Sentences with phrase «most coastal»

Like most coastal cities, weather - related threats are serious, so make sure your business has the best commercial property insurance.
Even if they are wrong, existing reactors were built (along with most coastal developments) during a period of historically low hurricane activity and a return to baseline seems likely.
The study noted, for instance, that most coastal locations were prone to experience a worse sea - level rise outcome than the global average.
While most coastal rooms are all about flooding the space with light, sometimes you need a great escape from the great outdoors.
Most coastal states partner with federal or state governments to insure for wind and flood damage.
Increasing sea level is not predicted to be of great consequence to most coastal species, as they can simply move higher up on the shore.
By July, summer fog predominates in most coastal areas of the park.
That portentous section above — which in many ways is the only part of the paper that is news given how it centers on the «likely» inundation of most coastal cities in this century without aggressive emissions cuts — is not in the version the journal has posted.
The results show that human - caused sea level rise is not just a future problem, it is driving most coastal flooding in the U.S. today.
These results show that human - caused sea level rise is not just a future problem, it is driving most coastal flooding in the U.S. today.
Most coastal Texas renters insurance quotes will exclude coverage for windstorms.
Additionally, while sea level rises thus far have been small enough not to force global mass migrations, additional increases over this century will go well beyond the threshold for most coastal cities and population centers.
As with most coastal towns in Great Britain, Llandudno also has a great pier which you can visit as well as plenty of restaurants.
«While most coastal communities and cities have weather - related disaster response plans, many older, existing structures within these communities are not as durable, or as resilient as they could and should be,» Reinhold wrote in an email.
But like most coastal cities in Mozambique, Pemba suffers from a lack of infrastructure — making natural disasters much more destructive.
Aside from the packages presented in this page, most coastal destinations in the Philippines can offer good diving.
Today, 97 % of this has been impaired or altered and most coastal redwoods now grow on protected second and third growth forests or managed timber plantations.
There are a variety of ATV tours available in Costa Rica covering most coastal areas including Playa Jaco, Playa Manuel Antonio, Playa Tamarindo and Playa Dominical.
This religious festival takes place throughout most coastal towns and villages with many water - based activities, including huge water - fights, marine processions and firework displays held on boats out at sea.
Note that ocean water has a lower albedo than most coastal terrains — rising sea levels mean more absorption.
Unlike most coastal areas of the former United States, the population of the archipelago has dramatically increased despite the 200 foot rise in sea level over the past 60 years.
The oft - cited potential coastal hazard is in fact pretty illusory, since most coastal waters are iron - replete, and adding further iron therefore produces no new plankton growth at all.
At most coastal regions and islands I've visited around SE Asia, I've found that local boats are invariably identical, save for the boat name or some other mark to distinguish one from another.
At most coastal regions and islands I've visited around SE Asia, I've...
Most coastal Texas renters insurance quotes will exclude coverage for windstorms.
Most coastal communities — including much of the Bay Area and Southern California — are cheaper to rent, while inland areas, such as much of the Central Valley, are still better to own.
Inland areas with low rainfall and more open vegetation had higher cat densities than most coastal, wetter areas, but only after extensive rain.
you have the most coastal wardrobe - love all the shells!

Phrases with «most coastal»

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