Sentences with phrase «most people with»

Most people with PTSD can't handle unexpected or sudden stimuli, and jump scares are the worst of the lot.
Most people with even a casual interest in great cinema have seen a film that played at Cannes.
The prospect of suddenly going blind is enough to fill most people with dread.
Films like Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore and Little Nicky made his fans roll in the aisles but left most people with any semblance of intelligence far from amused.
I have formed the opinion that most of the major services can provide most people with online dating success because they are of such high quality.
Since most people with herpes want to maintain privacy and feel awkward to tell to others that they have herpes, then they will not set a profile on regular dating sites or conceal their condition with others.
Although Australia is an independent continent, it can not stop the spread of herpes, According to the statistic, New South Wales has the most people with herpes in Australia, about 30 % of total herpes people in Australia.
Genital herpes is a common STD, and most people with genital herpes infection do not know they have it.
For this reason, most people with herpes are totally UNAWARE that they have it, and may be having unprotected sex and spreading the virus to their partners without knowing it, through asymptomatic shedding.
Most people with herpes (either HSV - 1 or HSV - 2) do NOT have any noticeable symptoms.
It is often seen that most people with issues of STD find it tough to locate love in their surroundings.
Most people with herpes prefer to be gold members to find their perfect herpes partners effectively.
Most people with herpes are just good, ordinary people looking for love.
Most people with shadows under their eyes have them because they have dry skin, are crying a lot,...
Most people with the list of allergies your daughter has do better with a grain - free diet while they're healing the gut.
Most people with stray towards the cooler tones such as blues, silvers, greys and purples during winter, but red is guaranteed to get you noticed.
However, while most people with medium complexions tend to lean towards a warm undertone, that doesn't mean they have to stay away from cool toned red lipsticks.
Even little 10 - year - old boys and girls are dressed better than most people with a six - figure income in the Northwest.
Most people with bad sleep have terribly low DHEA.
If studies don't show low cortisol levels in the majority of people with chronic fatigue, and most people with chronic fatigue don't identify with the symptoms of low cortisol levels, it simply does not make sense to keep focusing on cortisol as a valid way of explaining fatigue.
If most people with fatigue don't have symptoms of low cortisol, it doesn't make much sense to attempt to explain chronic fatigue by saying that it's caused by low cortisol.
Most people with celiac disease are undiagnosed.
Dr. Fasano is not including the fact that most people with autoimmune diseases are females; females are three times more likely to get hashi's than males; most hashimoto's sufferers developed this disease during or after pregnancy, during menopause... It is obvious that hormone fluctuations is the main cause of Hashimoto to develop.
Most people with thyroid cancer have a thyroid nodule that does not cause any symptoms.
Some people are acutely lactose intolerant, but most people with lactose intolerance can safety eat smaller amounts of dairy products or foods with added lactose.
Based on the research, for most people with diabetes, the first tool for managing blood glucose is some type of carbohydrate counting.
Most people with OCD and similar disorders develop symptoms before age 36.
But for most people with SAD, the biggest factor is the dearth of sunlight.
Most people with this type of diabetes eventually stop making natural insulin at some point.
The facts: Life expectancy is normal or close to normal for most people with MS. «We think of it as a chronic disease that can be managed,» says Nancy L. Sicotte, MD, director of the Multiple Sclerosis Program at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
Also drawing conclusions from the physiology about acromegaly when most people with the disease are likely not eating and exercising to gain muscle mass — thus most of the growth goes to inducing growth of other tissues like bone and fat and other organs rather than muscle tissue which as a medical and nutritional professional should know requires a significant stimulus to induce increased blood and nutrient flow to those muscles as well as growth receptors to allow for optimal growth.
FDA also noted that most people with celiac disease can tolerate foods with very small amounts of gluten, and the level is consistent with those set by other countries and international bodies that set food safety standards.
Although iodine is recommended for cases of hypothyroidism caused by iodine deficiency, most people with Hashimoto's do not have iodine deficiency, and taking iodine can actually make Hashimoto's worse.
Most people with this disease are overweight.
Most people with an active autoimmune disease also suffer from intestinal permeability, or leaky gut, a condition in which the gut walls become damaged and overly porous.
Most people with Hashimoto's disease don't have any symptoms initially.
Most people with thyroid conditions and adrenal fatigue will have low stomach acid (hydrochloric acid or HCl), which is necessary to break down protein.
Now most people with itchy skin will improve if they just start drinking more water and taking fish oil.
According to the American Diabetes Association, the best meal - planning tool for most people with diabetes is carbohydrate counting — focusing on the total number of carbs consumed.
Most people with major depressive disorder (MDD) have higher levels of inflammation in the brain and have trouble making new brain cells (neurogenesis).
Most people with hypothyroidism don't have a «thyroid problem», they really have an immune system problem.
Most people with candida opt to use a supplement such as ThreeLac, which has been very effective.
Most people with PCOS are given a pamphlet that gives a one - size - fits - all solution... but this doesn't work with PCOS!
Although insulin resistance alone does not cause type 2 diabetes, it often sets the stage for the disease by placing a high demand on the insulin - producing beta cells... Studies have shown that most people with prediabetes develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years, unless they change their lifestyle.»
Most people with pelvic floor issues are not simply suffering from muscle weakness, but rather from a tightness or shortening of the pelvic floor muscles (See Too Long, Too Short or Just Right?
I mean a higher fat, moderate protein, low carbohydrate diet can do wonders for most people with testosterone.
After 6 to 9 months of being gluten - free, most people with gluten sensitivity will enjoy noticeable physical, mental, and emotional changes.
I don't think there's any question that one can keep weight off long term with a low calorie diet and this is especially true for naturally lean people who just ate too much for a while, however the point is what works for most people with the highest corresponding quality of life
For instance, a low FODMAP diet has been demonstrated to reduce functional gut disorder symptoms in about 75 % of people, because most people with IBS have FODMAP intolerances.
The result for most people with scoliosis is better posture and less pain.
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