Sentences with phrase «most beautiful litters»

She is the mother of one of the most beautiful litters we have had.

Not exact matches

«Future generations will look back on this decision as a piece of supremely enlightened policymaking, and one that raises the prospect of the world's most beautiful country becoming free from drinks container litter at last,» he said.
The coastline was barely recognizable; what had been one of the most beautiful and regular harbors in Asia now was an obstacle course, littered with masses of black pumice stone, tree trunks burnt and splintered as if by lightning, and the prows of previously sunken ships which the ocean had thrown onto land.
Advantages of buying from a friend or neighbor also include low price — after all, Mrs. Jones is not paying high stud fees or advertising her breeding program or campaigning her dogs on the show circuit, she is breeding an occasional litter for pocket money or because her Taffy is the sweetest, most loving, most beautiful dog in the world.
Girolata (named after a creek in Corsica, but after the picture was painted), one of the most beautiful of Joan Mitchell's recent paintings, is a large triptych which does look very much like a fairly literal impression of the face of a cliff pocked with crevices and littered here and there with vines and messy vegetation.
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