Sentences with phrase «most useful role»

Twenty years ago we thought we could play the most useful role by staying neutral and offering a balanced look at the pros and cons of a convention,» said NYPIRG's executive director Blair Horner.
The term has had its most useful role in time of war.

Not exact matches

In a time when most everyone concedes, as if it were nothing out of the ordinary, that America's role in the world constitutes some variation of empire, it is useful to note, as Bacevich does, how rapidly this transformation has occurred and how radically it breaks from the nation's previous self «understanding.
The role of centres for higher learning • At diocesan and inter-diocesan levels it is most useful when there is an awareness of the need to form people at a higher level (GDC 252) • Attendance at a school for catechists is a particularly important moment in the formation of a catechist (GDC 248).
I'm resigned to his most useful potential role for the Pelicans being a sweetener in a trade.
Although credit default swaps have been highly criticized for their role in the recent financial crisis, most observers conclude that using credit default swaps as a hedging device has a useful purpose.
The most interesting aspect of the study, say the authors, is the discovery of a new, specialized function of a certain type of regulatory T cell, which is to enable microbes to play useful roles by keeping them from causing inflammation.
Cloves are among the most notable vegetable sources of phenolic acids, which are powerful antioxidants with a potential protective role against degenerative diseases, and have proven useful for the treatment of memory deficits caused by oxidative stress.
I won't bore you with the whole group, as most play limited roles, but it's worth mentioning Domino (Zazie Beetz), whose odd but highly useful superpower is being exceptionally lucky.
After the session one participant wrote, «The most useful part was learning to support the parents in recognizing their role [in improving student attendance].»
Experiment with jobs to find useful combinations of skills and abilities, then select suitable roles for each character to make the most of their talents.
A brief and incomplete list of their positive roles would include the pollination of many, perhaps most higher plants; the decomposition of organic materials, facilitating the recycling of carbon, nitrogen, and other essential nutrients; the control of populations of harmful invertebrate species (including other insects); the direct production of certain foods (honey, for example); and the manufacture of useful products such as silk and shellac.
Most of the glibertarians, cultural conservatives, and gadget - heads who constitute the useful idiots around the core oil - and - coal - company global - warming denialist constituency would be horrified to imagine themselves playing the role of 9/11 Truthers, or RFK Jr. pumping the thimerosal / autism link, or Thabo Mbeki claiming that AIDS isn't caused by HIV.
In the face of such daunting amounts of information, search engines play an indispensable role in identifying the best and most useful information for us.
But some few oldies but goodies have stayed with me, despite their unfashionability (then and now), as having been really useful in understanding the human comedy, my own stand - up role most importantly.
But it serves a dual purpose to the savvy commuter: these signs are positioned where they are most useful for their intended role — that is, in front of the train doors.
Here are the most useful careers hints and tips we heard at TARGETjobs Events» Future Female Engineers networking event, from seeking out role models to being confident.
When you ask a prospective reference to speak for you, it's useful to provide them with a brief overview of the role and to explain what's most important.
, in addition to highlighting the general soft skills required for most roles — such as communication skills — also include any special skills you have that can be useful in a professional environment.
There are lots of really amazing ones, but I would say set up some sort of alert system to the websites that you find the most useful for your particular career direction — which might be professional websites, the LinkedIn company pages, but I quite like setting up specific Google alerts to particular job roles so that I don't miss anything so I would probably recommend some sort of alert system.
Promising school - based interventions (Gross et al., 2003; Reid, Webster - Stratton, & Hammond, 2003) may not be useful if ODD symptoms occur primarily at home, and interventions and referrals originating in pediatric primary care offer certain advantages: (a) other than teachers, physicians have the most professional contact with the families of preschoolers; (b) pediatricians report that research on the role of the primary care provider in treating mental health problems is important to them (Chien et al., 2006); and (c) parents tend to trust physicians» opinions, and pediatricians» recommendations are the best predictor of help - seeking for preschoolers» behavior problems (Lavigne et al., 1993).
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