Sentences with phrase «motor mouth»

The phrase "motor mouth" means someone who talks a lot and speaks quickly without stopping. Full definition
Piers Morgan would have heard about it before Frankenstein Keown did and if that was the case then the whole world would have known about by the massive party Mr motor mouth would have thrown.
Wilson does his charming semi-slacker bit while Vaughn goes for his hyper motor mouth who pours on the clever lines.
Sam Rockwell is on great form (in an albeit not completely unfamiliar role) as a sarcastic motor mouth, Anna Sophia Robb brings the sweetness as Duncan's crush, Susanna, while Allison Janney is a great mixture of funny and tragic as Susanna's more or less alcoholic mother.
Johnny, the apocalyptic British motor mouth at the center of Mike Leigh's «Naked,» could become a postpunk prophet for the 1990s.
Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson as Billy and Nick: Motor mouth Vaughn is thankfully restricted to a slower speed, not running all over the place in this round with blatant improvisation (as he destructively did so in last year's The Watch).
We know them all too well — from the 10th - ranked Morse Coders (drivers whose turn signals flash for miles) through the Turtle Racers (taking their time in the passing lane) right up to the top - ranked Motor Mouths.
My brain and motor mouth snap into action the moment my eyelids open, he takes a little longer to get up to speed.
periodization, training methods etc are some of the reasons the motor mouth know it all loser is claiming as the reasons.....
If he were not such a great fighter, his motor mouth would be his biggest weapon.
Jay is the motor mouth, lacing his conversation with the f - word and crude yet surprisingly descriptive insults and observations.
The motor mouth will always be selling point number one, but it's the characters tragic core that keeps him interesting.
Motor Mouth: The ultimate response to road raging lunatics: Want to really give a road rager their fair dose of comeuppance without endangering yourself?
«Los Angeles, as I noted in last November 28's Motor Mouth, was chock - a-block with scantily clad «booth babes.»
Janet Evanovich, the New York Times # 1 best - selling author of Finger Lickin» Fifteen, brings Alexandra Barnaby and Sam Hooker, from the hit Barnaby novels Metro Girl and Motor Mouth, to Dark Horse Comics with her debut graphic novel Troublemaker!
My husband is a talker, a motor mouth.
You can see that it leads to a positive future situation, not some motor mouth feel good fiction.
And my motor mouth moment paid off.
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