Sentences with phrase «most working women»

Most working women lawyers would agree that it is hard to be a good mother and a good lawyer all of the time.
Most working women who become pregnant choose to continue working throughout their pregnancies, many up to the point of actually having the baby.
Most working women have experienced subtle (and not subtle) prejudice, lost opportunities, and assumptions about our ambition.
Most working women have taken their maternity leave by now or are planning on taking it very soon.

Not exact matches

• Speaking of Time's Up... Attorney Tina Tchen, who Bloomberg describes as «arguably the most well - connected person working in women's rights today, thanks to her six years as an assistant to President Barack Obama and as first lady Michelle Obama's chief of staff,» talks about why it was so important that Time's Up include a legal defense fund: «The fastest way to make sure that someone isn't getting bullied by a lawyer for someone rich and powerful is to make sure that person has a lawyer, too.»
One of the most important social trends since World War II is the percentage of working age women in the workforce, which has doubled in the last 50 years.
While both genders value meaningful work, women more often rate it as the most important job attribute or as a «very important» job value and are more likely to leave when it's lacking.
Women, including those running businesses and creating jobs, do the most of the world's unpaid work.
This isn't up there with the fact that, until recently, most coders probably did not know that the very first computer programmer was in fact a woman, Ada Lovelace; or that Rosalind Franklin's work on the structure of DNA has been largely overlooked.
Getting dressed for work as a woman can be difficult; it takes longer to do than the guy who can throw on a suit, and most of the options available are missing the mark between flattering and «cute.»
«I tell the people I work with that they should be Vikings or pirates,» Bridget van Kralingen, SVP of Industry Platforms at IBM (ibm), told attendees of last week's Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit in Washington, D.C. And what exactly does that mean?
This type of behaviour, coupled with the fact that women often don't take enough credit for their work, can allow great female - initiated ideas to go unheard in even the most progressive of organizations.
The former nonprofit executive had worked for women's advocacy groups, most recently promoting breast cancer awareness.
For Christie's, the week started with the $ 179.4 million sale of Pablo Picasso's Women of Algiers (Version 0), the most ever paid for a work of art at auction.
«STEM majors are the most valuable majors by far and I think we need to work on getting more women in those classes.»
«All women — but most particularly working women — must remember to give themselves permission to let some things slide.
I specifically say working mothers, since when it comes to gender equity and careers, this is the battleground: children and family obligations remain the primary challenge to career success for most women.
Most women working at Facebook are relegated to non-tech positions.
Two years later, most companies are not faring much better: Consider that Facebook, which has been making an aggressive push to hire more women engineers and people of color, revealed last month that just 2 percent of its U.S. work force is black and only 4 percent is Hispanic.
According to the economists the most likely culprit, as ever, is the work - life struggles of women.
If this can work for booking a gynecologist appointment — which most women dread — then it can work for you.
In America most self - employed people do grunt - work in highly conservative industries: construction, landscaping, car - repair, restaurant and truck driving for men and cooking, cleaning and beauty salons for women.
If most of the people you talked with are 30 - something women, but you really want to work with 40 - something women, that's okay.
Jennifer Fonstad joins Melinda Gates, Adele, Sheryl Sandberg and other fantastic women on Working Mother's list of The 50 Most Powerful Moms of 2017.
Most media place far too much emphasis on gender and less on the meaningful and innovative work women do.
As most of you know, women do 70 percent of the world's work and earn only 10 percent of the income.
This is, in many ways, the most disturbing part of Farrow's report: The allegation that a powerful man and his company worked to bury a woman's story in order to benefit — or maybe control — the president.
They also share MIT AgeLab's research about the characteristics women value most when choosing and working with a financial advisor.
Women@Austin brings together the city's best and brightest female leaders and entrepreneurs to work toward a mission of making Austin the number one supportive city, and most accessible in the nation for women entrepreneurs.
Women have no standing in the Catholic Church except to do most of the work.
In the first decades of the twentieth century, most Protestant churches worked together to enact legislation that would protect women and children from the factory system, limit the hours worked by all, and improve wages.
Also, since women didn't work outside the home, if she didn't have someone to take care of her and provide a home she would most likely starve.
Over 60 years ago when it was still extraordinary for women to work out of the home in this country the mainline was making the theological case for women in ordained ministry against the overwhelming opposition of most Christians throughout history.
I'll start: I feel most at home in a church that 1) takes its mission to care for the poor and marginalized seriously, 2) does not make assumptions about its congregation's political positions nor emphasizes political action to begin with, 3) speaks of Scripture in terms of its ability to «equip us for every good work,» 4) embraces diversity (theologically, ethnically, etc.) and allows women to assume leadership positions.
