Sentences with phrase «most police officers»

Having a safe driving record is a source of pride for most police officers.
«Despite fearing for their lives on more occasions, most police officers throughout the country still do not want to be routinely armed,» she said.
Most police officers take their work duties very seriously, so you can be sure you will be brought into their fold.
Because most police officers are offered life insurance as part of their benefits package, they may believe they don't need to seek additional coverage.
In order for a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) figure to be admitted in court, the test must be performed by a certified Breath Technician (a certification that most police officers do not hold) and the machine used must be the larger and more accurate Intoxilyzer 5000C.
The in - service instruction is something new for the department, police officials said: besides routine firearms training, most police officers never received additional training after leaving the academy in the past.
Although Montana keeps an electronic database that is accessible by most police officers.
«For most police officers, helping those who can't help themselves is why we took the job.
Most police officers do not have quotas (and some cities ban the use of them), but those who may, have pityingly low ones.
Most police officers for the City have in - car video cameras that record their DUI investigations and arrests.
Most police officers are committed and ethical.
Also, remember that most police officers are good, hardworking members of your community: neither as inept as Channing Tatum nor brutal as those in Ferguson.
Seriously, when you get pulled over, most police officers are so used to hearing the usual nonsense about having to go to the bathroom, or bad cramps, or the bee in the car that caused you to temporarily lose control, that you are only going to annoy them for insulting their intelligence.
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