Sentences with phrase «most humans understand»

Blessed with the ability to understand humans and Pokémon, but unable to have most humans understand him, Detective Pikachu opens up a whole new world that we have only ever had the pleasure of watching and not playing.

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Marsh calls it, «an eye - opening exploration into how children are raised around the world and how child - rearing can inform the understanding of human nature more broadly,» noting the author's most essential point is that «one of the things which makes humans special as a species is that we don't limit care to our own children.
In the end, understanding the world is about understanding people, and fiction gives you the best, most nuanced, most varied human stories and character portrayals.
What it does: The role of this bacteria, which is most well - known for causing syphilis and Lyme disease, is still not well - understood in humans.
Meanwhile, other researchers are using the device to enhance vision for those with poor eyesight and even the near - blind, to understand how humans handle heavy workloads and multitasking — and, perhaps, most intriguingly, to better engage autistic individuals with the world around them.
Human resources leaders need to understand how the talent function can impact an entire organization and why human capital is a company's most valuable aHuman resources leaders need to understand how the talent function can impact an entire organization and why human capital is a company's most valuable ahuman capital is a company's most valuable asset.
The folks that love «Persona» love it with a depth and loyalty most human beings will never understand.
The Institute of Human - Centered Design has a full list here, but some of the most important include making sure the design of the site is easy to understand and accommodates a wide range of individual preferences and abilities.
This session will focus on understanding potential perils — from food crises to pandemics and from climate catastrophes to human migration — that aren't top - of - mind in most boardrooms, but could enable CEOs to better navigate changing economic conditions and markets.
To understand the levels of compliance to which most of us can be manipulated without even realizing we are being manipulated, just research the 1961 Yale University Milgram Experiment and the 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment, both experiments in human psychology that demonstrated extreme levels of compliance in ordinary human beings.
when all human beings understand and accept the frailties of our own collective existence... and respect the emotions and imaginations that find flight and power within even the most illusionary of perceptions.
Rather, I have always taken his question to suggest that only the most rigorous theological approach will be equal to the challenge of understanding what bas undoubtedly been the most complex interreligious relationship in human history.
Both of these forms of Counter-Reformation Catholicism think of the moral life as primarily engaging the will, whereas Evangelical Catholicism understands the moral life to be a matter of training minds and hearts, the reason and the will, to make those choices that truly contribute to goodness, human flourishing, and the beatitude that enables the friends of Jesus to live forever within the light and love of the Most Holy Trinity.
«Time» is something humans created to quantifying the passing of events, because we need it to understand the world around us (or at least most of us do; there are people with strange mental conditions that are fully functioning but have no concept of time).
Most highly educated people who understand quantum physics and it's related fields realize that humans might not ever be able to understand everything, including the origins of the Universe, but it is human nature to look for it and to try to understand as much as we can about the universe and how everything interacts.
All of which is to say that this fourth view of nature and human nature contends we understand ourselves most truly by imagining neither that we stand apart from, dominate, and bend nature to our will; nor that we are some unnatural plague upon nature; nor that we are simply immersed in nature and lack both the power and the duty to superintend nature and possibly even improve it.
What we need is a greater understanding of the environmental limits which most certainly exist regarding human intervention into nature.
It assumes that human life is fundamentally practical; hence, knowledge is not most basically the correspondence of some understanding of reality with «reality - as - it - is,» but it is a continual process of analysis, explanation, conversation, and application with both theoretical and practical aspects.
Christians have most often been content to allow Western culture to shape their understanding of the human at play.
One can see recent standoffs in Geneva on so - called traditional values resolutions as manifestations of a conflict between two rival conceptions of human dignity: one, supported by most Western advocates, that focuses on individual autonomy; and the other, proposed by voices from the global East and South, that focuses on traditional understandings of human nature.
Walter Harrelson's little book, The Ten Commandments and Human Rights (Fortress, 1980), is one of the most important recent attempts to show how the biblical understanding of human obligation under God gave rise to the principles present in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human RiHuman Rights (Fortress, 1980), is one of the most important recent attempts to show how the biblical understanding of human obligation under God gave rise to the principles present in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rihuman obligation under God gave rise to the principles present in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human RiHuman Rights.
So then perhaps it is no poem, or at any rate not one for which any human being is responsible, nor yet mankind; ah, now I understand you, it was for this reason you called my procedure the most wretched act of plagiarism, because I did not steal from any individual, nor from the race, but from the God or, as it were, stole the God away, and though I am only an individual man, aye, even a wretched thief, blasphemously pretended to be the God.
But the «anagogical» interpretation is perhaps most useful: Fairies represent forgotten human possibilities and strange philosophies that we might grow to understand, to transcend, or to embrace.
As in even the most intimate of human relations there are facts for psychologists to discover and use towards man's self - understanding, so there is no limit to what may be found out about what happens in prayer.
