Sentences with phrase «most humans find»

A lot of people are looking to be told what to do... this is the state in which humans evolved and it is what most humans find comfortable.

Not exact matches

What it does: This is one of the most common microbes found on the human skin and nose.
«We suspected that the young are most vulnerable because of their immature immune systems, but we didn't have a lot of hard evidence to show that before,» said study lead author Bo Hang, a Berkeley Lab staff scientist who previously found that thirdhand smoke could lead to genetic mutations in human cells.
If we can manipulate gut bacteria, we might be able to find new ways to treat some of the most intractable human diseases, even surprising ones like depression and anxiety.
Like most others in the wealth management industry, United Capital found clients were increasingly interested in, if not expecting, technology that enabled a more hands - on role in their investing, while maintaining some level of connection to a human advisor.
when all human beings understand and accept the frailties of our own collective existence... and respect the emotions and imaginations that find flight and power within even the most illusionary of perceptions.
The only way to find compatibility in such a worldview is by accepting a religion with no authority on the most meaningful matters of human existence.»
It reminds how innately stupid most humans are, and how desperate we are to find a narrative to help us believe we will «live forever»
Human nature being what it is, ample support could be found in either camp for the most negative interpretations.
One of my deepest core beliefs is that we find God most often in the raw and human moments of our lives, that God doesn't differentiate between sacred - and - secular for us.
The most fruitful basis for human classification devised by anthropologists is found in the idea of culture.
Once the young apologist, I suddenly found myself wrestling with the notion that most of my fellow human beings would suffer eternal damnation in hell for being born at the wrong place and the wrong time.
I am trying to find out more of what we can do too, but since there is so much criminal activity involved in human trafficking, most of what can be done is reserved for law enforcement.
The theology of the Mass is another area which we think is ripe for development, especially given the affirmation in Gaudium et Spes that «in her most benign Lord and Master can be found the key, the focal point and the goal of man, as well as of all human history» (n. 10).
If we were able to conduct a survey of those human beings who are giving the most devoted service to people in need, whether it is to the blind, the deaf and dumb, the leper, the spastic or any other of our afflicted fellow human beings, I am confident that we should find the Christians in the majority.
As in even the most intimate of human relations there are facts for psychologists to discover and use towards man's self - understanding, so there is no limit to what may be found out about what happens in prayer.
In this full and complex story, then, we find conjoined a miracle and the most banal of human reflection.
Indeed, the animal rights movement's fury against the speciesist use of animals» a necessary element for human flourishing, particularly in medical research» has increased to the point that scientists are now under threat of death by the most radical liberationists for daring to experiment on rats or monkeys to find cures for cancer and other human afflictions.
Somebody convicted of the most horrific crime can find grace and forgiveness with God, the same as anybody can no matter what their human condition.
I've seen humans as nothing more than highly evolved primates, but I've also seen them as made in the image of God; I've seen children suffering and been convinced there is no God, but I've also sensed God's presence as I've reached into that same suffering; I've convinced myself that doing whatever I wanted was the most exciting way to live, but I've also found abundant life in being humbly obedient to Jesus.
Having found myself surrounded by engineers throughout most of my days, whether through friends, co - workers or marriage, I can assure you that they would be more likely to possess those skills than the majoity of the human race.
What I have found most relevant is Colossians ch.3 in the light of which it is legitimate to speak of the gospel as the news of the New Man Jesus Christ («Put on the new self, the new humanity»); and more especially it is valid to present the new fellowship of mutual forgiveness created by the Divine Forgiveness in Christ and expressed in the Eucharist and the social koinonia of the church as the foretaste of true human community as the essential gospel («Forgiving one another as the Lord forgave you»).
Satan bbjss was once God's loved son and the most handsome of all God's sons... Satan's downward spiral was his desire to be like God in every way which Satan could never be... Satan, along with all his brothers who found him to be their leader did rival God and God's faithful sons and war ensued... Satan along with all his northerly followers were cast out of their heavenly abode and sent to the celestial earthen plains to live among us humans... Thusly the fallen sons of God saw the daughters of mankind to be fair and they took from mankind all the women that they willed...
At most, you can find Genesis 9:1 - 6 as allowing eating of meat and not explicitly stating that it is OK to eat human flesh (as long as you don't consider humans as «moving» creatures), but as far as looking at the law in detail goes; search the Law in detail and you will find many explicitly laid out things that you «shall not eat» listing many different types of animals and circumstances but you will not find humans listed among them.
No one is more aware than Whitehead himself that the generalizable factors are not to be found in the more developed stages of human experience, but rather in the most basic, most primitive levels.
They have talked about it in most diverse fashion, but they have all been intent upon making it a basic factor in the interpretation of the lives of men and women, whoever they may be, wherever they may live, and whatever idiom they may have found useful or helpful in putting into some sort of language this persistent fact in the total experience of members of the human race.
Lion, many of the most prominent founding fathers were deists, that is, they believed that a god created them, but that god was not interested in human affairs, there are no miracles and that Christ, while a fine teacher was no more than another human.
