Sentences with phrase «most tangible sign»

After all, the most tangible sign of the fact that a Japanese game is getting really close to its release, is that it starts getting a lot of TV commercials, and Dragon Quest XI is bigger then most, so it only stands to reason that it gets more ads than the average.
The most tangible sign of this attitude, some media watchers say, is the friendly relationship between Trump and the Morning Joe talk show, where co-host Joe Scarborough appears to be a fan of the real - estate tycoon's campaign, and recently featured a long interview with Trump's wife Melania.

Not exact matches

Yet, most teams in their position have shown tangible signs of progress.
Unnecessary levels of bureaucracy and multiple layers of sign - off are adding no tangible value, and perhaps most significantly, the skills of senior leaders are not being optimised.
Prop. 39 represents the tangible, pragmatic embodiment of that principle in the most publicly visible sign of a successful school - the building.
Much like paying off my lowest balanced credit card first (psychologically, people are more likely to stick with something when they feel tangible signs of progress), thinking of the partner like a client gives me the right frame of mind to be the most helpful associate that I can be.
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