Sentences with phrase «most difficult»

And perhaps it is in these vital areas that it will be most difficult to find new writers to communicate the issues from a religious point of view.
Moreover, one of the most difficult — perhaps ultimately impossible — feats a translator must attempt is to retain the colloquial intensity of the original.
Conversion of will is usually the most difficult because we are biologically hot - wired to seek advantage over others as the fundamental survival strategy.
Ive been through the «darkness» and yes overercomming this is the most difficult thing in the whole reality
The hardest and most difficult lesson is yet to come.
As a growth - group leader or potential leader, your most difficult and essential resource is yourself.
One of the most difficult experiences of mid-years couples is the reversal of roles, as aging parents become increasingly dependent on them — emotionally, if not physically.
One of the most difficult elements of this pluralism is the multiplicity of religions which exists even after two thousand years of Christianity and its missionary activities.
When I was a pastor, one of the most difficult parts of my job was to settle quarrels between good people.
When we are at home with God, even the most difficult days are infused with abundant life.
I faced one of my most difficult editorial decisions for the Easter edition of Premier Christianity magazine.
This is not to imply that adolescence has not been carefully studied by Christian educators, but we have not conveyed to parents how this most difficult time for parenting may become a great occasion for maturing in the Christian life.
If by «strongest» you mean the argument from whose clutches those bound by it find it most difficult to escape, it is not a scriptural argument at all.
If human histroy shows us anything, it's that this idea is the most difficult of all for humans to follow or to apply to their individual lives.
This led Open Doors to add Niger to its 2013 ranking of the 50 countries where it's most difficult to be a Christian.
It is not hyperbole to say that Hamann's writings constitute probably the most difficult body of literature within the German language: they are brief, compressed, manic, irrepressibly inventive, at once diffuse and piercing, and almost occult in their impregnability.
This is both the easiest and the most difficult, for it is the holy art of living as Christians in the grace of God.
The most difficult adjustment a family can be required to make occurs when a mental patient does not respond to treatment and becomes chronically ill.
One of the most difficult thing a pastor teaches on is giving.
It makes sense that that Love would be so inescapably important — it is one of the most difficult things to do.
One of the most difficult times in our journey is when we come to realize that our prayers aren't answered, when we conclude that there isn't a Magical Being who grants our wishes or...
The Jews, who might have blamed their calamities on Yahweh's failure as a god and so might have evaded a crushing sense of their own guilt, chose not this easier path but one of the most difficult ever traveled by the mind of man.
Deciding whether to accept or reject life - sustaining care is one of the most difficult medical choices.
«A most difficult process and one which so many refuse to initiate.»
This is the most dramatic reform needed, as well as one of the most difficult to achieve, except where already present, as in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
What single question do atheists in general have the most difficult time addressing?
This discourse respecting God is most difficult to handle.
When we have emphasized to the full the immense gains made possible by the separation of the Christian movement from a special national state, we need also to remember that thereby the early Christian movement escaped practical administrative responsibility for the most difficult social problems that mankind faces.
[BE THE PROUD OWNER OF THIS CARTOON] Losing our beliefs, or losing our faith, or losing our religion, or progressing through the most difficult stages of spiritual development... IS HARD!
One of the most difficult things to do is to consider that our spiritual experiences may be the products of our own minds.
And it's unlike any other book I've ever written, for in addition to the memoir, it includes original poetry, short stories, soliloquies, and even a short screenplay — all aimed at capturing the wonder and beauty of Scripture, while honoring the best in biblical scholarship and acknowledging the challenges of its most difficult passages.
The participation of the trustees in extended conversation may be the most difficult to secure, simply because the school is not the place of their primary involvement.
The most difficult thing about faith is how much faith it requires.
This is the most difficult part of the Gospel to understand - why did Christ suffer and die?
The most difficult of all areas for reform is likely to be the curriculum.
He felt free enough to tell me what he found as the most difficult concept that comes out of Christianity and that he could never allow himself to except.
It is most difficult to speak wisely about where Jesus will lead another.
Many of us find that these people can be some of the most difficult people for us to love.
Truly, Calvinism is to blame for the darkest, most difficult period I've ever walked through in my life because initially, I believed my pastor — and since this «new» god was frankly sadistic and not worthy of worship, I told him I would never bow to him and would resign myself to eternity in hell instead.
There is always a simple answer to most difficult problems.As Rodney King said.
Effective leaders engage communities, congregations and institutions in addressing their most difficult and pressing problems, and mobilize those organizations to address their most important challenges.
Fifth, perhaps the most difficult theological question of all is the issue of our understanding of God as it relates to sexual dualism.
In my opinion, the bullies who use their interpretation of theology and Bible verses to bash others over their (figurative) heads are among the most difficult.
He said, «The most difficult thing to overcome in Haitian culture is the pervasive mindset of «present hedonism.
The rest of this quote is interesting if you have not read it before: «Your question [about God] is the most difficult in the world.
But this is most difficult because it may mean that those attitudes we relish, those facts we hold fast, those beliefs we hold to be true, may all be false.
That's not to deny Mattie's admirable courage, level - headedness, and resolution in the most difficult of conditions, which are even more clear in the book.
These people offer themselves to sit next to, listen, and hold strangers hands as they face perhaps the most difficult time in their lives.
The question of religious freedom is one of the most difficult and delicate of questions in a pluralistic society, and the tide is currently running against it.
The existence of evil is one of the most difficult questions to deal with.
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