Sentences with phrase «most practical sense»

Of course, the polished colours are more prone to scratches, and the tempered blue is what makes the most practical sense.
A full prohibition makes the most practical sense.

Not exact matches

In varying degrees, most of them want practical theology to become more critical and philosophical, more public (in the sense of being more oriented toward the church's ministry to the world rather than simply preoccupied with the needs of its own internal life), and more related to an analysis of the various situations and contexts of theology.
Foundational autonomy asserts instead that in the most fundamental practical sense I am my own creator, which means that at the core I am alone.
In this way, I should like to signal what I myself sense to be a significant shift in my recent thinking: from being preoccupied for the most part with theoretical questions of belief and truth to giving greater attention to the practical issues of action and justice that likewise have their basis in the underlying concern for freedom.
For most practical purposes, this understanding makes good sense.
This vulgarly practical and relativistic theory of truth perhaps most closely approximates the current, popular sense of the word «pragmatic,» and one can find warrants for it in the writings of all the pragmatists, even including some of James».
God really does care for money - in the most practical, matter - of - fact sense.
It seeks to produce a generation of «practical theologians» in the most expansive sense of that phrase.
In practical terms, it might not make the most sense, but this organization has shown that it's not going to push out any of the Big Three.
In a practical sense, though, I think the biggest accomplishment ~ and most satisfying ~ is acquiring my flock of fibre sheep a few years ago.
«Given the calendar and timing of these announcements, it makes the most fiscal and practical sense for our county elections office to schedule these special elections on the same day as the November general election,» the Democratic governor said in a statement.
Former GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson said while he wished there was a «path» for him to endorse another candidate, backing Trump made the most «practical» sense, and he's anticipating a role in a potential Trump administration.
The reality is that if you use your imagination and a practical sense of what you want to accomplish, you can do most anything.
James Chao, director of IHS Automotive for the Asia - Pacific region, said the punitive measures for 2015 «may not matter in a practical sense», because most automakers, save for a few, are projected to be able to comply with the requirements.
The main reason why it doesn't work is due to the fact that the most bizarre set of coincidences, as well as the most befuddling character motivations, are necessary in order for this film to come close to working, and even then it makes very little sense from a practical standpoint.
Shot by the talented Bradford Young, who displayed a detailed sense of tactility and practical lighting in «Selma,» «Arrival» and «A Most Violent Year,» he brings this approach to «Solo,» and the dim, dusty look just doesn't fit.
By bringing the classroom out into the world, teachers have the most wonderful opportunity to engage all the senses of their students and show the practical application of their students» studies, writes Mike Newman
By bringing the classroom out into the world, teachers have the most wonderful opportunity to engage all the senses of their students and show the practical application of their students» studies.
The Audi S8 is the ultimate expression of luxury, performance and practical business - sedan sense or, as Audi V8 engine head Jurgen Konigstedt said, «It is the most powerful sedan in our history.»
She is on a search for its origins; painting as practical magic, the prosaic made ecstatic, and self - portrait in its most basic sense as a trace of its author... The non-traditional materials Strobert employs — powdered graphite, pumice, papier - mâché and glitter among others — all have visual signatures as distinctive as the bulbous shine of oil paint or the transparent skeins of gouache.
Deeply engaged in the role of landscape in both art history and politics, most of the artist's large - scale projects start with the notion of «public land,» in both practical and romantic senses.
Finally, the Special Rapporteur is strongly convinced that the process of negotiation and seeking consent inherent in treaty - making (in the broadest sense) is the most suitable way not only of securing an effective indigenous contribution to any effort towards the eventual recognition or restitution of their rights and freedoms, but also of establishing much needed practical mechanisms to facilitate the realization and implementation of their ancestral rights and those enshrined in national and international texts.
In the least complicated, most cooperative situations, it would make sense to allow at least three months from the first meeting to the Agreement signing, given the practical realities of scheduling meetings, collecting information and reviewing Agreement drafts.
Young kids are most likely to use animals rather than people so putting them on the bottom just makes practical sense.
It is very practical in the most fundamental sense but it also can serve as a decor in your room.
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