Sentences with phrase «mother have access to the children»

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But when it comes to non-autonomous children, policy protects their rights to pursue happiness by promoting the truth about marriage» encouraging a man and a woman to commit to each other permanently and exclusively so that any children that their union produces will have access to the love and care of their mother and father.
The lesson is: no one knows the life time of anyone — The mothers who are delivering a healthy child should be appreciative to The One who took care of the baby when the baby was inside of the mother's womb and mother has no access to the baby — This is a sign for mankind that what The Creator can do and its not in any human's hand... all a human can do is to treat as best as they have the capability — and many more
Outcomes relating to child (ren): has desired level of access to child (ren) and contact with mother; considers himself part of a family unit; has a positive relationship with child (ren); is involved in decisions about child (ren); can provide financial support for child (ren); has involvement in child (ren)'s future; is a positive role model for child (ren)
We know what needs to be done to enable mothers to breastfeed as long as they wish and to ensure that all mothers have access to accurate, independent information: implement the measures in the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding.
As a politically active feminist and a mother myself, I believe her time and ability to command editorial space in The Wall Street Journal would be far better spent opining about things like the need for better family leave and health care policies, improved access to birth control and higher education and affordable child care for working mothers rather than whether Angelina Jolie plans to adopt again or how long my friends plan to breastfeed their babies.
The article concludes that nurses have a valuable role in empowering and enabling these mothers to access «the help and support they deserve as soon as each child is born».
It has a retractable bar that allows mothers to quickly access their child in emergencies or just to take care of them.
Nurslings would certainly have access to their mothers, but older children would also be looked after by women not their mothers while their own mothers did their work in the village.
His mother, Johanna Whittlesey, like other parents across the country, assumed her child had enough water, but nutrition advocates believe schoolchildren's access to water is a national problem the federal government has only begun to address.
A world in which moms have access to quality and comprehensive healthcare is one where every child and mother survives and thrives.
Momentum Kids, originally set up by two mothers in Stroud, will expand across Momentum's network of 150 local groups, ensuring that single parents and sole carers have access to cooperatively run breakfast clubs, after school sessions and child care they need to facilitate their political engagement.»
«We [have] heard countless stories of New Yorkers empowered through the program, including teenagers who did not previously have access to ID, immigrant mothers who can now enter school buildings and participate in their child's school with confidence, and transgender individuals who can self - designate their gender for the first - time,» said Nisha Agarwal, Commissioner of the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs.
A team of scientists and program managers, led by the National Institutes of Health, has been studying a variety of implementation science approaches to prevent mother - to - child transmission and has published the results in a 16 - article open - access supplement to the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
Now they do, and their mothers are enthusiastic about their children finally having access to education.»
My time as a teacher in the public school system, educational consultant, and mother of three children who attend a Denver area charter school has taught me that charter schools and the autonomy, choice, and diverse models of education they represent play an important role in making sure that each student and family has access to a high - quality school that is most suitable for them.
All members have equal access to our products and services and, as a member, your immediate family members (i.e., mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, and children) are eligible to take advantage of these benefits too.
Many children in Guatemala have no access to intellectual stimulation, spending their formative years on their mothers» backs as they pick coffee or firewood in the mountains, and many begin their lives of menial labor at three or four years old.
The Honourable Judge determined that the children should reside with the father and that the mother should have supervised access to the children.
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice pronounced a consent order in April 2001 that the parties have equal time with the child (the mother's access to be supervised) and Mr. Trignani was to pay child support.
Vicky comments: «When problems occur during a pregnancy, our experience is that every minute counts and having immediate access to emergency care can make a significant difference to the well - being of the mother and child.
The respondent father cross-appealed, arguing that the trial judge erred in reducing child support payable to him by $ 350 per month on account of access costs when the mother had not tendered any evidence at trial regarding her access costs.
Good evening, I am inclined to say i am none of the above, just a mother of two beautiful children and in one case my twelve year old her father has been in the Federal penile system for eleven years and my youngest her father was charged with conspiracy to traffic and they offered him aplea of 10 - life but just to give you reconition for help the poor, forgotten, and those who don't have the access to gaining knowledge about the law and the guidelines as well as new laws.
But even from a practical standpoint, that term of the Order was untenable because Mr. V. was the subject of a restraining order, which had been folded into the Order that granted the mother access to the children.
Stereotypically I have seen mothers offer too little access and try to minimize the time that the children spend with their father.
Father's that do a good job of supporting the mother and the children will have a less stressed out mother to deal with in terms of access issues, and that is good thing.
The extract addressed the effect of a finding that the guardians of the child had not been unreasonable, on the facts in that case, in refusing access to a grandmother by a daughter who was the mother of the child in question.
In this case, the motion judges» three factual findings of: (i) the need for the father to pursue lengthy custody and access litigation in order to have any relationship with his children; (ii) the mother's failure to pay anything toward the costs ordered by the Court of Appeal; and (iii) the fact that the mother thwarted the enforcement of the costs award by reneging on assurances she made to the court about her intent to pay the costs and not use bankruptcy to thwart that payment, ground the finding of prejudice.
