Sentences with phrase «most debtors do»

While most debtors don't have multi-million dollar estates, they still want to protect what they have.
Most debtors do not qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, however, because they do not have enough qualifying assets to cover their bills.

Not exact matches

Strike Debt doesn't buy individual debtor's debts, but instead buys bundles of anonymous debt from banks through what it says are friends on the debt broker side (apparently, the banks won't deal with anyone who isn't established, and most brokers won't sell to non-collections agencies because of liability issues).
Most debtors admit that negotiating with creditors is something that they have to do but often avoid doing.
Many, if not most, debt collectors know many debtors have no idea that the law limits what debt collectors can do when working to collect a debt.
If you are one of those consumer debtors learning how to consolidate debt is one of the most beneficial things you can ever do.
In most cases (probably 90 percent or more), the bankruptcy judges rule that student loan debtors do not qualify for bankruptcy relief under the «undue hardship» test.
And, we have the example of Argentina doing it in the present with pension assets, and also when their currency blew up — most debtors faced a forced conversion to less valuable bonds.
What most people don't realize is that credit card companies are very anxious to lure bankrupt debtors back into the world of high - cost credit.
Trump escaped, but most other debtors don't get the same treatment Trump did.
However, it must be taken into consideration that most methods adopted in the debt consolidation process don't actually make the debtor absolutely debt free.
She, like most people, did not know very much about her options — but our team was able to help her fully understand not only bankruptcy, but her other options, such as filing a consumer proposal, which allows a debtor to keep their assets and can give a fresh start while avoiding bankruptcy.
And, like most credit card debtors, this didn't happen overnight but built up over time as she charged this or that she didn't have the cash to pay for but felt she «needed».
Here are some of the most powerful statutes in Washington and federally which attempt to regulate these debt settlement companies, and what debtors can do if they're already a victim.
Given that most of the work for a Chapter 7 debtor is done upfront (except for the 341A meeting of creditors), most of the services have already been earned.
Ultimately, apart from getting paid, the most gratifying comment I can receive from debtors or their counsel is: How did you figure it out?
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