Sentences with phrase «most uncomfortable feelings»

The painful bloating associated with gas is one of the most uncomfortable feelings, especially when you're at work, school, or -LSB-...]
One of the most uncomfortable feelings in the world, truly.
Anger is arguably one of the most uncomfortable feelings because it's a call to action.
It's the most uncomfortable feeling and it can really wreck your weight loss goals.

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In restaurants, only a small handful of customers complain in the hopes of getting a discounted meal or free service... but most people only express a concern if they truly feel unhappy or uncomfortable.
Adopting new roles and norms feels uncomfortable — even unnatural — to most people.
Pain and grieving is uncomfortable to witness, and it is so tempting to try and make our friends feel better, but the best thing we can do for them — the most selfless thing we can do for them during a hard time — is simply to be present.
Sir Winston and other greats of Western civilization notwithstanding, our good priest from Thebes would have felt most uncomfortable at Trent or in other contemporary centers of Christendom where dogmas were held in high regard.
I think it's not the actual feeding itself that bothers most in public, but the actual ability to see the mother's breast which is common nature for the body to be covered in public, hence why we wears clothes, and that aspect of it feels very awkward and uncomfortable.
It is quite staggering how many students do not understand some of the most simple doctrines and liturgical practices and, indeed, do not accept, or feel uncomfortable with the Church's teaching on moral issues.
Most conflict begins with a sense of chaos and uncomfortable feelings of fear, hurt and anger.
my kids are almost 19 and 15, my daughter 18, i tell her do not let a guy make her feel she has to have sex that is uncomfortable and does nt seem normal because most likely he grew up watching porn or listening to his friends.i tell my 15 year old that if he ever looks at it (porn), do not think thats how sex is suppose to be with a woman and that real women do not do all that nasty stuff, and real women do not look that way.
Most of us don't like to be uncomfortable and chances are, he won't like that feeling too much either.
Please don't feel uncomfortable if your little one does not seem to behave like «most babies».
Breastfeeding may be uncomfortable to some mothers most especially if they feel tenderness and soreness on their nipples.
The Lansinoh research found that 48 % of participants felt most uncomfortable seeing a mum feeding in a restaurant and people were most accepting of breastfeeding when it was done on a beach or park — no idea why people think breastfeeding is most acceptable when done outdoors, what is that all about?
Most moms and dads know how cranky babies get when they feel wet and uncomfortable.
However, most toilet training seats have no size adjustments so they can wobble around and make the child feel uncomfortable and insecure.
Most of them feel pretty uncomfortable.
Thus, stating that one feels uncomfortable observing acts that devalue women and endanger their well - being is most certainly not misogyny.
Most babies with mild nappy rash don't feel sore, but if the rash is severe your baby may feel uncomfortable and be distressed.
I know it can be hard to feel bliss, especially by the third trimester, you may have even forgotten what it is like to feel happy by this difficult and most uncomfortable stage.
As most birth centers are within minutes of a hospital, a birth center can be a good option for people who would prefer a homebirth but live a long distance from a hospital and feel uncomfortable with the amount of time it would take to transport in case of that rare emergency.
I felt sick and uncomfortable during most of my pregnancy.
Most babies with mild diaper rash won't feel sore, but in severe cases, a baby can feel very uncomfortable and distressed.
As you begin weaning your child from the breast, you will most likely feel very uncomfortable.
Day 1 and sharing about a comment that most homeschool moms feel uncomfortable replying to, which is «you must be so confident.»
Most women feel uncomfortable with their weight after having baby.
But most of the time, mom's feel uncomfortable about breast feeding as many of them can not hold their baby in their lap which causes unwillingness about breast feeding.
Plus, if you spend most of your day seated at a desk, then this chair will help relieve the common discomforts that you feel, including being too warm, legs that fall asleep, or that uncomfortable feeling of a pinched posture.
The analysis of the interviews also showed that most patients felt uncomfortable bringing the topic of palliative care up with healthcare professionals and their families as they did not want to burden other people with their concerns.
When most of us imagine someone in pain, we feel uncomfortable and want to help.
Healthy and happy people know the most important thing is how they feel, so naturally they don't do anything that makes them feel uncomfortable, nor do they force anything.
What if we actually took responsibility for our uncomfortable feelings and approached them as a call to become conscious — to learn where we struggle the most and try to grow beyond these setbacks?
If you do these with full intensity it will make your thighs feel like they've just been hit with a flamethrower and since it's so uncomfortable most people don't spend enough time experiencing that burn.
In order to change, you have to actually look at and feel the uncomfortable feeling, and most people aren't willing to do so.
The hypersensitivity symptoms reactions that are felt in the body can be quite uncomfortable, they can cause damage to your body, and sometimes can even be fatal.Types of Hypersensitivity SymptomsThere a few different types of hypersensitivity symptoms that can be grouped up into four main categories.Type 1: AllergiesThe first type of hypersensitivity — and probably the one most people have experienced — is any sort of allergy.
The pumps that are associated with Dianabol are only temporary, and most bodybuilders will agree that the pain or uncomfortable feeling that comes from these extreme pumps is well worth it due to the increased muscular appearance it exerts.
We all have tried the feeling of stiffness and discomfort in our backs, most specifically at the lower end.Luckily, you don't have to worry about dealing with the uncomfortable experience any longer.
If you find that you feel uncomfortable after eating a meal it is most worthwhile to try a supplement containing digestive enzymes.
Luckily I'll get all of the money back, but just having to deal with all of that makes person feel uncomfortable and down, but I was so lucky to have the most kindest bank worker and police officer working on my case, so... Not everything is always as bad as it seems.
I put on my most uncomfortable heels I own and they felt good for once.
I've never been one to wear pieces that I don't feel at ease in and the most uncomfortable thing I ever wear at any given point is my shoes.
I most likely will never wear one that way, because, like where you live, people would stare and that would make me feel uncomfortable: — RRB - The dress is really nice too and love the color!
I know synthetic fast - fashion items are more affordable, but for the most part, they just aren't breathable, and with a few exceptions, like Anthony's chic resort dresses and sundresses, they will make you feel more uncomfortable at the height of summer's heat.
It feels like the most uncomfortable thing in the world to me.
I'm still heavily involved in new business too, but most importantly, I help our teams feel comfortable being uncomfortable and to feel confident in saying «absolutely» when the team proposes or the client requests something novel.
I hate feeling uncomfortable & since I sleep most of the journey I want to be able to snuggle in a huge but soft cardigan.
I also used to wear dresses and skirts pre-kid and feel uncomfortable in most shorts.
Writing a profile about yourself can feel difficult and uncomfortable because most people aren't used to talking about themselves in flattering and positive ways.
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