Sentences with phrase «most study activities»

MIHOPE was designed so that most study activities are conducted by the research team, not home visiting staff.

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Jurich's first reason to skip car ownership is perhaps the simplest — commuting by car is objectively awful (really, study after study ranks it as one of life's most misery - inducing activities), so given that she lives in a place that provides alternatives, it simply makes sense to take them.
Studies have shown that the prefrontal cortex of the brain, the backbone of your willpower, is most active when you wake up — meaning that creative activity is highest during and immediately after sleep.
The project not only broadened the world's horizons on water with more than 750 peer reviewed studies and 120 graduate theses, but provided hard data on the impact of industrial activities on the world's most critical resource.
Most recently, activity in the Eagle Ford has picked up, things are looking up from the 2016 lows, and cautious optimism prevails, the study suggests.
It is amazing how many clergy got through seminary without any serious reflection on and study of the church's most distinctive activity, its corporate worship.
Logic is used in most intellectual activities, but is studied primarily in the disciplines of philosophy, mathematics, semantics, and computer science.
``... a number of scientific studies indicate that most global warming... is due to the great concentration of greenhouse gases released mainly as a result of human activity... these gases do not allow the warmth of the sun's rays reflected by the earth to be dispersed in space.
... A number of scientific studies indicate that most global warming in recent decades is due to the great concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides and others) released mainly as a result of human activity... Doomsday predictions can no longer be met with irony or disdain.
This is perhaps the most exhaustive study to date examining the anti-oxidant activities of traditional, wet - milled virgin coconut oils.
There are only a couple of studies that have looked at the epidemiology of heading in these age groups, and thankfully, these studies have suggested that heading is not a very frequent activity for most children, especially in recreational leagues.
«A diagnosis of depression can be present when there is a clustering of multiple depressive symptoms (including low mood or loss of interest in usual activities) that are present most of the time for at least two weeks,» says David Goldston, director of the Duke Center for the Study of Suicide Prevention and Intervention in Durham and associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University.
In an editorial accompanying the study, Russell Pate and Dr. Jennifer O'Neil of the Department of Exercise Science at the University of South Carolina said the study showed the «need to learn ways in which the doses of physical activity provided during youth sports and activity programs can be most effectively increased by modifying the manner in which the practices and contests are conducted... [such as] by changes in instructional practices that produce greater emphasis on keeping youth active while they learn individual skills and team strategies.»
Plants don't always seem like the most interesting of topics to study, but there are lots of brilliant, hands - on activities
Plants don't always seem like the most interesting of topics to study, but there are lots of brilliant, hands - on activities which are fantastic for learning about different types of flowers, trees and plants and the conditions they need to grow.
A couple years ago, I led a study focused on moms» Internet use and found that getting coupons and deals, of all the activities moms went online for, was the most important type of content moms sought out in digital spaces with nearly all (96 %) moms indicating they had some or a lot of interest in getting deals and coupons from the brands they followed online.
One concise and readable analysis of the CNA (although it was written in April so may not reflect the most current legislative activity) is this article written for The Atlantic Monthly by Marion Nestle, the widely respected professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University.
Consistent with a previous study, 35 most fathers reported regularly playing games and singing or talking to their children, suggesting that these activities may be more normative behaviors for fathers than reading stories.
Their activities were transnational and unbounded by national frameworks, which is how most studies on the creation of modern democracies have been, and continue to be written.
Proposed changes to a property - tax break called 421 - a — most notably a requirement that all developers include affordable housing in new projects receiving the benefit — would not stifle construction activity in New York City, according to a study released today.
Intervention studies are needed to examine whether a total lifestyle approach, promoting both high physical activity and low leisure time sitting, is most effective at reducing the risk of becoming obese.»
Many studies have shown serum TK1 to be a valuable cancer biomarker, but most previous assays have been enzyme - activity based and may underestimate its presence in solid tumors.
The study also demonstrated that physical activity would benefit children ages 6 - 12 most.
«Our stem cell - based studies indicate that low - calorie sweeteners promote additional fat accumulation within cells compared with cells not exposed to these substances, in a dose - dependent fashion — meaning that as the dose of sucralose is increased more cells showed increased fat droplet accumulation,» said Sabyasachi Sen, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. «This most likely occurs by increasing glucose entry into cells through increased activity of genes called glucose transporters.»
«Our results evaluated patients at an average of five years of follow up and most patients continued to be very satisfied and performed a high number of sporting activities, including those that required high use of their shoulders,» said study author Grant Garcia, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York.
Using observational studies and experiments, the researchers discovered that a third partner, scale insects, are the most important resource affecting ant colony size and activity, as well as their effective defense against predators.
