Sentences with phrase «most basic move»

Aside from the most basic move list functionality, there's virtually no guidance.
After seeing all the most basic moves in action, players are taught how to incorporate them into combat.
Vince's most basic moves include running, jumping, punching, and a spin attack.

Not exact matches

A basic repertoire of moves developed over the years, like the «tic - tac», the «kong vault» and the «gap jump» that make Parkour immediately recognizable to most people who see it, even if they don't know what it's called!
Most if not all will allow you to look at basic stock charts without any subscription or with a free registration, and you should take advantage of this to go and get a feel of how prices move.
(iii) the weakness of human nature (and a basic lesson in politics) as the religious right moves to shut the experiments down; and, most importantly
At its most basic, a portable crib is a place for the baby to sleep or move around in a safe spot with the flexibility to pack it up and quickly relocate the crib in a second location.
When the Sri Lankan government rounded up hundreds of thousands of people in 2009 and moved them to detention camps, Oxfam elected to provide only the most basic humanitarian services so as not to signal tacit support for any level of permanence.
While Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are the most prominent choices for politicians when it comes to social media, there are some who are moving beyond the basics and experimenting with networks like LinkedIn, Flickr and even Foursquare.
That cover story creates pressure to keep things moving quickly during the recruits» training in Syria, and most get a bare minimum — just a few days of basic weapons practice, in some instances.
You can either assert that the basic tenets of the Left still enjoy widespread popularity, and that a party committed to them could still win power — or you can conclude most of the votes Labour needs to regain power are in the centre, so the party should move in that direction.
The recovery has moved slowly since Maria struck the US territory on September 20, leaving most of the island without basic services such as power and running water, according to residents, relief workers and local elected officials.
Yet we are dismayed by his disregard for the most basic scientific findings regarding the human embryo, namely, that from the single - cell stage of development onward, the human embryo is a distinct, determinate, self - directing, integrated, human organism — a living member of the human species who, if given a suitable environment, will move along the seamless trajectory of biological development toward maturity.
Eigler reserved his place in the history of science in 1989 when he became the first person ever to pick up an individual atom and move it precisely to another location, and then went on to make a series of breakthroughs that have helped us to understand some of the most basic units of matter.
Her work also moves us closer to a future where all humankind's most basics needs are not just met but abundantly supplied.
Many of us are unable to care for our most basic daily needs... It would be soooo helpful if you could offer helpful methods of keeping the body moving and stretching in a bedfast position...
Whether you're a first - timer or pro, these tips will help you master basic barre moves so you can get the most out of your next workout.
What's even cooler, the deadlift is one of the most basic «real life» human movements, and whenever you're moving a piece of furniture or simply picking your child off the floor — you are deadlifting.
When it comes to lifting as well as basic movement, most humans simply reinforce their pre-existing level of movement and unless you're a genetic specimen you most likely move incorrectly to some degree or another.
Most of the beginners, mainly those who has some extra pounds, may find it hard to use at first since the rolling out and in moves need some basic strength.
MUFA = monounsaturated fatty acids IGN = intestinal gluconeogenesis (the full name is included when mentioned for the first time in this post, then abbreviated) BL = blood glucose Please, have a look at this post - it includes all the basic information and links to the most important posts and tools: How To Keto I think the issue is that most people don't want to move their goals - they aim to lose more weight.
Ask most fitness experts to break down the basics of a push - up and they'll tell you it's a moving plank.
You'll start with the basics and move on to more advanced material; most student reviews mention how helpful it is learning all of the shortcuts Photoshop offers, which end up being huge time savers.
UIElement is a base class for most of the Windows Runtime UI objects that have visual appearance and can process basic input as part of your app's user Arrange Game Order all the numbers in the shortest time possible with the minimum number of moves...
organizations of That's a somewhat basic, difficult lifestyle that most Filipinas would rather move away from if they can, given the chance.
