Sentences with phrase «mothers are afraid»

Some mothers are afraid to face the past because they never thought that they would have to.
Shy mothers are afraid of stepping out of the box.
A lot of mothers are afraid that if the baby settles into the childcare setting and is happy with the provider, that the baby won't love mom anymore.
In one case I counseled, the mother was afraid to re-marry because her ex-husband was trying to poison their son against her and the man she was dating.
On the way to his baseball league's opening celebration in Stow, Massachusetts, the second - grader started crying so hard his mother was afraid he'd have a panic attack after pollen blew into his eyes through open car windows.
I am a tad older than you though like in old enough to be your mother I am afraid lol.
When we would visit another family, my mother was afraid I might embarrass them by calling attention to something like dust balls or carpet stains.

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The boy that was put on a plane here in our country by the adotive mother who said she was afraid of the boy and sent back home [orphanage] alone.
Not even the boys dared pick on her or her brothers because they were afraid of mother.
In our indictment of the «Jewish mother» and her sisters of whatever religion or race, we have overlooked the fact that here were mothers who cared and were not afraid to show it.
I am that rare soul who can remember his First Confession, at age eight, very nearly word - for - word — I think because I was terrified, and hyper - alert, and intent on remembering everything that Father Newman said, mostly because it was my First Confession and I was afraid I would be sent to prison or farmed out to the Lutherans for the many times I had committed fisticuffs with my brothers and failed to honor my mother and father — but also because Father Newman was wry and funny and fond of reminding everyone that he was, as far as he knew, the only Jewish Catholic priest in the diocese.
I'm afraid of Obama now — His mother messed him up — One day he was a catholic, nest day he was HIndu and at other times he believed Buddhism.
Women are afraid that they will not be able to publish in competitive fields at the same rate as their childless colleagues; they are afraid that as new mothers they will no longer be taken seriously as scholars; and they are afraid to take advantage of existing family leave policies in the event that chairmen and colleagues bristle at having to take on additional courses and other work when a new mother takes maternity leave.
Recall the mottos of Blessed Mother Teresa and Blessed Pope John Paul II: focus on faithfulness rather than success, and be not afraid!
Jesus didn't treat women that way, and his mother wasn't at all afraid to prod him into performing his first miracle at the wedding in Cana....
It's ironic that the same mothers who are afraid / ashamed to breastfeed in church are probably sitting near medieval paintings of the Virgin Mary breastfeeding baby Jesus!
But he had had two sons by this wife, and was afraid that they would take the throne from him because he murdered their mother, so he had his two sons murdered.
«New mothers should not be afraid of asking their mother, or mother - in - law, to look after the baby if they live fairly near.»
«During all this time I was never joined in profession of religion with any, but gave up myself to the Lord, having forsaken all evil company, taking leave of father and mother, and all other relations, and traveled up and down as a stranger on the earth, which way the Lord inclined my heart; taking a chamber to myself in the town where I came, and tarrying sometimes more, sometimes less in a place: for I durst not stay long in a place, being afraid both of professor and profane, lest, being a tender young man, I should be hurt by conversing much with either.
«I'm afraid we don't have time for worship,» one mother told me after the meeting.
I have scary memories of the pressure cooker my mother used and I was afraid the whole lid might blow off like a volcano at any moment.
Their influence and understanding of the teaching method and her mother's strong belief in leading by example and learn by doing, challenged Deya early in life to take risks and not be afraid to fail, as well as her dad always pushing her to be limitless creative.
I'm afraid Mother's Day from now on will be Danish Puff for breakfast & the shortbread for the other 2 meals.
I didn't because I was afraid to submit my boys to the horrific scene of watching their mother consume a mountain of cookies.
Stanton also was not afraid to use experienced mothers on the ward to teach new moms.
In «Welcome With Love,» the older brother speaks of his mother's noises during labor but he's not afraid because she had told him beforehand that although she «might make a lot of noise,» he mustn't worry because «that's what it's like when babies are being born» and that she'll feel better if she yells and screams.
FINALLY a realist mother who isn't afraid to write about the fears that come with being a mom.
To all the frustrated mothers out there - don't be afraid of CIO HOWEVER realize that it is NOT for everyone and know (you will) when it is too far.
Wrinkles said that a mother called him up and said that her son was misbehaving a lot, and because she knew he was afraid of clowns, she decided to hire Wrinkles to get back at her kid for not listening to her.
She described how she has witnessed a woman get stuck at 7 cm (or whatever) for hours on end with no apparent physical reason, only to later discover that this women's mother died in childbirth, so this woman was afraid she would die too.
My grandmother and mother made some beautiful quilts, but I'm afraid to say that my efforts aren't very good!
The pants are cute and it is odd to be afraid of them, and the little girl who was afraid of them will probably get over it soon and her mother and the school teachers should work with her about not being afraid of cartoons on leggings.
A mother going by GracyEvans on Mumsnet was asking for advice about what to do because her toddler's pants had been banned from daycare for being «too scary» because they were covered in cartoon monsters, and a little girl was afraid of them.
You always hear jokes about different aspects of breast - feeding, and some were afraid to bring it to the floor of the Senate because they feared there would be embarrassing questions and that it would become a joke,» said Frazier, who got involved after a group of nursing mothers came to his office and shared their experiences about breast - feeding in public.
The law is aimed at doctors, hospitals, clinics and perhaps husbands (who might be afraid that lactating might cause his lovely wife's breasts to sag), who prevent the mother from breastfeeding.
If you are afraid to say anything hard or possibly controversial to an expectant mother than you are asking for trouble later.
It is being told it can interfere with latch — that it can make the baby lazy and not want to nurse — that makes mothers afraid to give bottles.
I know now my mother in law was worried, she nver said a word I guess afraid she would upset me.
I was afraid of failing as a mother so continued to breast feed until she was 7 months.
Knowing what I knew, now that I was a mother, made me afraid for all the babies in the world, amazed at how many of them had survived babyhood, despite being born to mothers who didn't have half of the emotional and financial and psychological resources I had.
Mothers - To - Be - Tell us your biggest childbirth fear - OR - ask that burning question you have been afraid to voice.
Is that you are afraid your child will love her first Mother more?
Add to that the mental and emotional anguish of not being able to do what «every new mother should be able to do» and I was afraid Tere was going to melt down.
If a birthing mother is feeling stressed and afraid, she will not labor well, especially if her feelings go unheard or are completely disregarded.
(i.e. Mommy, I was so scared when I woke up in the train station and my birth mother was gone, that now I'm afraid of losing you too.
Don't be afraid that this is a «nutty» idea... truth is, it's completely natural and is what mothers have done for centuries.
Do not be afraid to ask for help with laundry, cooking, watching babies while you sleep, help overnight, cleaning, hang out with people who encourage and support the way you mother and breastfeed.
I was afraid of a Birth Mother changing her mind and stalking me, kidnapping «her» child back and haunting me forever.
Taught by the media and radical feminists to be ashamed about their maternal, nurturing and intuitive side, mothers are too often afraid to follow and act on their intuition even though it tells them that a youth sports system which too often emphasizes winning and competition over fun and skill development, treats children as young as six as adults and cruelly and unfairly saddles so many as failures before they have even reached puberty because they weren't lucky enough to be «early bloomers» or have a January birthday, is not the kind of nurturing, caring and, above all, inclusive environment mothers believe their children need to grow into confident, competent, empathetic, emotionally and psychologically healthy adults.
Some breastfeeding advocates don't seem to like to talk about frequent waking perhaps because they are afraid mothers will be discouraged from breastfeeding.
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