides alternatives, it simply makes sense to take them.
I had a tough time finding decent vegetarian food in Europe and I got sick with the most awful food poisoning in Amsterdam of all places but I think it's all part and parcel of travelling to countries that aren't your own.
What is most disappointing though is we have one good result this year against Milan and its as if the rest of a god awful season hadn't even taken place... My fear is that he will be given yet another contract...
Perhaps you could be full up your gallery with other multiple business, curious places, adventures pictures, etc... The more nodded that you can show through out your pictures, the most awful thing is that you are going to attract the people towards you and what is good that your attention are coming as what you wanted furthers.
Most of this 110 - minute - long trifle takes place in the runup to, and aftermath of, that triumphantly awful Carnegie Hall show.
Behind the friendly smiles and respectful bows, I can sense the unique tension that comes from placing an awful lot of trust — and perhaps the most significant slice of Nissan racing heritage — in the hands of a foreign scribbler they've never met.
David Attenborough has said that Bali is the most beautiful place in the world, but he must have been there longer than we were, and seen different bits, because most of what we saw in the couple of days we were there sorting out our travel arrangements was awful.
Unless you picked an awful place to visit, most strangers are jumping over themselves to help a young lady out.
There's an awful lot of talk about internalizing externalities as a path to fitting humans» infinite aspirations on a finite planet, but this seems quite hard to carry out in places where this would matter most.
Also Siberia is one of the worst places to look at homogeneity, as the stations aren't that close together (as they are in Fennoscandia and most of Canada) and also the temperature varies an awful lot from year to year.
We created Varsity Driving Academy to be a place not only for students to learn safe defensive driving techniques (we are all aware of the awful statistics that the # 1 killer of teenagers is driving - related accidents, and that teens are by far the most dangerous demographic behind the wheel), but ALSO a safe learning environment, with professional, trustworthy instructors.
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