Sentences with phrase «most central ideas»

One of the most central ideas in my work is that you can find ways to actualize potential capacities and take responsibility to improve your situation.

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It goes back to that central idea of letting other people do most of the talking.
This is central thinking behind an entrepreneurial idea: Idols are the status quo, or the areas most of the market believes can't be changed.
Even the idea of not only SNB but any central bank considering an exit strategy for equity portfolios is the most unrealistic thing in current market environment.
So varied are the New Testament's conceptions of one of the most central and influential ideas of early Christianity.
There are two ideas I have been mulling over the last couple years which are central to understanding the heart of God, and which most Christians do not seem to understand.
his first idea is a doorway into a second and much more central theme: that human beings typically learn much or most of what they know from the testimony of others.
Today, however, the central model for understanding the idea of revelation has shifted to a more «personal» one, at least in most important theological reflection.
In the Gospel of John we have the most forthright and vivid use of the term, for its author, who was probably a Gentile Christian familiar with the Greek idea of the Logos, (The word Logos which holds a central place in Stoic philosophy, can be translated Word but this does not do justice to its full meaning.
That is, instead of taking up the question of the autonomy of consciousness in its most general sense, I will attempt to focus the debate on a central concept of self - awareness which is capable of corresponding to one of the major traits of the idea of revelation brought to light by our analysis of biblical discourse.
The most important implication of these facts for mission boards is that they need «to make the ideas of wholeness, interdependence, mutuality, more central
Puritanism was one of the most effective forces in colonial America in «mobilizing the general mood» and effectively organizing both ideas and actions in opposition to Crown and Parliament.21 Puritanism had consistently pointed to, preached, and attempted to live out the central values and beliefs that gave coherence and meaning to Puritan society.
The program for the 21st Annual Central Coast Insights Wine Event produced by the Wine Industry Symposium Group will feature a distinctive line - up of Central Coast Wine Business Leaders who will share information and ideas, as well as discuss some of the most critical topics and hot issues currently faced by the wine industry, on Thursday, March 12, 2015 in Paso Robles, California at the Paso Robles Inn.
How come the most of Arsenal supporters can see the obvious frailties in weegors choice of central defender but the man who is being paid 8 mill has no idea and his weegorites are still followers of his every word.
It's a new idea where plate shortening initially squeezed and folded a mountain belt, triggering the thickening and dripping of the deep lithosphere, and then increasing the elevation of most of central Turkey.
Popko says myelin - making cells are damaged regularly in healthy individuals and in those with MS. «Our idea is that these hits to the central nervous system in most people do not have long - term detrimental effects,» he says.
Even if the level of other characters» own development decreases as they move down the food chain of plot importance (Some speak of their lack of feelings of worth and act upon them, others give themselves neat nicknames and show off their abilities, and one seemingly appears only as fodder for the villain (After the pronouncement that said character is dead, we half expect the follow - up to be «And we have killed him»)-RRB-, there is at least this conflict of ideas between its central characters playing out as though it, instead of nifty superhuman talents, is what matters the most.
despite the seismic changes in critical fashion during the past half century, auteurism — at its most basic, the idea that there is an author to a film — has been central to the historical development of both popular film and serious film criticism and theory... aspects of auteurism have overlapped with virtually every subsequent critical theory and paradigm.
Narrative cohesion is sacrificed on the altar of every outlandish idea writer / director Don Coscarelli can fling, and by the time it's over the central story (let along the off - the - wall tangents) has been such a barrage of nonsense (literally) you'll struggle to remember most of it.
That's the central idea behind Snowpiercer, the new film from South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon - ho and a strong contender for the most exciting, visually striking and smartest action movie of the season.
Things for the most part connect up by the end, but Verbinski and screenwriter Justin Haythe get themselves into trouble more than once, presenting ideas and concepts that poke at the central mystery but never pay off the way they should.
«Most of the central office staff who interacted with schools had no idea how to do their jobs differently in a new era of school accountability,» one former central office staff member said.
So, none of my concerns should be taken as pooh - poohing the central idea (though, as I said yesterday, it's not clear to me why colleges or universities ought to necessarily be invited to the clinical residency dance — as most bring little more than hefty cost structures, hard - to - change routines, and faculty of dubious clinical expertise).
From Ravitch: «The movie asserts a central thesis in today's school reform discussion: the idea that teachers are the most important factor determining student achievement.
Through its most recent iteration, the organization identified engaging schools as the central organizing idea behind its work today — and thus in 2014 Educators for Social Responsibility became Engaging Schools.
For the most powerful aspect of this book is the central idea of the book.
Title: The Goblins of Bellwater Author: Molly Ringle Publisher: Central Avenue Publishing Cover Artist: Michelle Halket, Sinna Nyan, Anna Ivanova Release Date: October 1, 2017 Romance Genre (s): New Adult, Paranormal Words: 81,000 View on Goodreads About the Book Most people have no idea goblins live in the woods around the small town of Bellwater, Washington.
By telling a summarized version of your story ten different ways, you get new ideas about your book's core essentials, who the main important characters are, which ideas are most central, and how to structure your book in the most interesting way possible.
For average non-acrophobes, it probably wouldn't have meant much, but for those of us with a healthy fear of impending death (including a related fear of snakes, spiders and Abba), the idea the narrow metal staircase leading me to the apex of Sigiriya, the 6 - story - high chunk of rock sitting in the central plains of Sri Lanka, was being held in place by a series of small foundations cemented into the sheer granite rock face wasn't the most comforting.
Both games feature a «Commander» unit, a giant mecha, which uses atomic - level manufacturing to build an entire economy on far - off planets literally from the ground up, which is an interesting inversion on how mecha usually are used in games: the «Commander» is more or less the player character, and while their large mecha is by no means weak, it's a central unit because of its production capabilities, and not because of its arsenal, which as a mecha fan I always thought was a nice way to work the idea of a «hero mecha» into an RTS, because you can relate to the Commander mecha's role as, well, a Commander on the battlefield rather than as simply a powerful named «hero» unit as exist in most other RTSes.
The central, and perhaps most important part of the idea, was the website, something I called «», which would focus on basically reporting on games industry press — basically watching the watchmen.
Central to this idea is the model, from its most literal to its most abstract manifestation.
Ideas regarding infinity and repetition are also central to his work and he is perhaps most famous for his igloo constructions and his fascination with the Fibonacci sequence (the mathematical formula for growth patterns found in many forms of life).
The three central sections, which focus on artists trying to expand landscape from literal transcription to idea, contains the most interesting works.
These drawings are central to any understanding of his art, containing as they do the germinative ideas for most of his paintings and sculpture.
Publicly, most automakers are ducking the issue and emphasizing potential pitfalls of building hybrid cars with plugs, but pressure is mounting behind the scenes to give the idea some life... «Such development should have the highest research and development priority because it promises to revolutionize transportation economics and to have a dramatic effect on the problems caused by oil dependence,» write George Shultz, former U.S. secretary of state, and James Woolsey, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, in a June position paper on oil and U.S. national security... They argue that battery development for plug - in hybrids «should for the time being replace the current research and development emphasis on automotive hydrogen fuel cells.»
Time not (yet) right for state digital currency While the BIS, the central banks for central banks, recently said that policymakers will likely have to consider whether it makes sense for them to issue their own digital currency at some point, most central banks, including the Fed, the ECB, and the central bank of Australia are not overtly enthusiastic about the idea of creating a central bank issued state cryptocurrency taking a wait - and - see attitude.
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