The mother seeks and order for sole custody with the father to have access to the children every alternate weekend as well as at other times, such as birthdays, statutory holidays and the like».
Third Party Access refers to Child Access Orders from The Family Courts, and it means the mother Dolores Alice Dukes must drop off our child to my mother at The McDonalds and leave so as to not have contact witChild Access Orders from The Family Courts, and it means the mother Dolores Alice Dukes must drop off our child to my mother at The McDonalds and leave so as to not have contact witchild to my mother at The McDonalds and leave so as to not have contact with me.
However, the PCP has a role in supporting the mother and facilitating her access to resources to optimize the child's healthy development and the healthy functioning of the family.
The most common practice in custody and access decisions has been to emphasize and preserve continuity in the infant - mother relationship, with children living with their mothers and having limited contact with their fathers.
Many scholars believe that the current system of child support payments often leads mothers to deny fathers access to their children until they have paid what they owe, thus souring the relationship between all three.
The father should continue to have parenting time with the child after September 1st (when the mother returns to school) on the same basis of every three out of every four weekends from 6:00 p.m. Friday to 6:00 p.m. Sunday (extended to 6:00 p.m. Monday on long weekends); and mid-week Wednesday access on that weekend that the father does not have parenting time from 6:00 p.m. to the next morning.
The assumption for this estimate is that with far greater access to high - quality child care at an affordable cost, mothers with young children would increase their employment to the levels of mothers without young children for whom child care costs and availability of high - quality care is less of a limiting factor on mothers» employment relative to when they have younger children.
The child will reside with the father for one week, and the mother will have access to the child on Wednesday and Saturday evenings of that week between 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m..
Parties met in 2004, had turbulent relationship, and had child, L, in July 2006 — parties cohabited from February 2006 to separation just weeks after L's birth — Following separation, L remained in mother's primary care and father had some access visits with L
«In May 2007, mother unilaterally terminated access and father had not had access since that time — Father brought motion to vary order to give him sole custody with no access to mother based on parental alienation, and finding was made that mother alienated M from father — Issue arose as to whether judgment could be released to public — As full names of parties and child were not referred to in judgment, judgment could be released to public.»
The only remaining judicial solution adequate to this task, on the evidence before me, was to have the children live with their father and provide access to their mother (a reverse of the situation that had been ongoing when the children's primary residence was with their mother).
I have no reason to have confidence that the father or the older children would respect terms of a new access order, such as terms prohibiting negative comments about the mother or pressure on the child [M] to move to the father's home, any more than they have respected previous court orders on various subjects.
«The basis of the problem with access and the child's adamant refusal to have contact with the mother lies squarely at the feet of the husband.
The learned trial judge found that the children had been alienated from their mother by their father but, given Daniel's age at that time, the plaintiff's application for custody of Daniel was refused and the previous consent order that Daniel was to have access visits with his mother and attend counseling was set aside.
The ineluctable implication of that finding is the subsidiary finding that her separation from the children for ten months while she was in Russia, the damage to her parental bond with the children during that time,... the need thereafter to reintroduce herself to the children as their mother through supervised therapeutic visitations, and the restrictions on her access to the children because of her husband's claims that she has untreated mental problems and would flee with them to Russia have all resulted from efforts by the father to alienate the children from their mother on a groundless basis.»
Among other things, the trial court found Mother had engaged in a pattern of parental alienation toward Father regarding the children, had not acted in the best interests of the children, and that allowing Mother unsupervised access to H.A.K. would not be in the child's best interest and would cause a serious immediate concern about the child's welfare.»
Despite the pain of their separation, and despite numerous misunderstandings and frightening arguments, they made a plan that protected the child, gave the father extensive visitation time until the mother left the U.S., protected the father's right to have more time with the child as the years passed, handled transportation for visits realistically, provided for the child having access to health coverage in the mother's home country, arranged for visits through Skype calls for the absent parent at least once a week, planned for the mother to bring the child to the U.S. to visit the dad at least once a year if the dad could pay for the plane tickets, planned for the dad to pick the child up in Europe for a traveling visit at least once a year, if affordable, and increased the length of the visits with dad, as the child got older.
I have spent time with mothers, even sitting in a cell, to try to get them to see reason to allow their former husbands to have access to a child.
Fathers and mothers, regardless of whether they have custody of their children, see support and access to the children in completely different ways
If there is any validity to the arguments of parental alienation opponents who say that mothers who prevent their children from having access to their fathers are simply attempting to protect their children from abuse, then a proper investigation should reveal evidence of troubling dynamics between the offending parent and child well before the marital breakdown.
PATH involved mothers also have access to our Employment Specialist, and those with young children are offered Parent Education and access to our Early Learning Center for their children.
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