Sentences with phrase «most effort»

Since 2005 he has focused most his efforts on design, web development and teaching.
Moving in a new direction — like most efforts at law firms — will be best received if accomplished in an incremental way.
Like most efforts to unwind regulation, the push would expire of a thousand paper cuts.
We should stop spending money on trying to convince women to breastfeed, since most efforts are ineffective.
Although most efforts so far have gone toward showing that other planets could support life, now is the time to think about the other side of the coin.
However, avoid situations where most efforts are focused on the same keywords across thirty or so competing law firms.
In the early days of buyer persona and buyer insight development, most efforts originated from a very senior level.
Most efforts at school reform run a new program through the existing system and wonder why it won't scale.
Thankfully, climate impacts to people — not polar bears — are now the focus of most efforts.
They're the cars on eCoty that require most effort to make them go quickly, but they're arguably the most fun when you do.
«Most effort in the past has been studying cancer cells and tumors themselves, but we're focusing on what precedes the tumor,» Backman says.
And, while most efforts concentrate on culture change and training, at least one researcher is taking a material approach, using nanotechnology to reduce common lab hazards.
[2] As with most efforts to balance competing rights, the fact that people are involved complicates matters.
«Because most efforts to document the impact of engagement have been anecdotal rather than analytical, a major objective of this initiative is to develop new, standardized ways to track and report engagement activities, their outcomes and impacts,» Christi Electris and Becky Johnson wrote.
In last nights vote (UK leaving EU) it been very care that both sides were spending most effort to getting their people out to vote.
In the past, the Assembly has blocked most efforts at tort reform.
But according to Larry Peterson, an Internet researcher at Princeton University and head of PlanetLab, the Internet's vastness now stymies most efforts at innovation.
It's a mixed bag with spotty humor, most efforts embarrassing and groanworthy.
Unsurprisingly, most efforts collapsed precisely because of all the irregular factors of each classroom (course content, student demographics, teacher beliefs, etc.), not to mention the general «unpredictability of classroom life.»
You will find that the Democrats are more often than not, behind most efforts to change the constitution.
Most efforts here are aimed at creating a new global agreement including commitments on emissions from the United States and China.
Cary Pint, professor of mechanical engineering at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, says: «This approach not only produces better batteries, but it also establishes a value for carbon dioxide recovered from the atmosphere that is associated with end - user battery cost, unlike most efforts to re-use CO2 that are aimed at low - value fuels, like methanol, that can not justify the cost required to produce them.»
It looks like this year could be much more expensive — and much more problematic considering most efforts will not be focused on the imperiled dam but on the 9.61 million people who have been evacuated so far, the 875,000 homes have been destroyed, and 22 million acres (8.76 million hectares) of crops ruined.
Most efforts by state and local authorities with regards to pedestrians on rail lines involve enforcement of trespassing laws.
Most Effort Pennsylvania defensive driving courses are offered in a hotel room, restaurant or other location.
Most Effort driving schools tend to be lengthy and often boring for experienced drivers.
Now, most efforts such as Matthew's won't go viral; few might experience the kind of massive success Matthew experienced.
This in depth, intensive support - that focuses on healing the mother and baby where they were disrupted - and father witnessed, usually powerlessly - is what is missing from most efforts to stop crying, increase sleep, and feel that connection mother desires.
Most efforts in this regard have focused on agents capable of binding specifically to myostatin and inhibiting its activity.
While most efforts at addressing cyber risk have been industry, sector, or geographically specific, GCA partners across borders and sectors.
The $ 5.2 million cost of Lynch's federally funded project, which included extensive use of classroom observers, may push it beyond the reach of most efforts to monitor school reform.
More involvement of local communities is planned as well as more research projects, but these are reliant on the short term aim of protecting the Shark Reef, so that is currently where most effort is focused.
Research — the time lag for everything — is the most effort - intensive part of building a persona.
Therefore most material being publicised and most efforts being realised are within that subgroup.»
Because in this country, the vast majority of the believing public, and the ones making the most effort to turn their faith into the law of the land, are Christians.
On another note, have you noticed that there's this tricky thing about life where sometimes the things you put the most effort into just don't want to work out your way, and the things you do on a whim fall into place perfectly?
To save time in the morning, prepare fruits and veggies that take the most effort to peel and cut (oranges, pineapple, apples, pears) in the evening.
Using Bertoli ® Gold Label Imported Aged Asiago Cheese Paired with Artichokes as a base with vegetable broth, the most effort required is chopping up your desired vegetables.
One pot, stewing together of flavours and spices and the most effort you have to make is to cut up the ingredients.
An interesting detail about the Datil is that — despite attempts by many gardeners to cultivate it in other regions — the temperamental pepper seems to be picky about its surroundings, and most efforts to grow them elsewhere have failed.
The most effort that you'll need to make this is getting the ingredients from your cupboards.
As for me, the most effort I need is to change the channel.
Ramsey made his mistakes, but he probably gave the most effort on attack and that goes for Alexis too.
If just half the Spanish claims around Depor are to be believed then they've been contacting and considering a wide range of candidates and can't decide who they should make the most effort for.
By investing your time and energy into doing the best job as a teacher, you'll see that the greatest rewards in life come when you put the most effort into your work.
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