Sentences with phrase «most of the students»

And most of those students lived in the college dorms, she said.
«Most of my students have never touched flour in their lives,» the New York City native says.
Most of the students who graduate from Columbia Business School are going to be somewhere between wealthy and rich.
To make the most of your student loan tax credits and deductions, be sure to claim any tuition credits you are eligible for while still in school.
The median GMAT score for its latest entering class of 710 is pretty darn impressive, considering that most of these students haven't taken a standardized test in more than 15 years.
Most of the students and parents invited from the Florida school appeared to support Mr. Trump, many of them prefacing their comments with praise for his leadership.
I've taught a course called «Libertarian CEOs» at Chapman University, and every time most of the students vote to work for Whole Foods Market.
So one campus is evangelical or pretty much Southern Baptist (not all the students there are Baptist but all conform to Christian social discipline) and the other isn't even remotely Baptist or only vaguely Christian (although most of the students are more than vaguely Christian).
Most of the students, I among them, knew almost nothing about him, hut he was quickly to become a central figure in theological controversies that were raging within the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod» controversies centering especially on the seminary in St. Louis.
After examining the essays afresh, I was satisfied that most of the students who argued the traditional position had, indeed, been more analytic and had struggled more intelligently with the issue.
The people of North Africa adopted Sunni Islam and followed the interpretation of the Maliki school since most of their students went to study at Medina, where the school of Malik held sway.
Most of these students had returned to school after some significant work experience — in such diverse fields as teaching, politics, law, securities, real estate and graphic design.
Most of my students have been black or non-Western.
In ethics classes, in which most of the students are in their first or second year of college, I first show (after giving advance warning and making it clear that attendance is optional) the Canadian Film Board's documentary Not a Love Story, which portrays some of the most violent and degrading pornography available.
One in 1.000 was finally agreed upon, though most of the students would have preferred a larger number.
Before seeing the film, most of my students define pornography as material that is merely sexually explicit.
We are still a predominantly Christian society — it only makes sense to close for Christian holidays if most of the students would be missing (I think we only closed for two or three anyway — New Years Day [it is a Holy day of obligation as well as the first day of the year], Good Friday, but maybe just a partial day off, can't remember, and Christmas.
That really does insure that most of the students do most or all of the reading each week and everyone read some of it — which has included Nietzsche, Leo Strauss, Havel, Solzhenitsyn, Hannah Arendt, Pierre Manent, Chantal Delsol, and others.
This is understandable: Colleges prefer literary floaties to freighted classics because most of their students haven't ever encountered a hard book.
Most of my students will not take this path of immorality regardless of their musical tastes.
How can the Quaker school be true to its roots when most of its students have had no prior acquaintance with the Society of Friends?
One of the adults on one of those trips told us that most of the students brought nice clothes, swimsuits, electric hair curlers, and so on, but no work clothes.
Neuliep says that in his own experience most of the students won't step on the paper.
Most of the students were in holy orders and theology was regarded as the «queen of the sciences».
So most of my students would have had no difficulty realizing that scientism is also the self - subverting creed that provides the spongy cognitive foundation of the entire project we are dignifying with the label «new atheism.»
Everything but the church will be available on the campus to meet most of the student's needs.
While we have textbooks available about what makes public speaking effective, most of our students greet this kind of material with a yawn.
But most of the students who plagiarized did so because they were desperate or scared, or both.
Most of my students are typical, ranging in age from eighteen to twenty - two, or thereabouts.
When the Academy of Geneva, the forerunner of the University of Geneva, was created to train learned citizens and leaders for Reformed churches, by intention most of the students were from other countries.
It is noteworthy that, in contradistinction to the older Bible - centered training in the past, most of these students had come up through the modern graded Sunday Schools in which not the Bible but the child has been central; in which the Bible has been brought into the focus of attention only when the situation demanded it.
The Bacon Egg and Sausage Breakfast Cups from Nicole at Daily Dish Recipes popped out at me as something I could make with The Bug, but I wanted to turn it into a vegetarian recipe, so that he could take leftovers to school (his preschool is attached to a Jewish Temple, so in order to ensure that meals being rated together at a table are Kosher — since most of the students are not Jewish and may not know all of the requirements — is to just have everyone bring in vegetarian dishes).
I know most of my students are totally cool with doing that after a few classes, but if you're new to gluten free baking, I wouldn't try it.
Sure I am twice the age of most of the students but I have not felt so happy and excited in a long time.
While most of the students have tried Greek yogurt before, a lot of them were surprised to learn the nutritional differences between Greek yogurt and conventional yogurt.
Most of my students forgot to spray their liners with cooking spray so they stuck pretty bad (don't forget this step!!)
I watched as quarterback Kirk Farmer broke his leg after getting pushed out of bounds during Homecoming against Iowa State; I was on the hill on the north side of the stadium with my parents, so unlike most of the student section on the east side, I apparently missed witnessing him screaming, throwing up, and passing out.
Personally I work as a tutor and seeing that type of drawings are not new to me, since most of my students love drawing.
When they enter our school most of our students are more concerned with what is immediate â $» rewards and consequences.
Most of my students buy milk from the store, so there is no need to have your own dairy animals!
However, most of those students don't have an opportunity to play sports competitively once they reach college.
For those unfamiliar with this mysterious sounding figure: She's a teacher in an elementary school in Illinois where most of the students qualify for free or reduced - cost lunch.
Most of the students thought school food could be improved a little.
This had been absolutely not true of course, and all of us Practitioners were teaching exactly the way that we had been instructed to do, yet most of our students were extremely unhappy and unsatisfied with their birth experiences.
Most of its students are from low - income families, and around a third are parents of young children.
In Hempstead, while most of the students at The Academy Charter School are from the local district, the school draws from nearby systems as well.
According to him, most of the students at the University, a large number of whom are females, are more concerned about what they wear than their training.
Minimum - wage workers at Erie Community College — most of them students — will get a raise of 50 cents per hour beginning tomorrow and an additional $ 1 per hour raise beginning Dec. 1.
Most of the students in the public schools are black or Latino.
This is because most of the students sit on the bare floor for class work, and the few desks available, are shared by students in pairs, and this does not allow for independent...
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