Sentences with phrase «most people commenting»

Do you not believe that most people commenting on here are not targeting a certain end seller who they believe will be motivated to sell.
I think most people commenting haven't sat the accelerated version.
Most people commenting on this paper have no ability to understand it whatsoever, and those few that do and have commented so far are simply in a rush to affirm or condemn it to please their mouth - breathing blog readers.
JC: Willard, I can't keep up with all the comments, but I agree that Neven's and Dana's are more worthy than some others in terms of responding to, for the reason that they have a larger public following than most people commenting here.
Just one sad question here: why are most people commenting here closing their minds and hearts to the very real possibility of the extinction of the human species, if we mess this one up, all in the name of your insane ideological awkwardness.?
Danny Dan Daniel asks «Why are most people commenting here closing their minds and hearts to the very real possibility of the extinction of the human species, if we mess this one up, all in the name of your insane ideological awkwardness?»
Most people commenting in blogs are anonymous.
So unlike most people commenting, I'd like to say, «Thanks Sakurai!»
Namely that most people commenting don't get it.
Shame that most people commenting are doing so with zero regard for the actual message of this blog post — are we actually having online conversations anymore these days, or just leaving links to our blogs in the hopes of referral traffic?
Most people commenting here are speaking from their gut and not their brain.
I suspect I «m as familiar with the Bible as most people commenting here.
This is the understeer that most people comment on after an initial drive in this car, but on second acquaintance you find that it's not wash - out, scary understeer, it's telltale and workable, an invitation to play with the balance of the short wheelbase and use the throttle and steering to adjust grip throughout the corner.
Most people comment that the quality is excellent and that their dogs seem to enjoy the food.

Not exact matches

Observe how often the person you are talking to cuts you off before you have finished your thought,» suggests the post, adding that «you will be surprised to discover that most of the time, people reply to your comments either right before you finish talking, or immediately after.»
Because it's not that big a company, however, «most people could tell from the writing style» who wrote the comment, says information technology coordinator Dwight Gibbs.
And thanks to Jeff Bezos» comments, we can see that in operation from one of the most successful persons in the entire world.
Most often in today's conversations, one person's comments «trigger» thoughts in the listener, who then brings forth their own story along the same lines.
What is most uncomfortable about the present market environment is that even some people whom we respect are tossing out comments about market valuation here that are provably wrong, or at least require one to dispense with the entirety of historical evidence if their optimistic views are to be correct.
I am a young, white Irish woman, in case that means anything to how people view my comment, since it seems it does most times.
As I read the comments I am once again reminded that Christians are sometimes the most unChristian people I know.
I knew most people where dumb, but reading these comments i think i gave them too much credit.
Too many people make some of the most ignorant and sick comments without so much as investigating what is written in the Bible, why Born Again Believers believe what we believe.
Neither are most of the people commenting on this blog.
Most people who are saying these comments probably aren't even that religious, definitely not spiritual people.
What's funny is most of these comments are probably from people at work in their cubicles or offices
It would appear that the people making comments are people of faith, yet they attack one another (most likely all worshipping a form of Christianity) with their opinions with vicious discontent!?!?
When comments treating religious people as morons are posted, that makes atheists look just as asinine as the far right religious nut jobs that most here rail against.
It's also pride to pre-judge a whole race of people based on a bunch of assumptions — and most practicing Jews reading your comment might also think your crossed a line of fairness.
The comment in teh article above reflects that fear and weakness («most people believe after someone they love dies.»).
fishon: i think what catches people in the way you communicate is that for the most part, when people make comments, thereâ $ ™ s a feeling of openness and uncertainty in what they say.
I also want to say, for the record, I've posted comments here before, I'm the most liberal person in the world (and yes, I'm also in the south).
I can't find any respect for atheists — I hate to make sweeping generalizations but based on the comments in this blog, I would call them them most hateful, self - centered & self - absorbed people I have ever encountered.
My concern was mostly with Dustin's comments, specifically with the unsupportable sweeping assertions that were being made («most Christians who say... are deceived or delusional or mistak [en]», «usually people who say God told them things are egotistical»).
Most of the comments I have read object to the fact that some people have closely held values.
Most people don't know who the Vice President and the Speaker of the House is.In my University, we watched a video of Obama speaking, with Biden and Bohner behind him, and when we were asked to comment, some girl said, «Those two guys behind the president».
First of all Bob, if you think that by posting your blasphemous comments you are going to convince any of God's people to reject Him, you are more foolish than most deniers.
The most likely reason some of you have posted these comments is because your angry people, maybe because your life is not what you want it to be, or its empty.
I learned a long time ago that, for the most part, ignorant people are the ones that make the comments and I just let it go.
Most of us, most of the time, all get by feeling no need to comment on other people's dietMost of us, most of the time, all get by feeling no need to comment on other people's dietmost of the time, all get by feeling no need to comment on other people's dieties.
The Jews first: «The bitterest comments against the Jews come, not from the people who are the most intimately associated with the churches, but from those on the periphery, if not entirely outside church life altogether.»
In reading the comments most of the people strongly agreed with you.
I suppose that most people who read or comment on this blog are believers in some sort of deity, although we probably all have been seriously let down by the deity we have been fed, hence the search for the real truth.
I sometimes delete the foulest, most hate - filled comments on this site from people who quote verses left and right to justify their hate.
Not that you need another comment here, but you left off the most important part of # 1 — «With God's help, THESE ARE THE STEPS I»LL BE TAKING TO MAKE SURE I will do better next time»... spoken with a request for the one delivering the rebuke (or naming a neutral other person) to assist with accountability and monitoring progress.
Most people seemed puzzled or bemused by my comments.
It's hilarious how we're of the internet and information age, yet most people out there are ill informed and make stupid comments like this.
UN observer Lorne Gunter comments: «Rather than the People's Assembly being comprised of members or deputies from around the world, elected by and accountable to the people they represent [as is at least theoretically the case with the General Assembly], it would likely be made up of the heads of civil society NGOs, and, under most scenarios, only those NGOs accredited by tPeople's Assembly being comprised of members or deputies from around the world, elected by and accountable to the people they represent [as is at least theoretically the case with the General Assembly], it would likely be made up of the heads of civil society NGOs, and, under most scenarios, only those NGOs accredited by tpeople they represent [as is at least theoretically the case with the General Assembly], it would likely be made up of the heads of civil society NGOs, and, under most scenarios, only those NGOs accredited by the UN.
I think you nailed it with this comment: «If you are like most people in the community here, you love God, love Scripture, love theology, and love to follow Jesus in loving others, but are tired of the rules and lies and manipulation of religion.»
All I'm trying to say is that my opinion is that most people completely tune out LONG comments.
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