Sentences with phrase «mostly lack of water»

Just for a reference, dry skin is lack of oils and it is prone to be dry all year round; dehydrated skin is mostly lack of water and as a rule it is just a temporary condition.

Not exact matches

It was actually from April of 2016 and by July, water levels in the system were below average, mostly because of a lack of rain.
-- Nell Fox, Seattle, WA Today fully one - sixth of the world's human population lacks access to clean drinking water, and more than two million people — mostly kids — die each year from water - borne diseases.
The water color backgrounds, lack of any true enemies, and (mostly) straightforward puzzles ensure a peaceful experience.
However, an important part of the discovery is missed, partly because of lack of focus on water vapor and precipitation, but mostly because the IPCC control of climate science blocked knowledge and advances for 30 years.
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