Sentences with phrase «most successful reform efforts»

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At the same time, Rotherham fails to remember that for all the preening of Beltway reformers, the most - successful school reform efforts have been — and continue to be — done by folks who didn't know much about education until stumbled into reform.
If not for No Child, the most - successful of the Obama administration's reform effort so far — Race to the Top and I3 — wouldn't have had a chance of succeeding, largely because there would have been no pressure in the form of the proficiency and accountability provisions that No Child brought to bear.
For one, his proclamations that families aren't equipped to manage schools fails to consider the reality that some of the most - successful school reform efforts have been — and continue to be — done by folks who didn't know much about education until stumbled into reform.
The report, «What the U.S. Can Learn From the World's Most Successful Education Reform Efforts,» found that in high - scoring countries like Finland, Japan, the Netherlands, Canada and South Korea, teachers have higher status and are typically paid better relative to other workers.
The most - successful school reform efforts undertaken by philanthropists have not been ones that attempted to focus on school district bureaucracies, but on expanding opportunities for high - quality education for children and families.
«Perhaps the most important single thing I think from the education reform effort that went on was an increased focus on the teachers, on hiring the very best and brightest we possibly could, promoting them and giving them opportunities to be successful in the classroom.»
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