Sentences with phrase «most booksellers»

Staff Publications These books are all available through The Counseling Center, at most booksellers over the Internet, and at local book stores as well.
These books are all available through The Counseling Center, at most booksellers over the Internet, and at local book stores as well.
Publishers have agreement with most booksellers to have their front - list titles near the front and pay for the privilege.
Most booksellers use some kind of database program and books are entered by their ISBNrather than their title.
Most booksellers see Amazon as the enemy and won't order CreateSpace - only titles, but they'll happily deal with books you published through IngramSpark.
Thrillers and Suspense have different novelistic conventions than other mystery novels, but most booksellers shelve them in or near the Mystery area.
The latter will reportedly allow even small independent booksellers to get into the ebook retailing space with a large catalogue of ebooks, something that is today beyond the technical and logistics capabilities of most booksellers.
Most booksellers order their titles through Edelweiss — an online catalogue that doesn't list self - published books.
At this time CreateSpace does not accept returns, which most booksellers require.
Most Booksellers make display of just a high school diploma in their resumes, while academic booksellers may be required a degree in a relevant field.
Most booksellers require that books display a barcode, so it can be scanned at the point of sale and all related information about the title is captured.
Most booksellers will honor this and will not attempt to resell a review copy.
Most booksellers are at the mercy of Amazon who tries to get the lowest price possible on digital editions, so they can out price most other online stores.
Most booksellers will not sell your book without it.)
Remember: Most booksellers are allergic to profits.
Although independents make only pennies in commissions on ereaders and shared profits on e-books, most booksellers are satisfied.
Stocking an independent title means taking on a degree of risk that most booksellers aren't willing to accept, so these unfavorable terms have long been a barrier to getting indie books on shelves.
Most booksellers I speak to are keen, or anxious, to get into the ebook market.
Hi Tinthia: I'll jump in here since I know the industry and can clarify that Kirkus is not primarily a paid review company (or: that is not the work that most booksellers / librarians know it for and pay attention to).
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