Sentences with phrase «motionless buildings»

Not exact matches

From this the impossibility of building motion from the motionless positions, and durations from the durationless instants, followed naturally.
Much fun, too, is had at the expense of Washington's staffers and politicos, gasping for breath in grandiose, cast - iron, glass - roofed buildings in a city that was, according to legend, a hardship post for foreign diplomats because it was located «at the bottom of a topographical saucer where moist and motionless air settles with smothering compression».
Short and wiry, she flew past the paramedics to her motionless, well - built 25 - year - old son, Doug.
Among them is «Deadpan» (1997; see picture above), a black - and - white silent film in which the artist stands motionless and impassive as the facade of a building quite literally falls down around his ears — recalling a famous scene from the Buster Keaton classic «Steamboat Bill, Jr» (1928).
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