Sentences with phrase «most defenders»

Look, we shouldn't expect him to compete with strength against most defenders.
They have money to spend, and right now they are probably the team with the forwards most defenders fear playing the most.
His presence up front makes him a nightmare for most defenders, and he's increasingly become a more composed finisher despite a slow start when he joined the club in 2012.
The England international is one of the most skilful players in the league and his trickery has helped him to get the better of most defenders in the division.
Raheem Sterling — 6.5 It sometimes feels like Sterling at striker is him sacrificing himself for the team, but he can still trouble most defenders in the league from the position.
Obviously, Sanchez's physical strength will cause most defender's problems and even though he is slowly adapting to CF position, it is far too soon to suggest that he will lead us to the premier league title.
Davis did not panic, unlike most defenders in the same situation, he mashed the gas harder and actually ran through Wilson before the quarterback could try to make a move to escape.
Theo Walcott and Olivier Giroud provide such a huge contrast in playing styles that most defenders find it perplexing when made to face the two players in the same game!
for someone who can dribble past most defenders, I find this very odd...
But overall, deep down, i always think most defenders will be exposed in Arsenal because we are so attack minded that we lack that defensive structure, i do nt think Wenger prioritizes this aspect at all...
After picking up a huge sack for the Houston Texans, J.J. Watt does what most defenders have done this year, and...
When he is carrying an injury that hurts athleticism, it hurts his game more than most defenders because of the way he plays.
Alexis and Giroud are so different, that most defenders get confused when you substitute one for the other.
But the kid needs a year at least, and which top class defender will join a team like ours where most defenders regress?
I voted for Alexis why, cos 1) he runs around too much without an end product most times 2) his game is more readable by most defenders now 3) if he's all that, why did Barca get rid of him 4) his interlink play is not that good 5) he gives the ball away far too often 6) too independent really - not much of a team man
1 mythical counter attack 2 mythical take ons 3 Mythical outrunning most defenders 4 mythical scoring goals from outside the box 5 mythical dribble 6 or allows for a tactical change in formation.
Likewise, in two - against - one situations, he often relied on a defence strategy that differed from most other players» strategies; when most defenders decided to let go of the non-puck holding forward to focus on the puck - holding forward, Lidström never let the non-puck holding forward out of sight, assessing that the passing alternative would be the opponent's best play.
He's too quick and athletic for most defenders, especially without unnecessary dribbles or moments of hesitation.
Nigeria needed to keep things tight at the back and, Rohr noticed Ndidi marks better and doesn't give out fouls around the edge of the box than most defenders in the team.
We have the ability to have a back that demands 8 person boxes and a passing game that requires 1 S deep over OBJ with Shep and Engram both dangerous 1 on 1 match ups for most defenders.
He uses his speed, momentum, and ability to change directions to make sure that in 1 - on - 1 situations, most defenders can't even get a hand on him.
He is a great ball playing defender and he fits our style of play much more than most defenders the rumour mill links us with.
That means we would see more through passes played towards either of them and a more potent Arsenal strike force which would be a nightmare to most defenders.
Ayton's sheer size is a matchup problem for most any defender, and he's still learning exactly what he's capable of.
Villa still has great movement whilst majorly opting the correct runs and who also plays the game a couple of moves ahead of most defenders, i think he would be a great signing.
Most defenders would, but the 20 - year - old's stride allows him to cover the ground efficiently and catch up with the German.
The club's traditional 4 -5-1 formation meant Williams was shunted out to the left where his speed saw off most defenders, but his final ball was lacking as he tried to get used to the role at first - team level.
Chamberlain's mix of agility, power and speed mean he is a nightmare for most defenders, and when called upon with a run of games behind...
Even more so, his pace is at a calibre that most defenders can't compete with, this is a great trait to have and he makes use of it very well, causing havoc on the pitch is what he loves best and rarely ends in fail.
Previously, most defenders of the loot box economy and its associated trading websites said that since real currency wasn't being won, no real gambling was taking place.
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