Sentences with phrase «most organized religion»

Most organized religion is more interested in worship of the dollar.
There are plenty of organizations which rely on you continuing to not question them so that they become rich in spite of their own hypocrisy in the face of their own beliefs: as in most organized religion.
It's also a sign of weak faith and the hypocrisy that pervades most organized religion that preachers fear alienating their source of income by preaching on economic injustice but are real warriors when it comes to bashing gays.
Look at history — most organized religions have a pretty shameful moral records, particularly the catholic church.
But it is the evil reality of most organized religions, that regardless of how many good intentions leaders start out with, they mean nothing under the pressure they come under in order to please the masses, their particular denominational mandates, and to be able to put food on the family table.
I do believe that most organized religions are wrong but that is a personal belief.
That prompted Malloy to note that «most organized religions in the United States are against the death penalty.»

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Left alone to think on their own as they grow up, most adults will find any organized religion just a bogus scheme.
I am skeptical about most of the bureaucratic trappings of organized religion, and I constantly pull and push to improve the church I attend.
The most real, spirit - filled, loving and authentic people I know have nothing to do with organized religion or church.
Actually Frank, I believe understanding what sin is, is one of the great difficulties present in most of organized religion.
For the most part, Allen has avoided direct contact with the world of organized religion.
While the demise of organized religion, specifically Catholicism, is most dramatic among young Latinos, the overall shifts are broad - based, according to Pew, affecting men and women; foreign - born and U.S. natives; college graduates and those with less formal education.
-- Atheists bash Christianity based on Jewish scriptures (Old Testament / Torah) and organized religion, and tend to ignore or forget how amazing, loving, friendly, supportive, and excellent the most influential person who has even walked on Earth, Jesus Christ, was.
I consider myself a christian, with religious knowledge and general knowlege, however I do not hold to a set of views dictated by an organized religion, I believe the organized religions are where we have gone wrong, as someone pointed out earlier to most «religious people» to question ones faith or organization is wrong but that is exactly what the bible tells us to do... test ALL things to see what is true.
Most non-religious people do a great deal of research to come to the conclusion that they don't want to be part of an organized religion.
According to the most recent study done by the Pew Research Center on religion in the United States, this decline coincides with a growth in the number of people who either reject organized religion or faith and spirituality entirely.
Although I admire the unwavering faith of those that follow a deity, historically most of the world's conflicts have been started in the name of one or more forms of organized religion.
Most people are atheists because they don't believe in God or organized religion.
If one has had a bad experience with organized religion, with God - followers who lack a certain grace, then this cartoon just reinforces the opinion that most folks are black and white, post-conversion.
I no longer believe in organized religion and actually believe it's one of the most divisive things humankind faces.
The real reason most people in this country are turning away from organized religion is that they see the damage it does everyday in the world.
The truth is, most of us are not fence - sitters at all, but people who've tried organized religion already and found it to be insincere, stifling, and hypocritical.
I don't believe in organized religion or Jesus but I do believe in God and good and evil and the most evil and dangerous people ever to walk the earth, are Democrats!
Go on making your choice, although I do nt agree with organized religion I do believe a life without any sense of spiritual nature is a boring life at most.
I can agree with most of what you said, but still believe in the existence of God and an afterlife... because it makes sense to me, not because I was am «indoctrinated» by organized religion.
I saw an anwer to my entry that «a bigot is a bigot, even if you are a «Christian», his comment basically was that it is ok to be a bigot even if you claim to be a «Christian», well I agree that most are bigots, I just don't think it fits the description of «Christian», I could never be part of any organized religion as their members ar 99.5 % hypocrits.
Don't kid yourself into thinking that organized religion is not one of the most destructive and divisive and utterly terrible forces in the world.
organized religion (for the most part) is death.
Like so many in modern secular society, I considered myself spiritual but shunned most of the practices and beliefs associated with organized religion.
Thankfully, I had to be around a lot of arrogant religous fools (like you) when I was young and that provided all the evidence I need... organized religion is the greatest scam ever perpetrated on mankind and is the root of most evil.
Christian --(supposed) Follower of Christ Mormon — follower of the Christ depicted in the Book of Mormon and have differing traditions than most other organized Christian religions.
Most people in this group continue to be «spiritual» but many have left organized religion behind: Another study showed that Atheist perform the best on a quiz about religious knowledge:
My issue with major organized religions is that most of them tend to not be objective in their thinking.
Most of the people in the 20 % «nones» still believe in God or a universal spirit — they just don't belong to an organized religion.
Seriously, most of us who are «atheists» or agnostics or whatever, had to throw off the shackles of some oppressive organized religion.
the thing I love the most about organized religions is the tolerance they preach.
In most cases however, the utter distaste that many had for organized religion makes us (looking back on their writings) incorrectly perceive them as deist when in actuality they acknowledged the divinity of Jesus Christ.
I was raised Mormon, but over the years my spiritual identity has shifted away from organized religion and today, most of my transcendent experiences come from nature.
A 90 - minute, years - in - the - making comic wind - up machine that begins by mocking its own audience for paying good money to see what it can watch at home for free and proceeds from there through the most wickedly funny arsenal of assaults on big government, organized religion and corporate America this side of «Borat.»
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