Whether the relationship is between two teenagers going steady for the first time, a 20 - something couple thinking about moving in together, or an older couple deciding to pick up the pieces after a failed relationship, a bit of effort on the part of both partners is one of the most basic requirements.
The film does temporarily fall into the trap of playing out like a video game considering the task of moving from one Horcrux to another: Items that are nothing more than MacGuffins at their most basic level (see: «Sucker Punch «-RRB-.
The game is fairly accessible for everyone, with success made possible in the most basic of areas that naturally lead to fun like shooting (a simple shot meter with feedback), dribble moves (utilizing the right stick with shoulder button modifiers), dazzling passes and alley - oops (based on face buttons and shoulder modifiers) and even play - calling (basic court diagrams and symbols that make running them seem possible).
However, Tuckses are vulnerable to absolutely any attack techniques, as they are the most basic grunts out of all Snowmad warriors: a stomp on their broad hunches, a roll move under their feet, or a projectile tossed at them can crush or vanquish them.
With all of the imagination and willingness to move beyond the established conventions of Survival Horror, why did the creators choose to go with the most basic, tired, and predictable plot possible?
I found it a very compelling and moving story about something very basic, which is a guy who actually rises above everything and maintains his equilibrium and his higher self during an experience that reduces most men to the level of animals.»
Television, technology, and the proliferation of day care and preschool have moved us well beyond the days when most kindergarteners needed to be taught primary colors or basic cooperation.
For the first time, we're taking the most basic structural moving parts within higher ed and redefining or opening up the system.
The way this strategy works is simple — you use Bloom's Taxonomy to develop questions starting with the most basic level, then moving towards the more advanced levels.
More than 40 downstate superintendents have asked Koch to delay PARCC testing, saying «the testing initiative has moved too fast, is ill - planned, does not support the basic tenets of quality formative assessment such as validity and reliability, is consuming vast and valuable resources (both human and monetary) at the district level, and, most importantly, will not truly benefit our students.»
Both Common Core and Singapore - style math emphasize a deep study of the most basic elements of math in an effort to help students build a solid foundation before moving on to more advanced math.
In most cases, it will be a basic checking account, but sometimes, they may move your funds into a more expensive checking account.
Once we step into adulthood, we are forced to think about moving our bodies, performing basic maintenance, and practicing that most dreaded of virtues: moderation.
At the most basic level, the remedy is to soften the stool or move it along with some sort of laxative, and increase your cat's water consumption.
«Commercial dog breeding increases the likelihood that the dogs will be denied their most basic needs including but not limited to: Sanitary living conditions, proper and timely medical care, the ability to move freely at least once per day, and adequate shelter from the elements
Most students start at Basic Manners after attending an Orientation, and will be «graduated» to the next level when the instructor determines the dog and handler have mastered the skills needed to move on.
From function to fantasy, fountains have evolved from sources of drinking water to works of art that manipulate the most basic of life forces — water and gravity — to emotionally moving results.
You can also move around as you wish, and most RVs have the basic commodities of a typical household kitchen.
Most players can get by with just those basic moves, but more self - motivated players will level up and learn to work in batarangs and special moves to really build up their combos.
You'll start to find other things that bug you, too, such as how a colossal space station has a single alien who never moves and can only be interacted with on the most basic of levels.
Essentially, all the basic parts are there: characters can move within a certain range and take cover behind a number of mostly - destructible objects (the most common example being Mario Brick Blocks).
Most gear you collect will buff at least one of your four base stats: Strength and Ability determine the offensive power of basic attacks and special moves, while Defense and Health dictate how much damage your superhero can absorb.
Once again, Mario's basic moves are: moving left and right, jumping (Mario beats most of his enemies by stomping on them and / or their heads, just like in the original game), shooting fireballs (that are acquired after Mario gets the Fire Flower power - up) and running.
For instance, Xiba carries most of Kilik's move assortment, Natsu is your basic Taki and Leixia is much like Xianghua.
Starting with basic movements and moving on to mission editing, this week we're given a look at the squad commands and how to use them most effectively.
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