Sentences with phrase «most effective antibiotics»

Gentamicin is considered one of most effective antibiotics for bacteria like E. coli, Bacillus etc..
The antibiogram results in this study revealed that the most effective antibiotics on the isolated bacteria are tylosin and gentamicin and the less effective antibiotics are bacitracin and penicillin G.
This culture will allow identification of the infection - causing bacteria, as well as a determination of the most effective antibiotics for treatment.
The research team notes that doctors and patients can play a role in decreasing antibiotic resistance by using antibiotics judiciously and through research that identifies the most effective antibiotics for specific conditions such as endophthalmitis.
With the generalized form, bacterial cultures from the skin may be needed to determine the most effective antibiotic.

Not exact matches

You can test positive certain times and negative others too, so it's most effective if antibiotics are given during labor.
A 10 - to 14 - day course of antibiotics is generally the most effective form of treatment for this type of infection, and most women feel relief within 48 to 72 hours.
Tetracycline, the antibiotic of choice for most adults with cholera, has so far been effective against V. cholerae O139.
Since the cell wall is the target of most antibiotics, understanding how bacteria grow their cell walls may provide insight into more effective medicines.
The researchers combined techniques from biology and mathematics to determine which groups of antibiotics would be most effective.
The researchers plan to make available open - access software that would let other scientists and clinicians decide which combinations of antibiotics will be most effective.
«Given what we know now, I don't think it's overstating the case to say that for certain types of infections, we may be looking at the start of the post-antibiotic era, a time when most of the antibiotics we rely on to treat bacterial infections are no longer effective
«Once clinicians are updated regularly on what bugs are causing VAP and HAP in their hospitals as well as their sensitivities to specific antibiotics, they can choose the most effective treatment,» said Dr. Andre C. Kalil, MD, MPH, lead author of the guidelines, professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and director of the Transplant Infectious Diseases Program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha.
Pentamidine, when used with other antibiotics, was found to be particularly effective against two of the three pathogens which the WHO has identified as having the most critical priority for development of new antibiotics.
The data could also help them refine their own study; if they're trying to figure out what dosages of an antibiotic are most effective, for example, they can avoid dosages that another group has already tested.
Many classes of antibiotics are effective in treating most strains of the plague, but there is growing concern over strains that are antibiotic resistant.
Being very rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese, garlic is perhaps the most effective natural antibiotic with detoxifying properties known to man, thanks to its ability to boost the immune system and support liver health.
Instead of antibiotics, using antibacterial herbs to rid the small intestines of the pathogens and to concurrently make dietary changes to relieve symptoms and restore depleted nutrients is gentler and effective in most of the patients that I work with that have comorbid pelvic pain and SIBO.
Thousands of children unnecessarily get antibiotics each year for ear infections when the antibiotics are not even effective for most infections.
One of the most effective uses for probiotic supplements is restoring a healthy microbiota composition after taking antibiotics.
I keep the most effective natural antibiotics available at all times in my medicine cabinet.
Because The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than half of all antibiotics used in this country are prescribed inappropriately, it is important to note that antibiotics are ONLY effective against bacterial infections (e.g. strep throat, some pneumonia and sinus infections) and NOT viral infections (e.g. the common cold, most coughs and the flu).
As a yeast strain, it is the most safe and effective strain of probiotic as it does NOT colonize (TAKE OVER) in the gut and can be given with antibiotics or other medications with no side effects.
This test determines exactly what type or types of bacteria are present as well as which antibiotics will be most effective in treating the infection.
Since kennel cough is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotic therapies are the most effective treatment.
This type of antibiotic is works quickly and is effective in most cases.
The veterinarian will most likely have your dog come back within two weeks to make sure any oral antibiotics / antifungals have been effective, and the topical medications are working without negative effects.
In some cases, this may be due to a bacterial infection that is resistant to antibiotic treatment; removing the bacteria may be the most effective means of dealing with the infection.
A urine culture further identifies the types of bacteria present and the antibiotics most effective to treat the infection.
However, if the infection returns, a culture and sensitivity panel should be performed to identify the bacteria and determine which antibiotics are the most effective in treating.
Treatment: The most effective treatment for wet tail in hamsters includes administration of antibiotics, as well as subcutaneous fluids.
The most effective treatment is the use of antibiotics for many months.
You can see from the results that the most effective treatment was a combination of ivermectin and the antibiotic, doxycycline.
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