Sentences with phrase «most quotes»

She says it takes 15 minutes or less to get most quotes online or on a mobile device.
The third most quoted source of financial pressure reported by school leaders was the cost of dealing with the additional needs of pupils, reported by 83 per cent of respondents.
Though I mentioned this before, this is often the single most quoted reason for dairy consumption.
Most quote websites will offer prices from many different providers, ensuring consumers are getting a variety of options without the added commission given to the agent.
Monthly premiums of $ 40 to $ 50 — the amount of most quotes I've gotten for Spencer so far — won't.
Members of the public can vote online for two categories in the All Def Movie Awards (Best Picture and Most Quoted Movie) through midnight on Feb. 23 by simply clicking here.
The Inky Fool — The Fifty Most Quoted Lines of Poetry — M.H. Forsyth — # 49: Full fathom five thy father lies.
Walter Willett chairs the nutrition department at Harvard University and he is the second most quoted author in clinical medicine!
He was the living author most quoted by Ronald Reagan.
And then gave his first most quoted statement: «Every time I look at Atlanta, I see what a quarter of a million Confederate soldiers died to prevent.»
The problem with most quotes isthey fail to ask the right questions or do not know which carriersview certain underwriting issues differently.
I think this is important because most quotes about bravery refer to physical courage.
He began with what he said was his second most quoted statement: «Southern barbecue is the closest things to France's wine and cheeses.»
At the epicentre of all the fuss is a quiet Canadian account manager who has become the world's most quoted expert on mash - ups.
As you can see, these alternative trading systems handle a large portion of the trading volume in Canada, yet most regular Canadian investors don't see this because most quote systems do not include transactions from all of these different platforms.
Most quoted job insecurity as their reason.
Smolen, Head of the Division of Rheumatology at MedUni Vienna and the third most quoted rheumatology expert, and researchers from the USA, Argentina, Australia, the UK and China, were able to demonstrate that the combination of methotrexate / tofacitinib produced equally effective results as the current standard combination of methotrexate / adalimumab.
Voices from various backgrounds and disciplines feature in this issue, from growth - skeptic film - maker Dave Gardner, to grassroots food sovereignty activists the Open Food Network, to the world's most quoted social critic, Noam Chomsky.
The average rates made this neighborhood 3 % lower than most quotes received in Modesto.
One of Niebuhr's most quoted statements is: «Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible; but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary (p. xiii).
In one of the most quoted parts of the speech, he spoke of his wish to see his children judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Ferrell appears in just one scene in «Wedding Crashers,» but has some of the most quoted lines from the film.
Equities, or stocks; bonds, or fixed - income securities; cash, or marketable securities; and commodities are the most liquid asset classes and therefore the most quoted asset classes.
Throughout Laredo, this rate was 42 % higher than most quotes our driver received.
Brian Wieser has been called the most quoted man in advertising, and that's probably true.
The other is Robert Thompson, arguably the most quoted university professor in the world.
The most quoted «rule» of investing — the «Rule of 72» — illustrates this point.
Brian Wieser has been called the most quoted man in advertising, and...
Father Richard McBrien, chairman of theology at the University of Notre Dame, is quite possibly the most quoted Catholic priest in America.
Two of the most quoted references which are twisted in an attempt to say this are the following:
One of the concluding paragraphs was destined to become perhaps the most quoted....
Paul is the most quoted source in the battle to condemn homosexuality (1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11 and Romans 1: 26 - 27).
Notice who is most quoted in the Golden rule.
One of his most quoted aphorisms states the thesis of the book: «Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible; but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.»
One of the most quoted lines of the poem is, «there lives more faith in honest doubt, believe me, than in all the creeds.»
Its most quoted portion in reference to the Jews runs as follows: «We are up against a people who think.
This one verse may be the most quoted text in African Christianity, the «life verse» of an entire continent.
The most quoted, photographed, written about and discussed.The most inspiring.
The article written by Dr. Sears entitled «Science Says: Excessive Crying Could Be Harmful» is probably the most quoted article by anti-CIO advocates.
Before the meal, Shaman Durek offered up a blessing, saying what became perhaps the most quoted phrase of the night: «Nurturing is the new sexy.»
One of the most quoted (and nervous Google search - inducing) claims of the recent viral documentary What the Health, the eggs - equaling - five - cigarettes - a-day comparison comes from a focus on eggs» dioxin content.
It's not too small and not too big and it has three rows, which is suitable for most quotes (two rows are less practical).
I single handedly made the Anchorman the most quoted movie of all time on okCupid.
The soldier has vision and recites words of Lincolnâ $ ™ s Gettysburg Address of 1863, the most quoted words in American political history.
One of the most quoted films in history, AIRPLANE!
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