Sentences with phrase «mother hen»

Claudia looked after us like mother hen to her chicks.
I also serve as mother hen for my weekly golf group.
Anyone who has ever incurred the wrath of an old mother hen by threatening her brood can testify to the fact that Jesus was probably speaking like an «over-zealous,» «overprotective» «Jewish» mama here.
But down the road, once you've come to appreciate the editing process and how the editing process led to an end product you're genuinely proud of, you'll realize your editor was essential — and that it was sort of like having a dentist, project manager, magician, and mother hen on your side.
Days pass before mother hen Emily (Michelle Williams) spots an indigenous scout, who's duly captured but spared from execution after it's decided that his regional knowledge will unearth a nearby wet spot.
But, there is a ton of cool facts about chicken including the fact that mother hens show empathy for their chicks and that the birds also have complex communication systems with more than 30 different vocalizations.
She spoke words like a nurturing mother hen, none that I can remember now, but were meant to soothe.
Finally she took them to our pond to show them how to drink, Mother hen took a drink, all the little ones took a drink and the half dozen ducklings started swimming.
What was fascinating about this experience was that mama Jazzy had hatched eggs that were not her own, so the chicks quickly grew larger than their small bantam mother hen.
I am not sure how old you are... so I hate to sound like an old mother hen because we might be the same age, but take it from someone who has three kiddos... They don't always listen.
Not only do individual chickens have distinct personalities, but mother hens also show a range of individual maternal personality traits which appear to affect the behavior of their chicks.
Jane Fonda is relegated to a few fluttering mother hen jokes buried by lots and lots of boob - implant jokes (seriously), but she seems to be having fun.
Until then, you can enjoy Oscar - nominated Jacki Weaver, who mixes her ruthless mother hen with occasional flashes of regret.
We enjoyed the Californian experience with the guidance of an excellent mother hen, Tricia.
A person could do much worse than to imagine God as an old mother hen or an overzealous «Jewish mother.»
When asked to characterize her leadership style on Monday, de Carvalho - Heineken described herself as a «mother hen
Unfortunately, women have been boxed in by social stereotypes for so long (virgins, vamps, mother hens, gossips, dumb blondes, shrews, bitches and on and on it goes) that we pay a high price fighting our way out.
That's like expecting a chick to hatch out of an egg before the mother hen even starts sitting on it... won't work.
I need my Saviour who suffers with us, my God who weeps, who longs to gather us to himself as a mother hen gathers her chicks.
Compared to any of those, a mother hen does not inspire much confidence.
What he will be is a mother hen, who stands between the chicks and those who mean to do them harm.
The mother hen has no fangs, no claws, no rippling muscles.
In the absence of a mother hen, some of the chicks have taken to following the fox around.
A person could do worse than to imagine God as an old mother hen or an overzealous «Jewish mama,» and a person could do much worse than be cursed with a «Jewish mama» for one's mama or papa — or pastor.
Even Jesus compares Himself to a mother hen (Matthew 23:37).
I would wake up in the middle of the night and He was there, like a mother hen.
Mother hen was freaked.
There is nothing more wrong than a child who suffers and a parent who feels helpless to make it stop — I need my Saviour who suffers with us, my God who weeps, who longs to gather us to himself as a mother hen gathers her chicks.
Gracious and loving God, Mother Hen, Abba, who was made known to us in the body of a babe, born into poverty and despised by the state - Our parent and brother Help us recognize the stranger as our kin.
Isaiah's comparisons of God's love with that of a mother (49:15; 66:13), Jesus» longing to protect Jerusalem's children as a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings (Luke 13:34), the impact of the prodigal son's return on the father — all these took on new meaning.
They turned out like a mother hen on an egg flat platter men trying to push a kid down a hill on a tricycle.
A mother hen turns over her egg about fifty times per day (so the yolk won't stick to the sides of the shell.)
«Usually on these things,» said Arthur, who is an old hand at Government tours, «you get the Government contact man, your mother hen, and you ask him to cut a few corners for you.
Danny is as garrulous as Michael is quiet, and he clucks over his protègè like a mother hen.
Love, Mother Hen» texts.
I'm just stand in the middle of the surf like a mother hen, counting her chicks every few moments to make sure they are all in reach lest they get knocked over by a wave or get distracted and chase a sea gull too far down the beach.
This is what causes your mother hen instincts to kick in however you need skin to skin contact for this hormone to flood your system.
Casadonte calls himself «very much a mother hen» where safety is concerned.
«I'm very much a mother hen at least for the first couple of months.
The mother hen tends to be a bit over-protective; men don't need a background check when first approaching you, don't let «mother hen» send him away from you.
Also, you may want to leave behind your wing - woman / wing - man if that person is the «mother hen
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