Sentences with phrase «motion of objects»

This picture frame known as «Slow Dance» uses light and vibration to create the illusion of slow motion of the object placed.
However, the same algorithm that helps our brain track motion can be tricked by the pattern motion of an object, such as the seams on a spinning baseball, which causes our brain to «see» the ball suddenly drop from its path when, in reality, it curves steadily.
4 And there is the relativistic motion of objects moving near the speed of light (wavelength shifts red as its, let's say rate of time, diminishes) and this is not dependent on direction as the Doppler effect is.
Their beliefs in the natural motions of objects, the stars, etc. was predicated on Aristotelian physics and ancient science.
«Very short laser pulses, which last only a few billionths of a second, are shot at different positions in space to determine the speed, direction of motion and the rotational motion of the objects,» explains Dr. Dr. Oliver de Vries.
For the first time, a team of Caltech researchers and collaborators has found a way to observe — and control — this quantum motion of an object that is large enough to see.
Light can't easily detect the location or motion of an object smaller than the wavelength of the laser, but converting the light to plasmons overcomes this limitation.
But according to the steady state theory, quasars are being expelled by galaxies, so in these cases the high redshifts indicate the rapid motion of objects that could be relatively nearby.
However, the same algorithm that helps our brain track motion can be tricked by the pattern motion of an object, such as the seams on a spinning baseball, which causes our brain to «see» the ball suddenly drop from its curved path when, in reality, it curves steadily.
But most modern philosophers have supposed that when we analyze these events fully, we can explain them in terms of the activities of subjects or the motions of objects.
Of course the Newtonian equations for the motion of an object can all be obtained from Einstein's equations as limiting cases for velocities which are small compared to the velocity of light.
Also, it's a chance to understand basic principles, such as how ice forms, and more advanced ones, such as kinematics, the branch of classical mechanics focused on the motion of objects.
Within the first few months, your baby will develop the ability to focus on an object and track the motion of the object from left to right.
Step 4: The objective of this game is for your baby to hear and associate the motion of the object with new concept words.
In general relativity, gravity is the result of matter and energy warping spacetime, creating curves that alter the motion of objects (SN: 10/17/15, p. 16).
They developed a technique known as «best - matching,» in which the motion of an object (for instance, the moon) is tracked solely by its changing distance from other objects (like the sun and the Earth), rather than its changing location against a grid.
Their contrasting notions of the nature of time — in one case as a real flowing entity and in the other as an apparent illusion — is one of the major hurdles in uniting the two frameworks into a single theory of quantum gravity that explains the motions of all objects, from atoms to planets.
The motions of objects beyond the heliosphere showed that the charged gas, or plasma, that fills the space between stars should be much denser outside the border than within, and the Voyager team was at last convinced of an exit from the heliosphere thanks to a sudden increase in plasma density.
Because this quantum motion, or noise, is theoretically an intrinsic part of the motion of all objects, Schwab and his colleagues designed a device that would allow them to observe this noise and then manipulate it.
Because quantum motion, or noise, is theoretically an intrinsic part of the motion of all objects, Schwab and his colleagues designed a device that would allow them to observe this noise and then manipulate it.
Instead, we determine its mass by measuring how its gravitational pull influences the motion of objects around it.
Until now, however, no one had been successful in controlling the motion of objects riding on acoustic waves in mid-air.
This phenomenon, called zero - point fluctuation, is a consequence of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which says that we can never pin down the precise position and motion of any object.
A parachute is usually a soft fabric device used to slow the motion of an object through an atmosphere by creating drag.
It therefore acts to oppose the motion of the object, and in a powered vehicle it is overcome by thrust.
Here Hoffman turns to how human observers construct the visual shapes, colors, textures and motions of objects.
Einstein realised that in response to the presence of matter and energy, space (and time) develops warps that guide the motion of objects, like the Earth, passing through it.
By the end of the powerpoint students would have covered: Use and rearrange the Speed equation; Describe how the gradient of a distance — time graph represents the speed; Describe the motion of an object by interpreting distance — time graphs.
If we indeed contrive our circumstances (say, by reducing the mass of all the other bodies in the solar system to negligible values, so that we need not concern ourselves with the effects of their gravitation on the solar fragments), then I don't know what the motions of an object inside the orbit of the solar fragments would be.
As the center's Web site explains, the animation shows the motion of objects in the inner region of the solar system over a two - year period at 10 - day intervals.
However, the motions of the objects outside the orbital radius by only a small amount would again behave in a fashion I can not theoretically explain.
Basically it predicts the motion of objects so it can reduce blurring.
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