Brain - imaging studies have shown that most patients with frontotemporal dementia who develop skills have abnormally low blood flow or low metabolic activity in their left temporal lobe.
Most recently, Fried studied the activity of single neurons in the hippocampus and surrounding areas while epileptics first watched television episodes and later recalled these episodes.
The most detailed study yet of orgasm brain activity has discovered why climaxing makes women feel less pain, and shown that «switching off» isn't necessary.
Researchers from the Digital Geography at the University of Helsinki have been studying whether social media data could be used to understand visitor's activities in national parks and most recent results are presented in Scientific reports: Instagram, Flickr, or Twitter: Assessing the usability of social media data for visitor monitoring in protected areas.
Although data on how the trails are used are limited, it is known that they inspire some exercise: in a January 2007 study by PATH foundation staff and Emory University researchers, sponsored by Georgia Healthcare Foundation, a third of 315 trail users surveyed at Davidson - Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve said that most of their weekly physical activity has involved the trails.
In the current study, researchers found to their surprise that most of the nerve cells in auditory cortex neurons that stimulate brain activity (excitatory) had signaled less (had «weaker» activity) when the mice expected and got a reward.
For colon cancer, the most widely studied malignancy in this regard, 51 studies have investigated possible impacts of activity — and 43 reported cancer - risk reductions with increasing exercise.
«Our team studied thousands of molecular clues in each of these samples, sifting through extensive data on the activity of genes, proteins and other molecules to identify those of most interest,» says Katrina Waters, a biologist at PNNL and a corresponding author of the study.
«Our team studied thousands of molecular clues in each of these samples, sifting through extensive data on the activity of genes, proteins, and other molecules to identify those of most interest,» said Katrina Waters, the leader of the PNNL team and a corresponding author of the paper.
Other studies have attempted to determine how the research activities of MSTP graduates differ from those of other groups of MD and MD / PhD recipients.7 - 10 Although the data from these studies suggest that a large majority of MSTP graduates hold appointments in clinical departments, and that most have clinical responsibilities, MSTP graduates are less likely than other groups of physician - investigators to publish in journals containing high proportions of clinical observations and clinical studies.
The study of new linkages between the two types of seismic activity, published in Nature Geoscience on Sept. 11, may help promote better understanding of earthquake hazard posed by subduction zones, a type of fault responsible for some of the world's most powerful earthquakes.
A Norwegian study shows that girls aged two and a half years master most everyday activities better than boys.
«For the first time, we can provide a complete description of an animal model from genes to behavior — including at the level of neuronal network activity, which has been ignored in most studies to date.»
Although there are no official clinical guidelines in the UK on giving bowel cancer patients advice on physical activity, several studies show that it is safe and beneficial for most patients.
In the first national study of a large, diverse population, researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and colleagues, found that 1.2 percent of the study population engaged with devices, and that most of the individuals who started using an activity tracker were younger and had higher - incomes than people who opted not to use the devices.
Researchers at the University of Liège in Belgium reported at a conference in France this week that a study of 13 patients in comas of varying degrees indicated that those with the most activity in these pathways (in the cortex, or brain processing center) had suffered the least brain damage and thereby were most likely to recover if given the correct treatment.
For parents who send their kids to dance classes to get some exercise, a new study from researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine suggests most youth dance classes provide only limited amounts of physical activity.
The study, supported by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Science Foundation (NSF), found that most of the coastal communities do not have an overarching strategy for building urban disaster resilience and lack coordination between multiple urban systems, including land use activities, natural environments and public infrastructure investments, particularly in Texas.
A new study of backpackers in Latin America published in the International Journal of Tourism Anthropology suggests that while most follow the pattern of «Western» backpackers as in other parts of the world and adhere to the general code of honour they are more likely to finance their journeys through artisanal activities, such as selling self - made jewellery and other souvenirs.
A new study shows coibamide A has potent anti-cancer activity in mice and cell cultures that model brain tumors and triple negative breast cancer, two of the most aggressive and difficult - to - treat types of cancer.
«It is true that there are other factors (such as volcanism, the changes in the orbit and the axis of the Earth, the solar cycle), but numerous scientific studies indicate that most of the global warming in recent decades is due to the large concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and others) mainly emitted due to human activity
The Skills for Life program also includes two other major components — mental health promotional activities in all schools and referrals to mental health specialists for children with the most serious problems — which were not the focus of this study.
In the current study, subjects who had the most negative emotional responses, as determined by high activity in the right prefrontal lobe, had fewer antibodies — a sign of a weakened immune response, the team reports online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Music is just a small part of Burdette's research activities — his most recently published study, for example, showed that brain volume could be an accurate predictor of success in weight - loss attempts by the elderly — but it has long been a big of part his life.
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