Sentences with phrase «most telescopes»

Monster black holes sometimes lurk behind gas and dust, hiding from the gaze of most telescopes.
Yes, it is designed for DSLR photo cameras but works for most telescope lenses as well.
And most telescopes don't float above Earth's blurring atmosphere as does the Hubble Space Telescope.
The Hubble, like most telescopes, is blind to about half the light in the sky.
Most telescopes capable of seeing a dim object at such distances, such as the Hubble Space Telescope or the 10 - meter Keck telescopes in Hawaii, have extremely tiny fields of view.
«Most telescopes date back to the 1970s and 1980s, and their technology is no longer state of the art.
This Infrared Spatial Interferometer Array, housed in movable trailers at the Mt. Wilson observatory outside Los Angeles, can measure the diameters of stars that appear only as points of light in most telescopes.
In fact, microlensing is such a powerful tool that it can uncover planets whose host stars can not be seen by most telescopes.
The event was alarming, especially because no one saw it coming;: not only was it too small to detect in advance, most telescopes were aimed at a larger, unrelated object that passed Earth harmlessly later the same day.
«That's more than most telescopes have, and it gives us a better chance of finding something new,» Dr Allison said.
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