Sentences with phrase «motion of»

However, there is easy mode in this game can run you through motions of a level and then come back on normal if you want to.
What's more, using machines at first may not be wise because they can limit the range of motion of people with various body measurements.
Keeping Your Model in Motion Of course any good business model is only as good as its ability to evolve.
One of the key science drivers for the extension was the study of proper motions of stars in dwarf galaxies, which requires observations taken over as long a time baseline as possible.
For one, general relativity alone can not explain the observed motions of galaxies or the way the universe seems to expand.
These will allow very accurate measurements of the proper motions of the components and may give information on planets.
No ABS, traction control, stability control, or airbags — just a handsome wood - rimmed steering wheel to break the forward motion of your head in a collision.
A front mesh panel allows airflow inside the sling while the twins sleep and enjoy the rocking motion of your walk.
• Temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy from the random motion of atoms in a material.
I have been intrigued by the moon and the night sky or the fluid motion of water.
I'm not sure we know exactly, but random motion of the particles, if not perfectly balanced, would have a net angular momentum.
In some cases, astronomers have managed to track orbital motion of the stars, which could yield more - accurate mass measurements of the stars themselves, he added.
There is now clear evidence of relative motion of these stars around B1.
The repetitive motion of running doesn't allow the ankles and especially the hips to go through their full ranges of motion.
Space - time is not really a fabric, he explains; it's a mathematical description of the possible motions of matter and energy.
Like humans, cats prefer fresh to stagnant water, and the very motion of water streaming from a faucet appeals to their sense of hearing, sight, and possibly smell.
Depending on the game, this leads to a much more immersive experience instead of just using motions of your head.
The gentle back - and - forth motion of rocking your baby — either in your arms, in a rocking chair, or in a baby swing — has a natural soothing effect.
This picture frame known as «Slow Dance» uses light and vibration to create the illusion of slow motion of the object placed.
Designed to mimic the natural motion of climbing with its 75 degree vertical rail, this innovative piece of equipment provides a marked upgrade to a treadmill.
Any suspension in which the movement, or angle, of a wheel is not directly affected by the vertical motion of the opposite wheel.
For that he has no answer, except the perpetual motion of his own delusion.
Avoid that from happening by going through the simple motions of working out your wrists on a daily basis.
The collective motions of the ensemble of spins are called spin waves.
Map of the average internal motions of the dense gas (termed velocity width) for all cores that showed a peak in the velocity width.
However, make sure you don't let the swinging motion of the legs do all the work and instead focus on executing the movement in a slow and controlled way.
Like sipping through a straw, the repetitive motion of looking down at your smartphone can eventually cause rings to show up on your neck.
Sense the circular motion of the energy in your throat.
The obsessive movements of the artist's hand and the fluid motion of hand writing as well as the size of the painting define DNA in numerous ways.
We will continue to devote all of our time and resources to uphold membership prominence and support the upward motion of an important Australian industry.
Basically, you return to the starting position doing the reverse motion of what you had just done.
But the existence of galaxies outside our own posed another question, about the apparent motions of those galaxies away from one another.
The rolling motion of the chair up and down is like a finger - press.
It is of the utmost significance that the self motions of psychic life include both action and passions.
It is not motivated to subject kids to the rushing motion of running, running infant strollers might still be used for regular walks till your baby is old adequate to maintain her head.
These additional kicks used the random thermal motion of the water to do the work of moving the bead, in effect yielding something for nothing.
Along with increasing your strength, power, and endurance, the constant motion of rope battling will give you a hell of a workout.
The first is overall motions of stars throughout the cluster.
Also, because the natural sucking motion of your baby triggers the flow of breastmilk, it will take less effort to pump the milk out when nursing.
The liquid flow through the innovative bottle design perfectly mimics the natural motions of breastfeeding.
This is the basic motion of all the variations.
The first «slew» or side - to - side motion of the 140 - foot telescope as seen in 1965 after the last aluminum panels were installed.
This idea led to the development of an entirely new notion of essential order, which was expressed in terms of a detailed description of the mechanical motions of bodies through space.
The simple motion of lifting and lowering your baby towards the water is a great arm workout.
The left - right motion of walking is actually calming to your brain.
The collage of images also shows the rapid motion of the asteroid's moon relative to its companion.

Phrases with «motion of»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z