Sentences with phrase «most deadly disease»

As we know the oxidation reactions may cause damage to our body cells, therefore, reducing them can help us fight against the most deadly disease - Cancer.
Even though cancer is becoming the most deadly disease, heart disease at the moment is still the number one cause of death around the world.
Influenza has a long history of being one of the most deadly diseases to afflict humanity, but what exactly makes it so dangerous?
But scientific and economic obstacles have stymied the development of effective vaccines against many of the developing world's most deadly diseases, such as malaria and HIV as well as pneumococcus, the leading vaccine - preventable killer of children under the age of five.
One of the world's most deadly diseases, tuberculosis — primarily a lung disease — infects more than 8 million people and is responsible for 1.5 million deaths each year.
Malaria is perhaps one of the most deadly diseases in human history.
Thinking back to the energy qualities of the color red that we talked about — it only makes sense that this plant - based magical pigment is correlated with reducing two of the most deadly diseases through fiercely stimulating, driving out, and breaking down the potential harm.
Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases and if not treated at right time through right technology and therapy, it can be extremely fatal.
Chlorella is a microscopic single - cell freshwater algae which has been found in numerous studies to be an amazing health promoting superfood used to treat some of the most deadly diseases, such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and AIDS.
People just don't get that some of the most deadly diseases are the ones that can be shared just by walking around.
Heartworms or Dirofilaria immitis, are worm - like parasites that can reach up to a foot in length if left untreated and is one of the most deadly diseases that pets face and it is almost 100 % preventable.
Chagas disease is considered one of the most deadly diseases in the United States today.
Cancer is fast emerging as one of the most deadly diseases across the globe and in India as well.

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«Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.»
Though it is preventable and curable, TB still kills 1.5 million people per year — 300,000 more than are lost to AIDS annually — and rates as the world's most deadly infectious disease.
To completely eradicate the deadly disease — which most recently swept through parts of Africa last year, devastating communities and killing thousands of people — anyone who may have come in contact with an infected person would get vaccinated.
They have — most of them — hot running water, central heating, electric lighting, immunizations against deadly disease, public schooling, access to parks and beautiful libraries, etc. etc, wonderful benefits that, for most of human history, were either reserved for the few ruling elite or didn't exist!
The most devastating of the known amphibian diseases is chytridiomycosis, which is caused by a deadly chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, or Bd).
However, the BCG vaccine was developed 86 years ago, and TB, with increasing drug resistance, now kills more than 1.5 million people each year, second only to HIV / AIDS as the world's most deadly infectious disease.
A single introduction of the Ebola virus led to most cases of the deadly disease in Liberia, a new genetic study suggests.
Elegant, dainty, and deadly, it is the most common of all blood - sucking arthropods and the most important insect carrier of human disease, transmitting not only malaria but also yellow fever, dengue, West Nile virus, encephalitis, and the tiny worms that cause elephantiasis.
Researchers have discovered a landmark clue to what causes the nerve cell loss in a group of seven deadly neurological conditions, the most common of which are Huntington's disease and Machado - Joseph disease (MJD).
The most common and deadliest form of pancreatic cancer — pancreatic adenocarcinoma — has a five - year survival rate of 12 to 14 percent for early - stage disease and 1 to 3 percent for advanced disease, according to the American Cancer Society.
The new study analyzed heart disease risk factors among more than 3,900 patients who were treated for ST - elevation myocardial infarction, or STEMI — the most severe and deadly type of heart attack — at Cleveland Clinic between 1995 and 2014.
The high mortality rate of the disease, estimated at around 60 % in the most recent outbreak, made it one of the most deadly infectious diseases in the world.
The stories of Father Carlos and Dr. N'goy, the District Medical Officer who had first identified the epidemic, the reports at the Bumba hospital, the evident fear of the pilots and the townspeople of Bumba and their desperate attempts to flee the town... the apparent virulence of this disease, the high mortality — put together with the poverty and poor organization that characterized Zaire and the potential for contagion in Kinshasa — added up to a picture that Joel Breman, a CDC senior epidemiologist, summarized as «potentially the most deadly epidemic of the century.»
Cancer of the pancreas (scientifically known as pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma or PaCa) is one of the most deadly forms of the disease in humans.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), prostate cancer is the second most deadly cancer among men.
Frequent exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays for individuals under the age of 35 increases the risk of developing melanoma — the most aggressive and deadliest form of skin cancer — by 75 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While Ebola virus disease (EVD) is notorious for being one of the world's most deadly infections, it actually has a wide range of outcomes, where asymptomatic presentation may be as common as fatality.
The fifth - leading cause of cancer death in the United States and the most deadly of gynecological cancers, it killed more than 14,000 American women in 2014, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
One or two copies usually results in type 1 SMA, the most common and deadly form of the disease.
Plasmodium falciparum is the aetiological agent of the most deadly form of malaria, an infectious tropical disease that accounts for up to one million deaths annually [1, 2].
Our body possesses an amazing ability to self prevent and help cure most deadly chronic diseases: Cancer, diabetes, Candida infection, arthritis, obesity overweight, acid reflux, premature aging, osteoporosis, for instance.
Saturated fat from animal origin is most definitely linked to heart disease and meat is also the only natural source of deadly trans - fat.
While heart disease can be deadly, it's also preventable in most people.
However, I find it baffling how a 24 year old «blogger» with no qualifications or credentials in the aforementioned disciplines of study, has the audacity to write an article attempting to refute the claims and findings of a man with 40 + years experience in scientific research, a who was involved in the discovery of dioxin, recognized as one of the most deadly toxins ever found, a man who has written hundreds of scientific papers, a recipient of numerous awards for his work as a biochemist and a man who directed the most comprehensive study of diet, lifestyle and disease on humans, ever.
It turns out that a Vegan Diet is one of the most effective ways to reduce inflammation and the risk of developing these deadly chronic diseases.
We are not there yet, but we are all hoping that diet, particularly a ketogenic diet, can provide a nontoxic way to treat one of the most feared and deadliest diseases of our time.
After undergoing countless treatments of chemotherapy and radiation most breathe a sigh of relief that they have finally beaten this deadly disease.
Based on my research the most deadly effect of genital herpes often talked about by the people that suffer from the disease is not actually what it does to the body but its effect on self - esteem and dating life.
He also notes that most «epidemic movies have sidestepped the problem by focusing on the aftermath of a deadly plague» or inventing «a disease with outlandish symptoms.»
Why you should read it: A story about a girl who falls in love despite living in a community that treats love like the most deadly of diseases.
Trauma surgeon Grace Samuels is deployed to Afghanistan, helping soldiers overcome disease and combat injuries... But a deadly outbreak of anthrax is killing the people she cares most about Deadly Strain (Biological Response Team) by Julideadly outbreak of anthrax is killing the people she cares most about Deadly Strain (Biological Response Team) by JuliDeadly Strain (Biological Response Team) by Julie Rowe
In fact, celebrities and governments have done most of the heavy lifting when it comes to raising money to stop the spread of this deadly disease.
But is your pet protected from one of the most common — and deadlydiseases?
Vaccines are the best defense we have against some of the most serious, and sometimes deadly, contagious diseases that are of concern to animal shelters.
Lyme Disease is the most common tick related illness in dogs, and can be deadly.
Bonding with your dog can go a long way towards avoiding or lessening the effects of the most deadly chronic diseases in the US — namely, cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, and related conditions such as diabetes.
And heartworm disease is one of the most deadly threats your dog can face.
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