Sentences with phrase «most egalitarian»

The most egalitarian were atheists (µ = 65.13), followed by agnostics (µ = 64.45), Christians (µ = 62.20), and lastly, Muslims (µ = 45.89) who reported the least egalitarian attitudes.
An analysis of variance demonstrated significant mean differences in egalitarianism between groups regarding reading and interpretation of religious scripture (p <.006) with the largest difference, as indicated by Tukeys HSD, between those who interpret scripture literally (least egalitarian), and those who do not read scripture at all (most egalitarian).
Zuckerberg has always maintained that advertising revenue keeps his service free and is, therefore, the most egalitarian approach.
In that way, actually, Frieze could be considered the most egalitarian of any art fair, since it inspires so much great programming that the public can see just as easily as the dealers and collectors at the fair (often gratis, no less).
It's the most egalitarian version of Horde we've ever seen, rushing about repairing barbed wire fences while a teammate snipes the Swarm from afar.
Definitely the most egalitarian distributor out there, Smashwords now has distribution deals with Apple for the iPad as well as Amazon for the Kindle, Sony for the eReader and Barnes &
Ironically, while public education remains our nation's most egalitarian service — with access mandated for illegal immigrants and homeless populations — there is an inherent disconnect between the vision and the reality.
The form of CTE we studied in Arkansas is CTE at its most egalitarian and scalable: most students took courses at their comprehensive high school, and some did so at regional technical centers.
Republican state legislative decisions are the least costly — but the most egalitarian.
«These are the couples you would expect to have the most egalitarian relationships,» Kamp Dush said.
They also live in the most egalitarian countries in terms of access to health care and education.»
(Britain's wealth distribution was most egalitarian in the happy days of 1978, when the Winter of Discontent was raging.)
Among parents who are married or living with a partner, dual - income couples are the most egalitarian couples, even though they do not divide up their work in a 50 - 50 way.
Realize that the ever brilliant Jesus presaged evolutionary biology and anthropology these last few decades, which proves we humans evolved to be one of the most egalitarian species ever on earth, that is, until The Fall, i.e., the Neolithic revolution.
The least religious countries on the planet are the ones with the happiest and healthiest citizens, lowest levels of corruption, low crime rates, low STD rates, low abortion rates, low teen pregnancy rates, high levels of education, the most egalitarian societies, etc..
In Canada, with probably the most egalitarian laws, a child can now have three official parents (not just two parents and a step - parent with equal rights, but three official parents).
Still, she notes that, «In the early 19th century, the United States was one of the most egalitarian societies on the planet.

Not exact matches

I would say probably the most — one of the areas that changed the most is that there was a much more of a hierarchical focus in companies as I was entering the business world than today where we see much more of a flat structure, a more egalitarian structure and the reality is that the employees of today are looking for that.
In their egalitarian society, too much too soon (or at all) can be frowned on; most are culturally attuned to prefer the small - scale.
Among the most thoughtful thinkers on these questions, few are strict egalitarians, and so even here Wehner and Brooks have engaged a strawman.
And I know I've already shared this one... like, twice already... but Sarah Bessey's «In Which Love Looks Like Real Marriage» is one of the most beautiful depictions of egalitarian marriage I've ever encountered: «Well, who is in charge here?
Most of the men surveyed affirmed an egalitarian stance toward women in leadership positions, but the study also found that women have barely broken the twenty percent barrier in terms of board and paid leadership positions.
But what's most dangerous about this posture is that Piper seems to assume that because evangelicals aren't confronting sexual assault and abuse the way that Hollywood is, then those things must not be happening in their churches, that abuse only occurs in egalitarian communities where women have more power and influence.
But it's also the most common response I hear from complementarians when they find out I'm egalitarian.
Krister Stendahl gave voice to this in his important essay The Bible and the Role of Women: A Case Study in Hermeneutics written in 1958.6 Donald Dayton expressed a similar position in his article in the Post American: «the real question - at least for most Christians [is]: Which of these views (the hierarchical or the egalitarian — or perhaps a synthesis of the two) has the clearer grounding in scripture?
The most violent project of creating an egalitarian society, the Communist one, managed to create a grossly inegalitarian society that curiously resembled feudalism, with the party elite playing the role of the old aristocracy.
That is, it arises precisely from what has been most characteristic and creative about modern civilization: its dynamically accumulating knowledge and technology, its expanding industrial system and its emphasis on egalitarian consumerism.
All the studies of middle - class marriages show that companionship, the hallmark of the egalitarian marriage, is one of the most important ingredients for a successful marriage, especially for the wife, no matter what criterion or index is used to measure success.
Like most Pentecostal women coming into the kingdom around the world, words like «complementarian» and «egalitarian» are not in her vocabulary, nor Calvinism and Arminianism... She takes the authority of the Bible very seriously.
Yet I also believe there was a fourth iconic moment in America's journey from a land fouled by segregation to the most racially egalitarian nation on the planet.
From my conversations with men at Oakland, I suspect that most Promise Keepers» relationships with their wives are far more egalitarian in practice than the rhetoric of taking charge suggests.
Most discussions on women in the church include three broad categories of thought: hard patriarchy, soft patriarchy, and egalitarian.
Q: Does the desire by most of today's couples for an egalitarian relationship make joint goal planning harder or easier?
The third and most fundamental reason for men to embrace a more egalitarian and open - ended distribution of family work is that doing so can foster a more diverse and fulfilling life.
Egalitarian fathers have the highest quality of life overall, including for the most part, their lives at work.
These societies varied from egalitarian to rigidly stratified, and their agricultural systems ranged from among the least intensive to the most intensive in the pre-modern world — the rice terraces built by the Ifugao people of the Philippines have often been described as the «eighth wonder of the world.»
In times of plenty, however, the more egalitarian approach of choosing the hungriest or feeding at random is most successful.
DEEP in the Atlantic forests of Brazil lives the muriqui — the world's most peaceful and egalitarian primate.
Some schools are divided from within, as even the most devout conservative Protestants struggle to figure out exactly what the Bible has to say about whether the classroom environment should be more authoritarian or egalitarian and whether schools should focus on the advancement of all students or expend special resources on the academically gifted — or on those who lag behind.
BUT overall, I think it is better for most people to have a revenue model as it is egalitarian, which leads to companies not making arbitrary rules that hurt 80 % of customers because of the 20 % who game the system.
The Secret World was pretty much the pinnacle of the solo MMO experience, with impeccable mission design, purely optional group content, and an egalitarian endgame that allowed most anyone to get the best gear eventually.
One can measure an object's value by different standards, such as actual material valuation, functionality, or sentimentality... The objects and materials that I use are for the most part egalitarian
One set of stats that didn't make it into my piece: 78 per cent of subjects who display an «egalitarian» and «communitarian» worldview believe that most scientists agree climate change is happening (which is true)-- compared with only 19 per cent of those with a «hierarchical» and «individualist» worldview.
«Egalitarian communitarians,» by the same logic, readily embrace the most dire climate - change forecasts because they perceive exactly the same thing but take delight at the prospect of radical limits on commerce, industry, and markets, which in their eyes are the source of myriad social inequities.
Eliminating factors such as skin color, appearance, gender and accent made the Internet «more egalitarian than most classrooms,» he said.
Family experts and some legislators strongly advocated that an egalitarian approach to parenting is the most ideal concept for families who are in the middle of divorce or separation.
Most Americans support egalitarian family structures, yet couples find it difficult to split all responsibilities even - steven.
In addition, couples in which men did most or all of the childcare had just as much sex as couples with egalitarian arrangements, and were just as satisfied with the amount of sex they were having.
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