Sentences with phrase «most human interactions»

Electronic records are now produced by most human interactions.
Most human interactions with robots come from behind a screen.

Not exact matches

It's a reflection of virtually any human interaction, in a way, though a slightly skewed one: The loudest voices aren't always the most popular ones, but they're the ones that most often get heard.
At its core, Airbnb involves the most intimate human interactions: visiting people in their homes, sleeping in their beds, using their bathrooms.
ut the company — whose machines are designed to supplement rather than supplant human security guards, and take care of monotonous tasks like scanning license plates in a parking lot — also has a closer view than most of the emerging and unpredictable world of robot - people interactions.
Nass and his students produced most of the research presented in the book because, when looking for studies on, say, the effectiveness of flattery, he discovered that some aspects of human interaction simply hadn't been explored.
On the most granular level, the stock market is just a medium used for human beings to trade ownership in companies with one another, and you would think that interactions between just two people would have at least some human element in it.
God has reveald now His will again in history by providing us the intelectual faculties, scientific knowledge and discoveries and most relevant the internet to get into the deep consciousness of us humans, The cosequence of our present interactions will be the realization of our oneness with Him in the future.
I can totally see where this negativity towards is coming from because i have experienced some horrible ones... BUT they can be done right and in my opinion they are probably the most valuable part of human social interaction.
They point to other destructive aspects of television that have been stressed by television researchers and theorists; the privatization of experience at the expense of family and social interaction and rela - tionships; (33) the promotion of fear as the appropriate attitude to life: (34) television's cultural levelling effects which blur local, regional, and national differences and impose a distorted and primarily free - enterprise, competitive and capitalistic picture of events and their significance; (35) television's suppression of social dialogue; (36) its distorted and exploitative presentation of certain social groups: (37) the increasing alienation felt by most viewers in relation to this central means of social communication; (38) and its negative effects on the development of the full range of human potential.
«It was most fun to discuss those (situations) in which laws that were designed to regulate interactions between humans suddenly faced (with) the prospect of regulating interactions between humans and machines,» she writes.
«Your child learns the most from human interaction,» says Dr. Shu.
G: It's the most fascinating relationship between species that I know of outside human interactions.
«We were most interested in understanding how children's cognitions and emotions worked together to predict whether child - friend interactions were more cooperative and positive or more negative and conflictual,» says Nancy McElwain, a professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at U of I.
When it came to interactions between macaques and humans, the researchers found that most were benign.
The most obvious examples may be projects conducted by the Personal Memory group at EML GmbH, where intuitive information systems that have revolutionary human - technology interaction, such as SmartKom, are being built.
The researchers» strategy — generating disease - specific nerve cells, identifying a causative gene for developmental defects, validating the gene - specific defect in animal models, and then investigating interactions with other genes both in animal models and in humans — represents a promising new approach for understanding the mechanisms underlying some of the most intractable psychiatric illnesses.
Second, he whittled down these ~ 500 interactions to the one that appeared most likely to fuel HIV infection: the interaction between the human protein CBFβ and the HIV protein Vif.
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, 20 September 2017 — In a major study published today, researchers at deCODE genetics use whole - genome data from 14,000 people from across the population of Iceland, including 1500 sets of parents and children, to provide the most detailed portrait to date of how sequence diversity in humans is the result of an evolving interaction between sex, age, mutation type and location in the genome.
Thus, frequent interaction with humans and reduced predation are likely the most important factors that distinguish the study population from sympatric commensal house mouse populations [16].
Most of their ingredients are fairly basic vitamins and minerals that are safe for all humans to consume, however many of them are also potential allergens or come with medicinal interaction warnings.
Most diseases don't develop because the human genome is inherently flawed, but rather because of unfavorable interactions that take place between the human genome and its environment, including the human microbiome.
Most oils have not been extensively tested on humans and the amount and quantity and disregard for interactions that some of these members of companies are encouraging directly or indirectly is disconcerting to say the least.
