Sentences with phrase «most racist people»

Ironic how people get worked up when the Los Angeles Clipper's owner doesn't want his girlfriend to associate with black people, but don't have a problem discriminating against anyone who is not Christian, or don't care that the founding fathers were some of the most racist people on Earth and actually owned slaves.
White southern baptists are the most racist people in America.

Not exact matches

Maybe I misspoke, perhaps they are not the MOST racist, I mean to say they are as racist as any other people, the difference is they seem TO ME to get a pass for it.
They seem to be the people that are most racist and close minded.
Then look at the fact that they were (and probably still are) the most racist of all American faiths, as a matter of DOGMA... Few other faiths have hated Black people as much as the Mormons.
This is what you call «HOME OF THE BRAVE, LAND OF THE FREE, Texas is the most racist state in the country, Look at their history of hatred 1 - writing slurs of people of color on rocks, putting people to death in their jails, the only chance you have living in that sate is if you are white a pure christian.
I am not gonna comment on all these sick opinions,, I understand now that most of westerns oppose Islam, therefor they don't wan na hear anything good about it,, all they do they lie and believe their lies,, good for you guys but believe me no one in this world helps the US as Muslims do to the country in all important fields,, and please don't dare me to write novels what we've done to you and i am as a person from Saudi,, You should be thankful instead of your sick racist minds,, TRUST me no one can stop the huge flow of ISLAM anywhere,
This group is our nations albatross, not because they are Christian, but because they are some of the most uninformed, intolerant, ignorant, and racist people in our country.
If you think most middle eastern people look a certain way, well, that's ignorant and mildly racist.
Most people NOW wouldn't consider a racist a likely Christian, but go back half a century and things would be completely different.
This Guy is a born leader but instead people are supporting people who have no integrity, liars, racist, and the most unamerican group of Benedict Arnolds that we have ever seen before.
Most people who think of him as a racist point to a few articles he wrote as vice president» though I do not think that serious biographers have tarred him as a supporter of the eugenics movement.
On the whole, the people seen waving England flags and swearing at «foreigners» in the last few weeks held racist views long before the referendum — indeed, many have held them for their most of their adult lives.
«Most right minded people would say that keeping a running tally of the number of racist incidents in schools would seem to be perverse.
Most libertarians I've talked to view the portions of the Civil Rights Act that coerce the actions of individuals or their use of private property to be a ill - guided and would rather people «vote with their wallets» (e.g. by boycotting racist businesses.)
Because it's all about numbers, Bratton would have us ignore the fact that most of those numbers represent people of color and that somehow means that it is not racist.
One of the most common prejudices against working class people is that they are racist, sexist, homophobic or at least very nationalistic.
Most EU immigration is of white people, so if wanting to end EU free movement of labour is racist at all then it is against white people rather than against non-white workers around the world who suffer because white Europeans get to be head of the queue for entering the UK.
He is full of hurt about the attacks on Ukip as a racist party and says the message has really hit home with voters in Croydon, perhaps because it is one of the most mixed parts of the country, with the council predicting white people will make up 40 % of the population by 2021.
Democratizing media also means that idiots and racists and pedophiles and all the people out there who happen not to share your political viewpoint have access to the most powerful printing press in history.
A while back they moved to california where interracial relationships are supposed to be acceptable, he says people openly say racist things to his face and most of the times they are minorities.
If you were hoping for the same fluffy and friendly life advice about that get in other places, think again anti-miscegenationists persons opposed interracial marriage come variety types some are simple racists most often white supremacists who.
And that attitude is; against Tories, TERFs, bigots, racists, ignorant people and most tabloid newspaper editors and journalists.
There are plenty of talented components to this cast, and most every one of them has his or her time to shine, even such much too briefly present forces as episodes 1's Martin Sheen - who nails both Irish - American accent and depth of the good - hearted slaver who comes to find flaws in the traditions he has had to follow - and episode 3's Richard Jenkin, who effectively despicable in his audacious portrayal of a despicable radical racist who is as willing to die as he is to kill to preserve his questionable sense of order - and plenty of other people in between, from the compelling Dennis Haysbert to the charming Danny Glover, so you know that it's saying something to proclaim that leading lady Halle Berry is this series» strongest performance, delivering on powerful layers and emotional range in her engrossing portrayal of a mulatto who is trapped in society by her mixed race, and will face many unbearable hardships that will test her innocence and humanity.
The Yemeni people are painted in the broadest, most racist terms imaginable.
Most people reading this are probably only familiar with the Queen soundtracked 1980 Flash Gordon film that saw our titular hero fighting racist stereotypes — um, «villains» — and saving the day.
Most people consider the claim that blacks are inherently more criminal than whites, based on that raw data, to be pretty darn racist as it ignores the social, economic and legal context of crime and instead ascribes it to some imagined genetic or cultural flaw among African Americans.
And that attitude is; against Tories, TERFs, bigots, racists, ignorant people and most tabloid newspaper editors and journalists.
Its rather ironic that, sometimes the most racist / sexist people on the face of the earth are those that belong to the anti - racism / anti-sexism PC and SJW brigade.
Internet «elites» calling him a racist with a plethora of like - minded idiots just jumping on the bandwagon despite the fact that most people on forums say what he has said every day almost.
For the most part they sounded like B movie actors doing almost racist impressions of what they thought people in that country would sound like.
And that attitude is; against Tories, TERFs, bigots, racists, ignorant people and most tabloid newspaper editors and journalists.
Not so strange how most people exampled in the article on the «Con» side were neither well spoken or thought out, striking simliarity to most racist rhetoric historically, but I digress.
And that attitude is; against Tories, TERFs, bigots, racists, ignorant people and most tabloid newspaper editors and journalists.
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