One - third say that their pets understand their feelings better than most humans.
Marriages, of course, are only human; they go wrong and break down; but it is still within marriage, and the families that spring from marriage, that most people come closest to an understanding of true love and creativity, which is as close as man can get to God.
This scripture is rarely used any more against homosexuality because it is understood by most to mean that the angels were leaving what was «natural» for them (i.e. their spiritual plain) to cohabit with humans.
We have moved from a place in which human rights have been guaranteed by virtue of some understanding of transcendent derivation, to a dispensation in which even the most fundamental rights are to be regarded as existing at the whim of the electorate.
If all we can say of Jesus and of God is that Jesus is God — all the God of God there is — then we have effectively ruled out all other attempts of the human spirit to glimpse the mystery of the ultimate; and this is all the more conspicuously the case when our understanding of «Jesus,» in the first place, is really a dogmatic reduction of his person, his «thou - ness,» to the «it - ness» of christological propositions that, most of them, enshrine little more than our own religious bid for authority.
Mathematics is the most powerful technique for the understanding of pattern and for the analysis of the interrelationship of patterns... In the next 2,000 years the overwhelming novelty in human thought will be the dominance of mathematical understanding... Applied mathematics is the transference of this study to other examples of the realization of these patterns.
I understand that you most likely feel that the Bible is the work of human ingenuity, but I guess that is where you and I would disagree.
Most sociologists believe that evolutionary biology is crucial for understanding the many social insti.tutions of the human species, of which religion is only one.
However we understand the Imago Dei, the image of God in which humans were created, most of us would agree that all people were created in God's image.
Shailer Matthews once accurately described most theories of atonement as «transcendentalized politics».3 It is God who redeenns man, and what God does can not be identified with any human experience or form, though it penetrates human understanding.
When I try to understand my experience of being human, I find that perhaps the most prominent feature is my memory.
To have experienced and understood, in order to teach others to experience and understand, that all human enrichment is but dross except inasmuch as it becomes the most precious and incorruptible of all things by adding itself to an immortal centre of love: such is the supreme knowledge and the ultimate lesson to be imparted by the Christian educator.
It is therefore most helpful in the struggle for the understanding and implementation of human rights in different situations in the world.
Rather than ground their discussion in biblical reflection and careful observation of play itself, Christians have most often been content to allow Western culture to shape their understanding of the human at play.
I think that most of this is baby talk, a way for the infant human race to understand his own nature.
Every human existence which is not conscious of itself as spirit, or conscious of itself before God as spirit, every human existence which is not thus grounded transparently in God but obscurely reposes or terminates in some abstract universality (state, nation, etc.), or in obscurity about itself takes its faculties merely as active powers, without in a deeper sense being conscious whence it has them, which regards itself as an inexplicable something which is to be understood from without — every such existence, whatever it accomplishes, though it be the most amazing exploit, whatever it explains, though it were the whole of existence, however intensely it enjoys life aesthetically — every such existence is after all despair.
Its two revolutions — its anthropological individualism and the voluntarist conception of choice, and its insistence on the human separation from and opposition to nature — created its distinctive and new understanding of liberty as the most extensive possible expansion of the human sphere of autonomous activity in the service of the fulfillment of the self.
On the contrary, it was rooted in his understanding that politics is not the most important sphere of human activity.
Rudolf Bultmann directed most of his attention to the understanding of human existence and faith.
(CNN)- The death penalty has been part of human society for millennia, understood to be the ultimate punishment for the most serious crimes.
Because this happening discloses what is most essential for our understanding of reality, it enjoys an importance in human thought and behavior that sets it apart from all other happenings, for it is precisely in relation to the real that man finds fulfilment in his own being.
Darwin's theory of evolution, as understood by most of the modern scientific community, has nothing to say about the «gap» between humans and «lower» animals, because no such gap is recognized.
Cobb ignores the ways corporations, where permitted to develop, are breaking down the barriers between peoples and are allowing the grandchildren of peasants to develop relationships, group solidarities and cosmopolitan understandings that for most of human history were available only to a few elites.
Both I and St Thomas consider that the soul continues to exercise thought and understanding (and indeed will, which is intellectual appetite) after death, and, as St Thomas explains, this can not be in synergism with the imagination in the way it is during human life, but is made possible in ways God provides, and in this way the life of purgatory allows the purification that most people need, while the Saints pray for the living and the dead of whom God gives them knowledge through their vision of Him.
Even in the most rigorously objective study of human behavior subjective understanding is covertly introduced in identifying the meaning of the theoretical inferences.
It condemns sex - selective abortion and female infanticide, although one wonders exactly why, and exactly how it intends member states to go about addressing what it calls the «root causes of son preference» in benighted native cultures that don't understand all about human rights the way that most EU countries do.
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