Sentences with phrase «most tests»

Our doctors get the results of most tests within minutes.
In tests of this system at highway speeds, it performed well with collisions avoided in most test scenarios.
The good news is that for most tests, your vet will only need about a tablespoon of urine or feces, which shouldn't be too hard to get.
Most tests require three groups: controls, genetically altered mice with one copy of the gene of interest, and genetically altered mice with two copies of that gene.
The protection provided to the head of a struck pedestrian was good or adequate at most test locations, with some poor results recorded along the front edge of the bonnet.
Although most tests for endocrine disruption have evaluated the effects of chemicals on hormone receptor signaling, disruption of hormone synthesis can also lead to adverse reproductive and developmental effects.
Most schools do not have the resources to do this immediately, so most testing will be completed on paper for the near future.
Testing fees are additional and most tests range from $ 100 - $ 350 (and some are covered by insurance).
Readers must remember that one's integrity is most tested during times of struggle.
Most tests rely on either oral or written language skills.
Which may be a horrible analogy because that's how you pass most tests, but not life's tests!
If you read the instructions carefully, most tests promise 99 percent accuracy on the day of your missed period — but not for early results.
The public doesn't trust most tests in use today.
Most test questions have a choice of four possible answers, which means it is possible to score at least 25 percent by guessing.
Most tests measure the understanding and application of content knowledge at a frequency of a year or more and show the level of proficiency at the time of the test administration.
This, too, is an automatic fail at most testing places.
Results were good or adequate in most test areas and the score is only slightly reduced compared to the «active» hood originally tested.
Most tests claim to have DNA links to 100 or so different dog breeds.
We do this by providing an in - house laboratory that takes only minutes to complete most tests.
As you can see in the test report, the temperatures of most test objects exceed the maximum value allowed for that test object.
For typical productivity work and for watching video, the display was plenty bright in most tested environments, and colors were just fine for everything except professional image editing.
Most tests confirmed that it runs all entry level and mid-range gaming with ease while top of the line titles that demand much graphics perform with slightly lower graphics.
Most Test Automation Engineers hold a college degree in information technology or computer science.
However, most testing involves meeting with me for 2 - 3 sessions of approximately 3 hours each.
I have parallel care with an MD for blood work; however, I opted out of most testing.
Because most tests are based upon fixed assumptions of what cancer looks like, however, they come up short.
We were limited by the 32 - bit OS and weak graphics capabilities, but achieved reasonably good performance in most tests.
Wright suggests that Darkest Hour, which stars Gary Oldman as the British prime minister during arguably the UK's most testing period of the second world war, is directly relevant to the US's current political turmoil.
As is the case with most tests that are performed, it is necessary to look at the results in context of the symptoms that are expressed and the physical exam findings of the whole animal.
ISCs likely contribute to these differences, since stem cells from most tested regions did not produce adjacent region cells even when located at the border.
-- Dr. Brit Cooper My Drugged Love and Hate Relationship One of the most arduous and testing experiences I've gone through in life was overcoming my Ambien addiction, or in my case, changing what felt like the most
NCES noted a troubling trend in scores since two years ago: Even as the status quo held stable for most test takers, scores for the highest - performing eighth - graders (those scoring at the 75th and 90th percentiles) nosed higher, while those for the lowest - performing students (those at the 10th and 25th percentiles) declined in fourth - grade math, eighth - grade math, and fourth - grade reading.
Tests of its performance at highway speeds indicated good performance, with collisions avoided or mitigated in most test scenarios.
The autonomous braking system is able to detect pedestrians as well other vehicles and performed well in Euro NCAP's tests of this functionality, with collisions being avoided or mitigated at most test speeds.
LEXINGTON, KY — Statewide assessment and accountability results for academic year 2017 released today show declining reading and mathematics proficiency compared to 2016, along with declines in most tested subjects for African American students and English language learners.
The two most tested ZIP codes — 81 of 300 samples — were in North and South Buffalo where not a single child was found to have elevated blood levels in the past three years.
Yet most test providers actually perform exome sequencing, but limit their reports the panel genes.
Most testing focused on aerobic fitness and muscular endurance and, in reality, had little to do with the physical demands the soldiers would have to face in places such as Afghanistan or Iraq.
If you have a wonky immune system such as with Hashimoto's (and 1 in 8 women do) then most testing is not accurate for you as it requires you to have a normal immune response....
Magnesium — This is another ingredient along with zinc that is in most test boosting supplements.
Most tests only check for antibodies to alpha - gliadin (one single gluten peptide), and not everyone with a gluten sensitivity reacts to that particular gluten peptide.
We think that this view is due in part to the layout of grade - level Standards and to the look and feel of traditional standardized tests, in which very discrete objectives are the subject of most test items.
Most tests gaining attention today are achievement tests, including those commonly referred to as «high stakes,» meaning that crucial decisions are made about a student, teacher, or school based on the results of the test.
In this session, participants will learn about what makes some assessments better than others, why student progress measures are almost entirely useless, why most tests will never produce useful diagnostic information on students, and why most school assessment systems do not do the things they are intended to do.
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