When I try to understand my experience of being human, I find that perhaps the most prominent feature is my memory.
However, despite being the head of a historically corrupt and often evil organization, this Pope appears to be a good human being (which you'll find most atheists aspire to without the threat of eternal damnation.
The most evident answer is that it is found in human experiences.
That is why you will find all sorts of ethnic backgrounds in the majority of mosques, as well as the biggest and most diverse human gathering in the world every year at Hajj in Mecca.
The absence of strict determinism that recent physics has discovered at the most basic levels of matter, the chance mutations that biology finds at the level of life's evolution, and the freedom that comes forth with human existence — all of these are the expected features of any world we might claim to be distinct from the being of its creator.
Because this happening discloses what is most essential for our understanding of reality, it enjoys an importance in human thought and behavior that sets it apart from all other happenings, for it is precisely in relation to the real that man finds fulfilment in his own being.
They are uniquely qualified to preserve the most precious of legacies: the Western intellectual tradition, which is linked to an openness to the human condition wherever it is found....
Another school of thought, while conceding that war is one of the most vivid revelations of sin in human history, does not find the disavowal of war so simple a matter.
Besides, to treat a civilized society as purely the same as any other type of event in nature would be to downgrade the significance of one of those things Whitehead finds most peculiar to the human species, namely, civilization.
It has indeed been a strange perversion of the theological mind to employ for our picture of God the «model» which we find most reprehensible when we see it in human form.
'' [The Church] holds that in her most benign Lord and Master can be found the key, the focal point and the goal of man, as well as of all human history... Under the light of Christ, the image of the unseen God, the firstborn of every creature, the council wishes to speak to all men in order to shed light on the mystery of man and to cooperate in finding the solution to the outstanding problems of our time» (10).
Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, said: «Once you've found a word or an image that connects atrocity with the rest of human experience, even in the most fragile or attenuated way, you've turned away from nihilism.»
In any of the activities of men which are most vital to their deepest human interests, such conservatism is generally found.
Turning away from orthodox Christianity because of the emotional excesses of frontier evangelism, he found it easier as a young man to accept what was called the Doctrine of Necessity, which he defined as the belief â $ ˜that the human mind is impelled to action, or held in rest by some power, over which the mind itself has no control.â $ ™ Later, he frequently quoted to his partner, William H. Herndon, the lines for Hamlet: â $ ˜Thereâ $ ™ s a divinity that shapes our ends, rough â $ «hew them how he will.â $ ™ â $ œFrom Lincolnâ $ ™ s fatalism derived some of his most lovable traits: his compassion, his tolerance, his willingness to overlook mistakes.
It took most of a lifetime of being looked - over and isolated for us to find one another at ages 50 and 61, and I am responding to this editorial to tell you this: If you are alive, breathing, and able to give a bit of your heart to another human without set expectations on what the returns will look like, or feel like - love will find a way.
Most of his book is a history of the unavailing efforts of philosophers, since the time of Descartes, to find certainty, to discover a set of sensations («raw feels» or clear and distinct ideas) or terms (analytical truths, the symbols of mathematical logic) that would provide a secure foundation for all human inquiries and activities.
If human experience is genuinely a part of nature, and if there be only one type of actual entity within nature (an idea whose truth - value must finally be verified heuristically), then, since it is that part of nature one knows most intimately, it provides the best starting point for finding principles that can be generalized to all actual entities.
Certainly the principle «treat every human humanely», which is really the Golden Rule, can be found in most faith traditions, although the scriptural or theological support for this statement will be particular to each faith.
But if, on the other hand, we refuse to regard human socialization as anything more than a chance arrangement, a modus vivendi lacking all power of internal growth, then (excepting, at the most, a few elementary rules safeguarding the living - space of the individual) we find the whole structure of politico - economico - social relations reduced to an arbitrary system of conventional and temporary expedients.
But in the story of human religiousness, especially in its post-axial forms, we find perhaps the most stirring manifestation of discontent with mere appearances, and nature's grasping for the seemingly unreachable.
Fortunately, most Christians today recognize that much of that traditional way Christians of centuries ago understood claims made in the scriptures must be rejected by the findings of history and the natural and human sciences.
To their concerns for autonomy, for the solitary journey of faith, for a vision of the transcendent not captured in human institutions, most laity add their awareness that they want a loving community where they can find help for their task of making meaning.
With that in mind, I have noticed that many, if not most new converts can have, in all appearances, a genuine spiritual experience before any high doctrine of «scriptural authority ever enters their head.Now, some may say that just how it works, first you crawl, then you walk... baby food, then the meat, but this is my point... the world is full of «spiritual meatheads»... there are so many believers who wdn't know an original thought, unless of course, they cd find the chapter and verse to unequivocally support it.Is it so difficult to comprehend how a collection of ancient documents may not be the final, complete and indisputable Word of God, but mere human artifacts, sometimes godly, sometimes not, sometimes helping, sometimes hindering.?
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