Most Mormon women of my generation are college educated (actually were my mother and grandmother), working women or if they are at home, are active in their schools, communities, etc. while they raise their kids.
Those who wait, then, live in the faith that the God who created and sustains, who is incomparable, who overturns the plans of the most powerful princes of this world — that this God will do / is doing / has done the restorative and renewing work for child, woman and man.
The great American Puritan John Cotton declared in more than one sermon that it was God's good will that men and women should spend most of their time and energy working.
The rationalization of southern baptists is truly mind boggling — the idea that each church is «autonomous» as justification for outright racism is pitiful in this day and age — if the Southern Baptist convention had come out strongly and adamantly against this kind of behavior, I'd have at least a measure of respect for them — but to shrug off a blatant act of discrimination as the «work of the devil» and ignore the deacon's cowardice in wanting to avoid «controversy» is laughable — if it weren't for people having the courage to fan the flames of controversy, women and african american would not have the right to vote today — more evidence of the ignorance of most bible thumpers, and Mississippi in particular
It seems the most likely scenario is that he married his sister or less likely his niece.The reasoning is that Adam and Eve lived alot longer and continued to have sons and daughters GEN5: 4 aCTS 17:26 Paul tells us that the God who made the world hath made of one blood all nations of man to dwell on all the face of the earth.Cain did nt marry to another tribe or nation as every man and women was a relative and of the same bloodline of Adam and Eve.The importance of this is that sin entered through one man Adam and is past through the bloodline so redemption is only possible through the same bloodline.So for the formula to work the human genome had to stay the same no other tribes or nations just the descendents of Adam and Eve.It also solves another riddle in that satan at various times prior to the flood and after the flood tried to contaminate the bloodline by his angels having sexual relations with the women this created a type of alien in essence and would have not been able to have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus as it wasnt fully human.This is where the giants came from and why God wanted to destroy them as they had the potential to destroy the human race as they couldnt be redeemed by the blood of Jesus.Interesting?
A majority of those who work in child care — nearly all of them women — are underpaid and lack the most basic job benefits, even when employed in church - housed centers.
The person who has most helped me to ponder this question is Edith Stein: an intellectual and a woman of deep faith who worked in philosophy and education.
People seem to conveniently forget that most modern science exists as a continuation of the work done by men and women who believed in a creator God.
It said: Four Things a Woman Should Know How to look like a girl How to act like a lady How to work like a horse How to think like a man Most of the men in our party thought the plaque hilariously funny.
Most of these were workers stuck in part time jobs, and women were more likely to be among the working poor, as were blacks and Hispanics (
In spite of the fact that Karl Barth in the Commission on the Life and Work of Women at the Amsterdam Conference attempted to put the relation of women to the work of the Church on the theological basis of Adam's rib and Ephesians 5:23 («For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church» [R.S.V.]-RRB-, most of us still believe that Paul comes nearest to the mind of Christ in Galatians 3Work of Women at the Amsterdam Conference attempted to put the relation of women to the work of the Church on the theological basis of Adam's rib and Ephesians 5:23 («For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church» [R.S.V.]-RRB-, most of us still believe that Paul comes nearest to the mind of Christ in Galatians Women at the Amsterdam Conference attempted to put the relation of women to the work of the Church on the theological basis of Adam's rib and Ephesians 5:23 («For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church» [R.S.V.]-RRB-, most of us still believe that Paul comes nearest to the mind of Christ in Galatians women to the work of the Church on the theological basis of Adam's rib and Ephesians 5:23 («For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church» [R.S.V.]-RRB-, most of us still believe that Paul comes nearest to the mind of Christ in Galatians 3work of the Church on the theological basis of Adam's rib and Ephesians 5:23 («For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church» [R.S.V.]-RRB-, most of us still believe that Paul comes nearest to the mind of Christ in Galatians 3:28.
From her therapeutic work with women, Miriam Polster describes the ways in which our sexist society alienates many women from their strengths, teaching them to retroflect their real feelings and manipulate men to try to get their needs met: «Growing up a woman in our society leaves a psychological residue that cripples and deforms all but the most exceptional woman....
Most important, this approach works in dissuading pregnant women from killing their children.
The main burden still falls on women to raise children and to care for the sick and elderly, but most of these women are now also working outside the home at jobs where their pay, status, and security are inferior to those of most male workers.
From what I know, most female prostitutes DO have sex with women, either as part of their work or because they're so sick of men.
Most of them have truly enormous organizations working for them — often hundreds of men and women whose livelihoods depend upon one man.
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