Sentences with phrase «most pointless thing»

Oh, and in some games, the controller works as a one - way telephone — isn't that the coolest most pointless thing in the world?!
The Wonderlic is the most pointless thing that happens during draft season.

Not exact matches

Even if one were able to overlook the egregiously in - your - face visuals, Maureen Medved's meandering, remarkably pointless screenplay would surely frustrate even the most avant - garde viewer (ie the whole thing is so pretentious that even the word pretentious doesn't really do it justice).
Most of these chat options are largely pointless since they can be a bit fiddly when using a controller (although the game does support voice recognition so you can actually speak into a mic to request these things) but it's still a bit of extra detail that is appreciated.
I have played video games for most of my life now, and through it all one thing has been constant: no matter what your preferred method for playing video games is, you actually need a game to play since it is pointless to have a console and no games.
And the cardboard - stand up nature of the city itself, as well as the twist that the whole thing ended up being fake and pointless anyway, was mocking the flimsy pretext most video games, especially action games, give the player for murdering thousands upon thousands of enemies.
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