Sentences with phrase «most such cases»

These are animated movie adaptations of the book and as in most such cases they do not adhere strictly to the original work.
In Facebook's history, most such cases don't get that far.
In fact, I'd imagine that most such cases of «loose skin» can and will be remedied in this manner.
Cholangiomas and cholangiocarcinomas are rare in both dogs and cats but less rare in cats and most such cases occur in cats over ten years of age.
Requires written opinions in disposition most such cases.
In most such cases, the wife has a parallel conflict which matches and reinforces his.
The investigation could lead to a recall, but most such cases are dropped.
In most such cases, the immediate rewards (yum!)
In most such cases, we're not talking about the recalcitrant partner who needs to have explained to him again what the internet is and why he should care.
In most such cases the police will be very proactive in trying to kill the shooter.
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