Sentences with phrase «most home educating families»

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Most families, home educating or not, will take day trips or make visits to relatives or friends.
If they are really well educated they will typically choose a home birth so that it is also most likely to be unhindered... Families who want a truly unhindered birth choose free birth.
Most of these families, I suspect, will be relatively affluent and well - educated — either capable of paying the difference between private school tuition and the value of the ESA or able to afford for one parent to stay home with the kids and play teacher.
Regression modeling for the 4 most common disciplinary practices showed (P <.05) that black race, lack of Aid to Families With Dependent Children receipt, more - educated mothers, and female sex of child were associated with higher use of teaching or verbal assertion; a biological father in the home was associated with less use of limit setting; and black race and report for child maltreatment were associated with more use of mild spanking.
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