Sentences with phrase «mountain dogs standing»

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For example, once a student can create a neutral spine in mountain pose or while seated, they can then try to hold that alignment when moving from sitting in a chair to standing or when practicing poses like chair, bird dog, plank, and side plank.
Seated half - moon, cat curls, downward facing dog, standing forward bend, standing spine rotation, mountain, tree, modified sun salute, exalted warrior, triangle, ramas easy pose, reclined gentle spinal twist, tense and release, relaxation.
It's so easy to get lost in the flow of Sun Salutations: Mountain Pose, Upward Salute, Standing Forward Bend, Half Standing Forward Bend, Chaturanga, Up Dog, Down Dog, Half Standing Forward Bend, Standing Forward Bend, Upward Salute, Mountain Pose, etc., etc., ad infinitum.
Some of these poses include: • Tadasana (The Mountain Pose) • Trikonasana (The Triangle Pose) • Parsvakonasana (The Extended Side Angle Pose) • Parivritta Parsvakonasana (The Revolved Side Angle Pose) • Virabhadrasana I, II & III (The Warrior Pose I, II & III) • Padangusthasana (The Hand To Big Toe Pose) • Uttanasana (The Standing Forward Bend Pose) • Paschimottasana (The Seated Forward Bend Pose) • Adho Mukha Svasana (The Downward Facing Dog Pose) • Sarvangasana (The Shoulder Stand)
It begins with standing mountain pose at the top of your mat and moving through upward salute, forward bend, half - standing forward bend, plank pose, chaturanga, upward - facing dog, and downward - facing dog.
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The standard size Bernese Mountain Dog Poodle mix is quite large, usually standing between 23 and 29 inches tall and weighing between 70 and 90 pounds.
As the name suggests, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is a sizable breed that stands over 28» at the shoulders.
The Bernese Mountain dog is not only accustomed to the frigid temperatures of this region, but it excelled at pulling carts, accompanying livestock, standing watch and providing its owners with loyal companionship.
When crisis strikes in the mountains, it is great to know that dedicated dogs and people stand ready to risk their lives to save ours.
This name would be great for either a male or female Bernese Mountain Dog who is very strong and can stand up to anything.
These dogs can stand up to big enemies including mountain lions.
Male Shar Mountain dogs should stand no less than 24 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 77 and 99 pounds at maturity.
Both the male and female members of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog breed normally stand a height of 23.5 to 28.5 in at the withers, and weigh about 130 to 135 lbs.
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