Sentences with phrase «most scary moment»

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«Definitely one of the most scary and eerie moments of my life.
For most people, committing to a mortgage is one of the scariest moments of their lives.
Finally, during the most most scary and painful moments of this entire experience I had my partner with me and he gave me the strength I needed when I felt the weakest using the principles and skills we learned in Lamaze class.
This moment will be one of the scariest yet most exciting times of your life, and you'll want to look back on it often.
Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful, confusing, exciting, and sometimes scary moments of a women's life.
I found out I was pregnant when I was six weeks along, and those first 24 hours were the most confusing, scariest moments of my life.
«Three of these statements aren't true... Social media is great but also a bit scary»cause what people post is the most filtered, most carefully chosen and cleverly edited moments of their lives,» Ridley wrote.
loving myself, smiling more often, dance like nobody is watching, accept genuine compliments from others, more travelling, eating better and healthier, being more present in the moment, more offline time, spending more quality time with the people whom I love the most, facing my fears and doing more of what makes my spirit excited no matter how crazy or scary something might sound or look like, taking onto new adventures, schedule my days better in order to have more time to be productive as well as more time for resting.
It has everything fans of the genre would want: likeable and well - written characters; decent pacing throughout; and, most importantly, an absolutely terrifying premise with equally scary moments.
There are some good jolting moments, to be sure, but once the group of women enter the cave, it's the waiting game that becomes the most scary thing.
It's a PG - rated film, so nothing gory or truly abhorrent occurs, and you never truly sense that anyone is in real danger for even a moment, which makes it suitable all but the most squeamish of children as a mildly scary and generally amusing escapist adventure.
The way she kisses her sons as the sign of affection uncannily reminded me of that memorable private moment between Mrs. Iselin, one of the most famous scary moms in the movie history, and her son in «The Manchurian Candidate» (1962).
Though most would not classify director Ridley Scott's 1979 collaboration with screenwriter Dan O'Bannon and Swiss freakazoid H.R. Giger as a «horror movie,» per se, we dare you to find many movies from this decade — or ANY decade, really — that are filled with more iconic scary moments than Alien (with one possible exception, which we'll discuss below).
This is the scariest moment in my life, and also the most beautiful and frightening display of raw force I have ever seen.»
For most people, committing to a mortgage is one of the scariest moments of their lives.
This month, however, in recognition of April Fool's Day — one of my favorite holidays — I am going to take a breather, and simply share some of the most incredible, strange and wonderful moments I have experienced in my 35 years as the go - between for herps and the most scary of creatures, the human customer.
«My hope for the clients that I work with is that they feel supported and validated as they share some of the most vulnerable and scary moments of their lives.
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