Sentences with phrase «motor programs»

When flight or fight is possible, motor programs for running or fighting are activated, the arousal system is switched to a high - energy setting and nonopioid analgesia is switched on.
Besides this direct effect, EI's also have an indirect impact on strength and size as they help establish incredibly strong and efficient motor programs and efficient movement patterns.
When flight or fight is not possible, immobility motor programs are activated, causing the paralysis.
Nevertheless, in the case of ET, some researchers theorize that variation in LINGO1 may preferentially affect cells in the brain's cerebellum, a brain structure that edits rough motor programs to produce coordinated movements.
We report that the visual system alone can recruit lateral - ized, rapid escape motor programs, similar to those elicited by mechanosensory modalities.
C. elegans Dopaminergic D2 - Like Receptors Delimit Recurrent Cholinergic - Mediated Motor Programs during a Goal - Oriented Behavior
Essentially when performing EI's you use all of the heightened sensory information produced from muscles to master movement and perfect motor programs / movement patterns.
EI's get to the heart of this viscous cycle and repair motor programs so as to restore the therapeutic - enhancing benefits of movement.
EI's address this and establish ideal motor programs not just for lifting but for movement in general.
Positron emission tomography (PET) scans reveal that the mental rehearsal of an action activates the prefontal areas of the brain responsible for the formulation of the appropriate motor programs.
Hyundai pulled a bit of a surprise at the SEMA Show when they announced a new crate motor program.
But as any fan of Japan's Best Motoring program will tell you, or indeed anyone who's ever obsessed over Gran Turismo, the Civic Type R has always been something worth respecting.
Perceptual - motor programs can help combat the problem.
What this means is that as you become more skilled at activating the core correctly the brain will develop a motor program that allows the core to work automatically overtime.
With that said EI's are perhaps the best training strategy to iron out the kinks for any lift or motor program.
Here's why: the more efficient your motor programs and overall lifting technique, are the less important exercise programming becomes.
No, rather his brain learned to put together the motor program to lift the weight.
This happens just like in any skill you learn, such as playing the piano; your brain puts together a motor program that allows you to better perform whatever you are trying to learn.
1Postural control is a complex task that entails an ability to create a stable environment within the body through co-contractions to regulate its position as well as orientation, which is the motor program developed for the body's interaction with the environment such as anticipatory behaviors for example.
2018 Mobility Motoring Program The 2018 Mobility Motoring Program, offers financial assistance on the adaptation of eligible vehicles to physically disabled drivers and passengers up to a maximum of $ 1,000 (except for alert hearing devices, lumbar seats and running boards which are limited to a maximum of $ 200).
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