Erin told us she had always been interested in human interactions, especially in terms of dating, and, from what she'd been hearing on the red carpet and from colleagues and friends, most singles in LA had the same complaints.
«All business is pain, all businesses are challenges... If it was easy everyone would have a business, everyone... business is not easy to do... You give up kind of a lot of the human interactions that most people get when you're not the entrepreneur.
We can not pretend that meeting face to face and feeling that human interaction isn't one of the most important factors in determining compatibility.
According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association, when a person is looking for love, trust is the most desired quality in a partner, ahead of personality, common values and sexual compatibility.1 However, the study also revealed that, on average, in one in five interactions with another human being — we will tell a lie.
With most dating services, live human interaction is usually the last thing.
film, but it's the wonderfully human interactions that he captures that will affect you the most.
Jobs's chief struggle in most of his interactions, whether he admits it or not, is with common human decency.
Perhaps being ignored because the film is too unobtrusive and relaxed in its observations of primal human interaction to register against weightier fare at this time of year, Zachariah is at its most immediate when focused on Robbie's precise acting choices.
The sad impression left by The Room — and maybe the whiff of regret that could ultimately short - circuit its potential as a lasting midnight phenomenon — is that Wiseau is a lonely man who can't comprehend even the most basic forms of human interaction.
Most of our conversations gravitate towards these intricate details of human behavior and human interactions that we find funny or weird or interesting.
Watch now as senior association producer Tomm Hulett ponies up some early info on the game's story, settings and perhaps one its most chilling features of all... real human interaction (dun dun duhhh).
The third section section is the most nakedly emotional of the trio, centring on a Native American horse rancher (the wonderfully expressive Lily Gladstone), who seems to have no human interaction in her life while caring for her horses on a remote ranch.
In a world of increasing layers between people, intimacy is perhaps the most elusive ingredient of human interaction.
Setting aside the philosophical issues surrounding what is intelligence, most real - life AI algorithms are actually doing something much simpler — to mimic some aspects of human - like behaviours, such as identifying objects inside an image, learning, natural language comprehension, and social interactions.
Most of us would agree that good parenting requires direct human interaction.
The five most effective interventions all require human interaction.
But, the on - line virtual schooling experience deprives students of a number of really important experiences, most of them having to do with the complexity of human interactions and the full enjoyment of certain subjects.
There is evidence that computer - based tutoring can yield results similar to one - on - one tutoring in certain subjects, such as science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, 27 or when certain principles of the cognitive science of learning — such as self - explanation — are embedded in the program or software.28 While these programs can not replace the need for human interaction and relationships, they may be effective for some students and allow for greater targeting of resources toward students who most need traditional one - on - one tutoring.
That this is one of the book's longest chapters is unsurprising: It takes up the ethics of commercial transactions, our culture's most common sort of human interaction.
Human interaction with the computer is most important aspect of computer science.
Unique and different than most breeds, these giants require a special need for human interaction, their sensitive character and demeanor is often overlooked due to their large imposing appearance.
At this stage the puppy can feel our touch, the warmth it brings is assuring and bonding with humans and building trust, most importantly the newborn puppy can understand our caring process, that love, joy are human interaction.
Furthermore, the tail enhances human - dog interactions, as the tail is the most obvious means of communication between human and dog.
The cruel reality of the commercial dog breeding industry is that most of these dogs live in small cages, receive minimal veterinary care, poor food, and no human interaction.
Adaptable to any environment that allows for plenty of exercise (the Mini can get plenty of exercise running around the house) and human interaction, preferably with an interesting job to do, the Miniature Schnauzer is friendly to most people but often picks a favorite.
A home where the human family members» interaction is normally on an even keel, whether it be quiet and harmonious or noisy and happily active, is the most desirable atmosphere for cats.
One of the most important international conference on human - animal interactions took place in Prague in September 1998.
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