Sentences with phrase «most unrepresented»

Much of this «sharp lawyering» against unrepresented litigants goes unreported and uncommented on, and the reason is elementary: most unrepresented parties lack the legal sophistication and knowledge to understand that opposing counsel has treated them vexatiously, in a manner that would be in clear breach of the Rules of Professional Conduct if experienced by fellow Members of the Bar.
Of the minor parties, the far - right British National party were the most unrepresented.

Not exact matches

Definitely not the most important, but additional and recent, evidence is this issue of Spectrum, a YDS publication, in which we are told: «One of the most dynamic new student groups at YDS draws from a long unrepresented constituency at the divinity school: nonbelievers.
However, cities always end up unrepresented, even if the regions do not have a specific protection.Protected district can have 3 or 4 times less people in it than the most populous district.
For the most part, unrepresented parties can not afford such disbursements, and often settle too early, and for far too less money, as a result of not being able to afford to prolong the matter to get proper compensation for their injuries.
I think I speak for all family lawyers when I say it is our wish to deal with represented litigants because unrepresented litigants often have the wrong view regarding lawyers in general and how lawyers are most often trying to «trick» or «bully» them.
One can understand the frustration of judges when bundles are badly prepared / late / missing, but save in the most affluent of cases the preparation of bundles will often be onerous and time - consuming particularly in cases involving litigants in person (where the respondent, if legally represented, now has to prepare the bundle if the applicant is unrepresented).
In most courthouses, lawyers who are present in court will have their cases called before unrepresented people (including those who are using the assistance of duty counsel).
Unfortunately most of the time the insurance companies will offer unrepresented individuals a fraction of what their case is really worth.
For the most part, unrepresented parties without a plaintiff ICBC lawyer can not afford such disbursements, and often settle too early, and for far too less money, as a result of not being able to afford to prolong the matter in order to get proper compensation for their injuries.
NJP also maintains WashingtonLawHelp, a public website containing an extensive library of legal resources, self - help materials, including necessary court forms in areas of law needed most by low income persons, the great majority of whom are forced to appear in court unrepresented.
A change from tolerance or respecting diversity to seeking differences — a question of what are the values of the group that are unrepresented in order to create the most inclusive, and potentially most successful team.
In the most recent incident, a 43 year old Arizona lawyer and his client were shot and killed immediately following a mediation meeting with an unrepresented litigant over a $ 47,000 office cubicle contract.
Pro Bono Net nominated the NY Courts for this honor, believing they should be applauded for implementing technology which makes the justice system more accessible for unrepresented litigants who are seeking critical support under the most difficult of circumstances.
Using the Access to Justice Commission's estimate that 98 % of litigants are unrepresented, that is too many chances for even the most careful judges to get it wrong.
The most careful handling and channelling of these is essential where any parties are unrepresented, to avoid the impression of unfair and unequal access to the judge and of consequent bias.
I save a little with concessions when I go unrepresented most of the time on listed properties, but who knows how much better I could have done with a good agent?
So the point is, even if this is FSBO property sold to an unrepresented buyer for the full price the homeowner was asking, that homeowner would have missed out on an extra $ 21,000.00 that his real estate agent was able to achieve for him by properly positioning the property in the price range where it was most likely to find a buyer.
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