Sentences with phrase «most effective descriptions»

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In other words, the description of parish ethos and its mythic «genius» should be analogous at the following points: (a) the characteristic response to the crisis; (b) the style of behavior characteristically deemed most effective; (c) the pervasive mood; and (d) the characteristic expectation and hope.
These words are less clearly applicable to the «fastest growing Baptist church in the history of America,» and one of the «most effective churches on the North American continent,» to cite the description in the foreword to The Purpose - Driven Church (Warren himself adopts a much more modest tone).
But they hadn't seen, in my book or anywhere else, a clear description of which practices and approaches were most effective in developing those skills in children and adolescents.
In the program, I do provide full descriptions and photos of all of the most effective exercises in existence (as well as which exercises to AVOID).
Inside the TruthAboutAbs program, I do provide full descriptions and photos of all of the most effective abdominal exercises in existence (as well as which exercises to AVOID), but one of the main points I try to drive home within the program is that the abs - specific exercises are actually the LEAST important part of the program to actually get rid of the belly fat that is covering up your abs.
CASEL has compiled descriptions of SEL programs that have proven to be most effective.
The introduction to new material requires students to «read the description on the note card» and guess where the characteristic should go, and therefore it does not present information in the most efficient and effective manner.
Teacher leadership can mean a lot of things, but one helpful description comes from The Aspen Institute, which defines it as «specific roles and responsibilities that recognize the talents of the most effective teachers and deploy them in service of student learning, adult learning and collaboration, and school system improvement.»
The most effective usage will be if the keywords resonate between the title, description and keywords box, ticking all three boxes of metadata.
This is most effective when fighting near the edge of a cliff, a large drop, or when engaging an enemy near an environmental hazard such as a pit of spikes or a flaming wreckage of some description.
«We can anticipate many of the threats they will pose going forward — and be prepared to meet them with the most effective messaging,» the description notes.
SEO, based on long - term thinking, can be truly effective when we make good choices: on publishing, building audiences, coding, classification, proper description, and most important, connecting with people.
Moreover, a well formulated human resource job description will give direction to your recruitment process and point to the most effective interview questions.
A well - constructed PR job description can give direction to your hiring process and point to the most effective interview questions.
Your training job description is an opportunity to give direction to your recruitment process and flesh out the most effective interview questions.
Moreover, a well formulated job description will give direction to your recruitment process and point to the most effective interview questions.
An effective marketing job description will give direction to your hiring process and point to the most effective interview questions.
To find the most effective keywords for your resume, based on the job description, you'll want to check out this resume scanning tool we absolutely love!
Moreover, a well formulated logistics job description will give direction to your recruitment process and point to the most effective interview questions and reduce the possibility for later misunderstandings.
For the most effective resume, separate the responsibilities from the accomplishments by highlighting your best achievements in a bulleted list under each job description.
And if you are searching for a good architectural designer to hire, creating a great job description like the one above can help in attracting the most effective employees for the job.
The most effective way to do this is to pick out keywords and phrases from the job description and strategically incorporate them into your own document.
The above job description and inventory control clerk cv template demonstrate the most effective way to tackle this.
The most effective method of getting attention when there is a lot of interest for a job is to create a custom CV that mirrors ideas from the job description.
One of the best ways to figure out the most effective skills to include is to review the job description.
Using language from the description of the position you are seeking is the most effective way to ensure your resume clears an Applicant Tracking System that scans materials for relevant keywords.
A more thorough description of the full range of practices designed to strengthen parenting skills and enhance child development can be found elsewhere.35, 62 — 64 Although most primary prevention programs have not been evaluated systematically, those that show promise should be assessed and, if found to be effective, replicated and taken to scale.
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