Sentences with phrase «most human beings»

While we are the same age, our skin is different — like most human beings ha ha — and we've found that different products work differently for us.
I think that most are a combination, just as most human beings are.
The simple fact is that most humans are incapable of accepting how small we all really are.
To the five to ten million species of plants and animals on our planet, most humans are by no means good neighbors.
Unfortunately, most humans are too often put into a state where they get defensive and reject new information.
The two things most human beings would choose above all - the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them.
I am looking for what most humans are looking for, someone to love and to be loved.
The folks that love «Persona» love it with a depth and loyalty most human beings will never understand.
Thousands of studies have concluded that most human beings thrive when they have strong, positive relationships with other human beings.
Fortunately, most human beings tend toward the common good when faced with ethical and moral decisions.
Most human beings end up wanting someone they can share their life, emotions, and experiences with.
Breastfeeding is the first way most humans are fed.
Firstly, there is the fact that most humans are actually pretty conservative.
Most human beings never have a chance to encounter them!
Often, tech is created without taking into account how flat - out terrible most humans are.
Most human beings long for connection and emotional closeness with their significant other.
Most human beings feel vulnerable and defensive when they're on the phone with a salesperson with whom they don't have a relationship.
Most humans are incapable of feeding themselves a healthy and well - balanced meal, how do they expect to feed their pet a nutritionally complete diet?
Shame that most humans are too naive or closed minded to see it.
The con man achieves his end by exploiting the streak of dishonest greed that is present in most human beings.
Of course, because most humans aren't nearly as good at observing body language and understanding the feline communication of subtle ear movements and tail twitches, they often «use their words» to help us understand these cat noises.
Most humans aren't aware of the vampires and werewolves that walk among them.
To begin with, most humans are infected by exposure to bodily fluids from people with Ebola, not by syringes that hold a huge bolus of virus injected into their muscles.
There is no shielding children from these things, and they respond as most human beings do — by being sad, frightened, anxious or angry in varying degrees.
«Changes are happening at doses most humans are exposed to,» says John Bucher, NTP Associate Director.
One can then interpret all that has happened through the domestication of plants and animals and the rise of cities as repressive of what is truly human and oppressive of most human beings by a dominating few.
It reminds how innately stupid most humans are, and how desperate we are to find a narrative to help us believe we will «live forever»
For many people, and for much of the time, the less true versions of religion (which may be easier to grasp) can be adequate, just as most human beings happily live in the commonsense world of Aristotle without even realising it, and most engineers can do most of their work using merely Newtonian physics.
It's not really appreciated how staggeringly ignorant most humans were in early «civilized» times.
In fact, every rabbi cited by my Jewish correspondents — from Rabbi Meir of the Mishnah, to Maimonides, to Rabbi Moses Cordevero — recited these blessings, which ask God to return most human beings to Him in wholehearted repentance, but also to «uproot, smash, cast down» the wantonly sinful.
Its point is that at death most human beings are hardly fit for heaven or bound for hell.
The aristocrats of old thought of themselves as different kinds of beings from most human beings, but they deluded themselves.
@Pope on a Rope: Well, THIS atheist believes that a.) most humans are basically good, b.) Predator 2 is better than the original, and c.) Brussels sprouts are delicious.
Since our human nature is fallen, and since eternal blessedness is a gift far beyond the powers and merits of every created nature, it is to be expected that most human beings fall short of achieving that goal.
Most humans are absolutely TERRIFIED of the idea that there is no meaning to their lives or an afterlife.
Love does become universal, in a way, in the mind of the philosopher, but that universalism both doesn't animate most human beings and is fundamentally impersonal.
it's cheap, easy to diseminate and most humans are born gullible, easy to manipulate.
Most humans are nasty and vile little creatures, but some are exceptionally kind and good.
Most Humans are weak minded, and are to dumb to see there being hearded, and manipulated.
-- William Shakespeare Most human beings, with a few exceptions lead a symbiotic life, they survive (or feed) on the mutual feeling of affection for each other.
Most humans are naturally exposed to AAV - 2 together with a helper virus and thus have immunological memory to AAV - 2.
Though it has been found in air, water and dust, the main source of BPA exposure for most humans is foods and drinks stored in containers that contain it.
Rich in vitamin D and calcium, most humans are deficient in these substances and only get them from milk.
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