Sentences with phrase «most simple situations»

And although this is fantasy, if these animals are really this smart, it seems odd that they can not figure out some of the most simple situations — like don't sniff the porcupine!

Not exact matches

In situations like these, the fourth wave would most likely be the simple correction and the best way to trade binary options in that type of situations is to take a Fibonacci tool for retracement and wait patiently until the moment when the market will retrace 23.6 % or 38.2 % because this will provide us with the perfect striking price for the fourth wave that will soon be followed by the fifth wave.
We regularly detect design in other situations without being able to explain the designer, and in any case God could be defined as a very simple entity; possibly the most simple.
His next step, however, is to expand the use of the word «mind» to cover the whole range of situations involving instructional traffic from the very simplest to the most complex.
But as I tell my children, I believe even in the most complex situations, there is always a simple truth.
Although the simple Lanchester equations with constant coefficients remain useful for demonstrating some features of combat (e.g., the value of concentrating effort and the associated penalty for breaking up one's forces), especially when it is desirable to do so analytically, they are a poor basis for describing most combat situations.
The very definition of equanimity reflects its simple meaning: a calmness even amongst the most difficult situations.
One of the simplest yet most powerful practices is to notice how your body responds to specific situations or topics.
A little simple math reveals that the more you plant yourself into situations where you are most likely to meet new people, the greater your chances are of meeting «The One.»
Most of the time there is no need to be concerned and there is a reasonable, simple explanation for those situations that will quickly clear any doubts you have.
The greatness of the central performance and the film lies in making the most tangled situation appear simple and soluble.
Considering the existing time limits on teachers» schedules, however, it really comes down this: the simplest, most straight - forward method might be the best one (notice, I said «might» since I am a believer that each teacher must find what works for them in their particular situation).
All of the parents shared simple things such as what motivates their child at home or hobbies, but most of them went deeper, REALLY opening up about things such as family histories of learning disabilities, complex situations in the home, and important details that helped me be even more prepared to meet the needs of my kiddos.
The Enclave offers two all - wheel - drive systems, a simpler system that is optional ($ 2,000) for the Essence trim and a more sophisticated system for the Premium and Avenir models ($ 2,300) that adds a twin - clutch rear differential to shift torque between the left and right rear wheels in addition to between the front and rear — up to 40 percent to the rear in most situations — for both better traction and handling.
I have read some of the other threads related to rooting but am not certain if the answers apply to my specific situation, as most others seem to have already rooted previously: 1) What is the simplest way to do this?
In most business situation, the person who needs the funds is going to pay more back to the supplying party, than the simple ratio of the amount they contributed to the venture.
Of the various types of insurance, renters insurance would be one of the simpler varieties to calculate in most situations.
At Simple Solutions, we can answer ALL of your questions, even the most difficult situations that you are having problems with.
In situations like these, the fourth wave would most likely be the simple correction and the best way to trade binary options in that type of situations is to take a Fibonacci tool for retracement and wait patiently until the moment when the market will retrace 23.6 % or 38.2 % because this will provide us with the perfect striking price for the fourth wave that will soon be followed by the fifth wave.
Most clients aren't able to come prepared with pet food or paraphernalia so receiving simple items such as blankets, pet beds, treats and toys is a huge relief and source of joy and comfort in an otherwise negative situation.
This simple mechanic creates a situation in which even the most minor interaction requires attention and skill.
Some situations and bosses can become overwhelmingly frustrating, but most conflicts have a simple solution that reveals itself over a few player - respawns; it's worth noting that Strider is very generous with Checkpoints, as players would otherwise waste precious moments backtracking through the expansive Kazakh City.
The double jump is an essential maneuver, but I found that, for some reason, the «simple» double tap of the jump button didn't always work — and it tended to be in the situations where it was most essential — leading me to relive some childhood memories and curse at the screen: «I pressed the smegging jump button!
In fact, the most common emergency situation is a simple blackout; where we are living for the summer in Lake of Bays, Ontario, we have had five since June.
Take a few laws of physics, add a soupcon of well - known and well - validated equations applicable to simple and sometimes theoretical situations; stir in judicious amounts of SWAG (GCMs perhaps being the most egregious example); then have at interpreting mostly manipulated empirical data in light of that.
Our divorce lawyers in Columbus, Ohio help you find the simplest, most efficient, and respectful way to end a marriage in even the most complicated and complex situations.
In most of these situations, simple medical treatment is provided -LSB-...]
However, if you have a very simple situation (like an uncontested divorce in which the you and your spouse agree on most issues) or if you simply can not afford to hire a lawyer, you may be able to proceed on your own.
Most importantly, the key to defusing a tense situation with an angry client is simple: make them feel like they've been heard.
Taxnet Pro includes essential tools and practical advice that the practitioner can use every day for the simplest to the most complex tax situation.
You can avoid that heartbreaking situation with a simple understanding of the most common forms of life insurance.
The simplest and most inexpensive way to avoid this situation is to have the policyholder's will create a testamentary trust after the holder's death.
While there are situations where whole life or another more complex type of policy could fit your financial plan, most families would be better off with a simple term life insurance policy that provides income replacement during their working years.
Of the various types of insurance, renters insurance would be one of the simpler varieties to calculate in most situations.
The stainless steel frame of the headband makes a simple arc and creates all of the clamping force needed to stay put on your head in most situations.
Try to remove emotion from the situation and look at it as a logical puzzle and aim to find the simplest, most straightforward solution.
Even though every career / job situation is different in some ways, and even though some of these situations might very well require a special resume — what I've learned is that many (if not most) hiring managers (the person who will actually decide whether or not to interview and / or hire you) believe in the «Keep It Simple» philosophy when it comes to resumes.
The situation is nowhere near that simple though, since in most cases the natural mother plays the main role or a major role in the lives of these children.
The Phyllis Krystal Method is a very simple and excellent way to end co-dependent relationships, resolve deep - seated personality issues, change negative patterns of thought and behavior, feel secure, cope better with work situations, attract what one needs most in life, and realize a truer sense of self.
The truth is most everyone thinks they want «IN» for the simple reason of «I want to make more money» and that's understandable, but behind that seemingly sensible logical reason lies something much more detailed and meaningful; a deeper reason, some longing to be free from some imagined unwanted situation or to simply reach some level of financial freedom that will provide you and those you love and care for with a safer and superior lifestyle to the one you might imagine you have at the present.
A simple concept from which arises a complete collection of tables and accessories for the most varied environments and situations.
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